What to do when someone lists your car for sale on ebay?

I followed a link to this from ClubSi.

NetViper, I got three words for ya. "You da man!" I have not laughed so hard in a long time, to see that there are retards like that idiot out there. Please, come to Si. vs. All on Csi and tell us what happens when you finally win your car.

Oh yeah, What JF11 said as well. Whatever we can do to help the pwnage. :)
It looks like the auction just ended, with no bids. I hope someone didn't win and offer to pay for it outside of eBay or something....
Would you guys believe I have obtained this guys bank information, including routing number and account number and name, and the bank isnt interested in investigating it, and the local FBI office here keeps telling me to file a complaint with the FBI Internet Fraud Division ONLINE. I've done that, and marked it as 'emergency/urgent', etc etc, and have not received a call or email from them. I have actually been shrugged off by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Luckily I have a close friend with the Secret Service who is working on finding me someone who wants to try and do something with these numbers. More to come...
damn dave...that sucks! i just hope no one else did what i did without being aware that its your car!

man...i got a new neighbor that is 'apparently' with the FBI, so i'll talk to him tomorrow morning before i goto work and see whats up.

thats just messed up man...with the lack of effort on the legal side, it almost makes sense for him to be doing this!!

One option when no one will help you - Why not contact your local television news station? If they have one of those sleuthing teams that try to root out local wrongdoings, they might be able to shake up the authorities to pay attention. It would at least give a local audience a heads up on this. I think lots of people would want to know about your car being "sold" fraudulently.

Although, you may prefer to be more private with your handling of this, which I think everyone would sympathize with.

It took over two months from the time the victim wired funds to the fraud to when the officers of the Dept. of Justice came knocking at my door wanting answers. In that time the criminal can transfer the funds to banks all over the world until it will be impossible to trace. I just hope in this incidence no funds were transferred. With all this delay and apparent lack of concern from the proper authorities, it's no surprise that there are so many incidents of fraud out there.
So much for my suggestion to leave it to the authorities .... Maybe this just isn't big enough for them? :rolleyes:

Maybe you can keep stringing him for a few days, see if you can buy enough time for the feds to come to their senses. I'm sure if he thinks he's got a "live" one, he'll persist in spite of some "problems"
NSXnBRLA, Best of luck with this situation. I hope this person gets what they deserve!
I emailed him last night asking where the car can be inspected. He said "yes" it can be inspected and it is in Detroit. I then replied to ask what his contact number was to discuss more details and he never replied.

Man this sucks. And why do the authorities (and ebay) just not seem to care? You would think they'd be all over this by now!

Good work to all of you though, I really hope no one falls victim to this guy.
wire transfer

In a bank wire transfer the SEller has to provide his bank's routing # and his account # and account name. He would typically also have to provide his address etc---he said he received funds from PayPal and he would have to have an account to do same and they would have record.
i work at ebay. you want anything from me? motors people are on the other side of building and the fraud people are 20 feet away.


actually...his account was jacked. original owner is now back in control of it. no real way to track down the hacker without FBI or other law enforcement contacting us for his IP.