Whats the funniest thing anyone's said about your car?

" is that your NSX?" Me: yea " It's mad sexy" Me:Thanks " My friend test drove the new one , it was nice . I told him about it because he doesn't know anything about cars "
"my dualie could beat that"

Came aross a bunch of Harley riders while buying gas in the mountains after attending the WannaGoFast Georgia 1/2 mile this past weekend.
It was all in good fun, the speaker of that comment didn't know what the car was at first, but one of the younger Harley riders was pretty cool and knew what the car was and told him.
I've had loads...

In the city some guy offered to buy it off me without knowing it's value. In front of his family said i want to buy your car, how much? keeping in mind i don't want to sell it and it's modified i replied well i wouldn't let it go for any less than XXX his face dropped and his family took the piss out of him haha.

but the best....

A guy said to his mate. "Wow, come take a look at this Civic."

Boom!! lol.
Yesterday, driving to lunch with the windows down.
Out of nowhere from a vehicle driving in the oppositie direction.
I heard what sounded like "I want your car!".
Totally caught me off-guard, lol.
Is that a Ferrari?....no it's an NSX....puzzled look...who makes that?....Acura....yeh yeh yeh...I like the older body style better...it's a 98...another puzzled look.
" is that your NSX?" Me: yea " It's mad sexy" Me:Thanks " My friend test drove the new one , it was nice . I told him about it because he doesn't know anything about cars "

I spent 12+ hours in my NSX today. I drove it from Phoenix, Arizona to Los Angeles, California... and back. Attended an Acura Legend meet in Santa Monica. The NSX gets a ton of attention in California. I stopped to use the restroom at a Whole Foods and when I came out of the grocery store, there were people staring at my car.

The guy said, "Oh wow, this is a convertible!" No, I assured him, the top does not come off. Later, a SECOND guy came up while I was shining my wheels before going to the meet. Somehow the topic of the car's year came up, and I told him it was 21 years old. "So you restored it?" he asked. Haha. I told him, "No, it was pretty much already in this nice of condition when I bought it." Just thought it was odd that he assumed any car over a couple decades old must have been "restored" to look nice.

My car's plate is SQURRL and I had about an 8-year-old kid in a pickup truck giving me a buck-toothed grin when they passed me on I-10 - kind of like a chipmunk, I'm guessing. That made me smile. Also caught a passenger in a Toyota Tacoma taking video of me driving. Hope I wasn't doing anything embarrassing or illegal at the time.

Love this car! Took this pic this morning in Desert Center, CA.

Just yesterday, our group of six NSX's on a group ride to Amelia Island stopped to have lunch. Afterwards we parked in a semi-circle for a photo opportunity near the restaurant and a couple in a C5 Corvette pull up and ask what kind of cars are those? One of our group barks out "it's the 2015 Corvette". They both nod their heads in agreement until I feel guilty and tell them the truth.
Steve, didn't they ask first if we were in the Corvette club? While in a C5? Hilarious!
Just yesterday, our group of six NSX's on a group ride to Amelia Island stopped to have lunch. Afterwards we parked in a semi-circle for a photo opportunity near the restaurant and a couple in a C5 Corvette pull up and ask what kind of cars are those? One of our group barks out "it's the 2015 Corvette". They both nod their heads in agreement until I feel guilty and tell them the truth.
That would be me. ;). Those people were clueless. I understand and have seen people mistake the nsx for a vette, but never by someone actually driving a vette!:biggrin:
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That would be me. ;). Those people were clueless. I understand and have seen people mistake the nsx for a vette, but never by someone actually driving a vette!:biggrin:

I see vette owners all the time drive by me or at a light and they seem to hate the fact im in an nsx. scowl on the face no kidding. STi owners, supras, r8, etc all give me a thumbs up. go figure.
I stopped by my local pizza place for lunch on my recent week off.

The kids working there noticed my car so we start BS'ing about it when they asked me "Yo, what year is your NSX man?"

"It's a '91" I say (Actually, looks very similar to 4Cruizin's car up there)

"Oh man, that's too bad, I like the '92 the best"

"Really, why?" just baiting him a bit.

"You know, just some of the little things"

His coworker called him a fool as he handed me my slice.

Also, I had someone in a new, clean, lifted Jeep Rubicon give me a "Thumbs down" gesture in a parking lot last year. My first though was that I use my car for its intended purpose.
I went to a local meet a couple weeks back - with my kid riding shotgun in the carseat (yeah, its a 92 - no pass side airbag. Plus it is only about 5 blocks from my house). Anyway, I was talking to a buddy and said "How many people do you think will walk over if I pop the hood?" Sure as shit. Opened it up and they swarmed like flies to a pile of dog poo. I heard one kid say "what?! Where's the engine". I did end up opening the engine compartment after having a bit of a chuckle to myself".

Best comment of the evening though was "Love the carseat! That's the best mod done to it!" My 21mo. old absolutely loves the car, which is good, because it won't be leaving us any time soon.

- - - Updated - - -

Posted a pic on the local FB Auto Enthusiast group page asking which car everyone would prefer to own if they could.

Options were;

NSX, R34, Supra, FD RX7.

One person wrote...lolnsx.png
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When I took my car out to a performance/jdm specialist shop on Long Island, the owner saw my car and said held up his keys and said " I wil trade you three cars right now for your's". An rx8, and m35 and a 11 wrx. He asked 3 more times before I left.
I was recently at a car show in Dothan AL (yeah......) and it was me and one other import out of about 160 cars. Naturally I won an award, but I had three really humerous comments.

1st. Lady walks up with family. "wheres the engine?" I pop the hood and she stands there scratching her head as her three year old yells "Its a hybrid!"

Another guy swore up and down it was a c7 corvette.

But the last guy, bravo. Walks up and looks intently for about 5 minutes, crouching and going over the car in great detail untill he reaches the back of the car with the Acura badge and looks at me wide-eyed, "HOW LONG DID THIS TAKE TO DO!?!?!?!"... puzzled is asked, "What?" he said, "How long did this body kit take to put on this Integra?!?!?" ...... struggling to hold back my laughter I said, "about 450 manhours and some elbow grease." He then offered me a job at his body shop. Priceless.
When I took my car out to a performance/jdm specialist shop on Long Island, the owner saw my car and said held up his keys and said " I wil trade you three cars right now for your's". An rx8, and m35 and a 11 wrx. He asked 3 more times before I left.

Could've accepted the offer and bought another NSX...?
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but the last guy, bravo. Walks up and looks intently for about 5 minutes, crouching and going over the car in great detail untill he reaches the back of the car with the acura badge and looks at me wide-eyed, "how long did this take to do!?!?!?!"... Puzzled is asked, "what?" he said, "how long did this body kit take to put on this integra?!?!?" ...... Struggling to hold back my laughter i said, "about 450 manhours and some elbow grease." he then offered me a job at his body shop. Priceless.
I am a NSX owner visiting Seattle, just got off the plane after 30+hours of travel, just picked up the rental Challenger, doing my first Left turn at a set of traffic lights, which when you are used to driving on the other side of the road is like trying to drive in a mirror. Anyway my friend yells out "look at that", I am trying see what I am doing wrong, which lane I should be in, which small child I am about to run over when I spot the reason for his excitement...........a NSX!!!
We went past it really slowly and it was someones daily driver, full of empty drink containers, takeaway wrappers and hadnt seen a wash bucket for months. Anyway the guy driving it looked real relaxed and I thought, what other supercar could handle that sort of treatment.....
Every day. Made our day!
Visited Ocean City maryland last year for the car show held at the convention center and while I was driving down the main strip some kid yells "Nice fake ferrari, Azzhole!"
The weather last Friday was perfect for a night drive with the targa off. So I took a short drive into downtown San Antonio. While waiting at a stop light, this dude walking across the street stops dead in front of my car and says the following "M***** F***! That orange M***** F***er is M***** F***ing bad ass! Daaamn M***** F***er!" I wasn't sure if I should thank him or fear him.
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Just got another one...

Was out in my driveway installing a Power Inverter in my work truck with both garage doors wide open when I was up under the hood feeding the 2 AWG wire through the firewall and a neighbor walked by (younger guy walking some foo-foo dog) says "Hey man, that's a sick Corvette". I replied hesitantly "Thanks.... but its actually a '92 Acura NSX", to which he responds "Oh, that must be where Chevy stole the idea for the Corvette design". I said "Maybe" and kept working on my truck and his last words as he started to walk away were "Well, it's still a sick ass car!".


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