What to do when someone lists your car for sale on ebay?

It amazes me that anyone would wire $5000 for a sight unseen car. General common knowledge says if a deal is to good to be true, it not a deal. I bought my NSX on Ebay last year. See NSX Driver 2002 issue 2 for more info. I did not wire any money regardless what the terms were. I ran Carfax's on every car I looked at. The seller did not get a Penny till I saw the car and the title in person.
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Brian2by2 said:
Woah...i'm a little confused...

are you saying it would have been OK if he used someone else's pictures??? ouch!
Not at all, but since they were my pictures and I happened across the ad, I instantly knew it was fraudulent. There are usually a dozen or so NSXs for sale on eBay. I never have a clue if any of them are fraudulent ads. You can bet your ass that if I saw one for sale by a seller that i knew for sure wasnt the actual owner, i'd be taking the same steps. :D
BoostedH23a1 said:
holy shit thank god someone sent me this link i have a loan check in my hand right now.!!! ahhh holy shit!
You applied for (and obtained) a loan for a car you've never seen in person? You're correct, its a good thing this thread surfaced. Glad to help. (how much is the check for, since everything has a price :D )
NSXnBRLA said:
Same reason you would contact the police if you were parked outside of a bank, and saw three guys donning ski masks in the parking lot. That sums it up. I like this country very much, and any opportunity I see to help keep scum like this from stealing from another fellow citizen, I will jump on it.

And I think you deserve lots of plaudits and appreciation for doing so. That's what community is all about - watching out for each other, and working together to make it a better place for all of us. I think it's great - and I also welcome those who have come here from other forums to post their thoughts and offer their assistance.

I know many of us (particularly those of us who are outraged by the ease with which such fraud can be committed without detection until it is too late) would do the same thing, do everything in our power to catch the guy, even when the money at stake isn't our own.
Well said, Ken. This community is definitely a huge benefit to NSX ownership. I can only imagine what the F-body guys would do if this same thing happened to them!

BoostedH23a1 said:
i was gonna fly out there and check it out i wasnt about to wire 5000 dollars.. maybe 50 to hold it..

Uh, well said. At least you didn't lose $61K to some fraud who used my car, pictures, and name on eBay to get someone to wire funds from Hawaii just recently. The link is here.
I wonder if eBay is doing anything or even knows about this case. I know the victim has contacted eBay and the proper authorities about this.
ChrisK said:
Sorry I can't help. I work in engineering at a local ABC affilliate, so if I was in your state I would definately ask the news guys to try and do a story on it. The angle could be, Law inforcement too overwhelmed with national security that they have no time for local crime. Or, Fraud on the rise and nobody cares. Anyway, try your local news stations as they generally would have more time to give you than the actual networks.

right, if he was here i would suggest he "touched today's tmj4."

local news is a good bet, they seem kinda bored sometimes...ours hide in the woods at the golf course and video tape golfers dancing naked.

dont ask.
BoostedH23a1 said:
i was gonna fly out there and check it out i wasnt about to wire 5000 dollars.. maybe 50 to hold it..

That's when he would have hit you with a led pipe and woke you up once the check had cleared. :o
White NSX

NSXnBRLA said:
The VIN isnt even close...

Since the VIN # isn't even close to your car, feel fortunate that some sicko isn't playing a cruel joke on you. Consider the fact that you have created a look that lots of people like as well. With all the vendors that are out there with these products, there could be a lot of cars throughout the world that resemble yours.
I will be driving through Baton Rouge this coming Friday and I hope to see it out on the highway.

Now come to think of this. When I was listing my 1992 for sale on Prime, a lot of people wrote and asked for pictures. I usually ask if they are interested in the car before I take time to send them the pictures. Most of the time, I don't hear anything back. It seems that there are people on this list just collect pictures of different cars. What they do with the pictures could be potentially criminal.

whiteNSXs said:
Now come to think of this. When I was listing my 1992 for sale on Prime, a lot of people wrote and asked for pictures. I usually ask if they are interested in the car before I take time to send them the pictures. Most of the time, I don't hear anything back. It seems that there are people on this list just collect pictures of different cars. What they do with the pictures could be potentially criminal.

Well sorry for the inconvenience. When I get another NSX one day it may well be white (black roof) and if so, Volk TE-37s in white will be a great consideration for wheels.

Does anyone have pics of this combination they would send me?

Thanks ... NSX IMAGE
wow.. i just bought a car on ebay.. suppose to check it on tmrw acutally.. no pamyent given and its a dealer with good feedback for selling cars.. but giving a 5000 deposit on something u never seen is crazy... hope this guy gets caught
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he cant hit me with a led pipe... i can dodge rain drops im that fast... ahha yea right..
i was talkin to him before i got a loan (which doesnt matter cause i will need it anyway when i find the right one) i told him i wouldnt pay him 5k or even 200 for that matter until i saw the car and he quickly got off his emailing horse. i think i got like 1 more from him after that.. im gonna email him at bitch at him see what he says if anything..
oh do u need or want me to forward those emails to you man? might be more evidence in a case or someting.. not up on the law much but if u need em let me know ill keep em for ya
Anytime I post pics, I always make sure there's something in the background, or some watermark of sorts that's really hard to discover. :) THere's plenty of watermarking programs on the net that people won't notice. ;)

Message from a CRX owner in Tampa, florida...

Hey all. I'm a Honda CRX owner, found a link to this on one of the CRX message boards I visit. Totally insane. That's definently a wake up call. That's absolutely terrible. I hope things work out well for you, and that this guy gets caught. Just wanted to stop in, and put my .02 cents in. Again, I'm very sorry you had to go through this. You would THINK (or hope, at least) that you'd get more cooperation from the local law enforcement agencies...hell, AND the federal law enforcement agencies, for that matter. Good luck.

Also, if any NSX'ers want a real challenge, race a CRX (Just not mine) :) ....
Hey, look out. I can run 17's all day, buddy. I know the hype is around those NSX's, but once I unleash this 90 HP monster on the road..you're in for a real challenge. After I beat you, I'll still have enough gas to get to Atlanta, GA, with my 45 mpg ;) ...

This is fun. I never get to trash talk. I can only dream of the day when I can actually back it up :)! (Funds are slightly limited now, can't really do a swap, yet..)

BTW: Stangs are great cars. My brother has had about 6 of them in the past. His last one did 11.70 (92 LX)..very nice car!
Just heard about this from britishcarforum.com And I think there was clack about it on Roadfly's BMW forums as well.

Anyhoo.. We just caught one of these scams over at Roadfly. Someone had a 2002 745i for sale for $40K buy it now with a similar song and dance story. A Mere $7,000 less than it would do at auction... :rolleyes:

Luckily we e-mailed the guy that bought it and caught him in the scam... he was able to cancel the Western Union charges...

But it's scary.. as someone who did used to sell a lot of cars on eBay.... I'd NEVER buy a car on eBay without a lot of questions being answered.. one of which was a phone call with the owner. And one where I CALL HIM/HER!

Still it sucks :(

and I used to own a '91 NSX actually....
97 740iL
00 M5
Bunch of old Vauxhalls... 58 Ford Zephyr..etc..