Whats the funniest thing anyone's said about your car?

nothing actually said, but a guy on a harley sportster almost dropped his bike at a stop sign today when he saw me go by. i was cracking up, all the more so because i know a guy in the area with the same model bike and was wondering if it was him :)
I entered the car in the Cache Valley Cruise-In, Logan Utah, over the 4th of July weekend. The NSX got a lot of attention. On a canyon cruise earlier in the day, when pulling up to a pay lot up Logan Canyon, the attendant asked if I was coming with a "bunch of other Corvettes." When I arrived at the car show, I had my windows down and I heard someone say "Kit Car." Best of all was when the Fiero club came over and told me, "Your car is what ours aspires to be!"

Had a bunch of people tell me they'd never even seen an NSX in real life. Love this ride.

Next to my brother's 1968 Chevy Nova SS.

I entered the car in the Cache Valley Cruise-In, Logan Utah, over the 4th of July weekend. The NSX got a lot of attention. On a canyon cruise earlier in the day, when pulling up to a pay lot up Logan Canyon, the attendant asked if I was coming with a "bunch of other Corvettes." When I arrived at the car show, I had my windows down and I heard someone say "Kit Car." Best of all was when the Fiero club came over and told me, "Your car is what ours aspires to be!"

Had a bunch of people tell me they'd never even seen an NSX in real life. Love this ride.

Next to my brother's 1968 Chevy Nova SS.

Looks a lot like my car with the '02+ wheels.
Out of the mouths of babes...

The kid up the street told me he liked my car because it "...looks like IRONMAN".
I guess driving an NSX is a lot like wearing an aluminum and titanium suit. I like the analogy!

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A group of drunk kids coming home from the jays game last weekend yelled "Nice wanna-be Ferrari."

Then they started screaming "orange juice" at me. No idea why...

Then a guy on the other side of the street popped his head up to my window and said "I work at Honda. This is a beautiful car."

Two extremes.
Drove the NSX to work recently. The Admin Assistant in my department told me that a visitor from another department spied the car in the parking lot from the fourth-floor window and said "Wow, the company must be doing well. Look, there's a red Maserati!", pointing to my red '91.
Going into O'reilly Auto a couple weeks back to get some wipers for my work truck and I drove the NSX.

Guy coming out the front door "How does she purr?"

Me - "Ok, I suppose"

Guy - "You know, I was reading a thing online where someone was talking about putting the all wheel steering from the old preludes into one of those. Imagine how much better it would handle then!"

Me - "I would think if it needed to handle any better, Honda would have done that from the beginning. It's like driving a go-kart on stock suspension as it is"

Guy - "Yeah, but just imagine if it were better!"

Me - "Yeah, I suppose" ::turn around and continue to walk into the store::

He was still waiting in his car with the window down when I left just so he could hear it fire up. He gave me a thumbs up and I gave him the "thanks" wave as I pulled out of the parking lot. Some people are, well, hysterically uninformed.
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This morning I received the strangest comment yet:

Guy: "nice car!"
Me: thanks
Guy: I once had one of those, but it was a '77
Me: oh

I had a guy ask me "Is that the new 2014 model?" I told him NO and that the new model does not come out until 2015. He kinda looked at me funny and said "oh" and drove away. It took me a minute to realize he was asking about the new Corvette! LOL
Random Dude- "I'll trade you my honda accord and you can bang my girlfriend!!"
Me- Naw I'm good.
Him- She does anal. We are swingers by the way.
Me- Orly?

damn decisions, decisions.
I had a guy ask me "Is that the new 2014 model?" I told him NO and that the new model does not come out until 2015. He kinda looked at me funny and said "oh" and drove away. It took me a minute to realize he was asking about the new Corvette! LOL
Hahahaha, good one.
My girlfriend and I went on a dinner cruse on the river and I had backed my car into the parking spot. An elderly lady sitting on the retaining wall behind my car asked is that the engine in my back seat? I told her it was a spare, like the spare tire in the trunk of her car. She said well thats so cleaver.

You guys wont believe this my gf and I were reading through this thread getting a laugh in and we came across this one. We read it and then she proceeds to ask me what that thing in the back is, that the lady thought was a spare engine. Im like what? She had no idea that was the engine and made me take her to the garage to pop the hood to show her there was no engine in the front. Are you fn kidding me that is retarded if she wasnt having my baby I would consider dumping her haha. It gets worse "I thought that was a seperate spot for the supercharger" cuz she knows I had one installed recently haha. Some girls have no clue. Anyways.
1." Well if your engine is there ,then that means you have two trunks!! Cool!"
2. Hate this because I get it all the time . * points at my R wing * " is that real carbon fiber or is it a wrap?"
I was at a show recently and over heard one young male kid (18ish) say to his friend "I would suck your di*k to own that car". By far the funniest thing I have heard so far.
Last week, I had my yellow '02 parked in the garage at work near the smoking area (not my preferred spot but it is secure since the smoking station is almost always manned) and when I started to get in and leave for the day, a couple of women smokers threw down their butts and yelled and waved at me to stop. They came huffing over and said "Hey, we wanna know about your car!". Of course, one of them said she thought it was a Corvette but the other had Googled it on her phone and found it to be an Acura NSX. She said "It says here that these aren't supposed to be out 'til 2015 so you must have connections at Honda, eh?". LOL! Then I said, "Oh, that the new version - this is the original and it's a 2002". They both were shocked that it wasn't brand new, so I told them that the original design was FAR ahead of its time and still looks that way. Neither of the ladies were attractive so I said goodbye and backed out of my space with a little extra blip of the throttle to impress them even more. I LOVE this car :biggrin:
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A 60 year old man on a tiny little vespa zips up next to me at a red light (targa off) and gives me a little rev... I don't think he was trying to be funny, I think he was serious. He didn't have to "SAY" anything, that was enough!

But he did talk to me for the full 30 seconds... through his little helmet-thing. I was part-laughing as I tried to answer his questions.
Not really funny, but 9/10 people ask me about my "custom paintjob."

Yeah i get that too. I also get the "are you a UT (University of Texas) Fan"? My answer is "No I'm a Cleveland Browns Fan".

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