What is APPLE planning?

Having so much of the company's revenue on one product is dangerous. Let's hope they don't screw it up on the 12th.

To think about it another way.
What percent of peoples 401K, how many peoples retirements are all riding on a single telephone? Insane.
People will look back and kick themselves for having money in Apple IMO. Get out while you can.

There is no big wow with the iphone5 so far that I have read. Especially when all the features will be available on your 4S with the OS download.

2nd in a row with no 'wow'.
Apple has turned into a patent troll instead of an innovator.
This is the end....

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To think about it another way.
What percent of peoples 401K, how many peoples retirements are all riding on a single telephone? Insane.
People will look back and kick themselves for having money in Apple IMO. Get out while you can.

2nd in a row with no 'wow'.
Apple has turned into a patent troll instead of an innovator.
This is the end....


I don't know about the end, but it is time for a new iOS with REAL multitasking and not the crap it is now.

Apple has no created fragmentation on iOS with the new screen resolution. We will see how that goes.
I think I'm one of the very few that doesn't want a larger screen on my phone.

I want a large screen; I just don't want a large phone.

Look at the current iPhone -- there's a lot of bezel space all around, especially top and bottom. You could keep the phone size exactly the same and put a much larger screen on to it -- and 16:9 too.

There was a new phone I saw (forgot which model) that was basically edge to edge screen. It was beautiful.
Look at the current iPhone -- there's a lot of bezel space all around, especially top and bottom. You could keep the phone size exactly the same and put a much larger screen on to it -- and 16:9 too.

Thats pretty much exactly what they did with the new one.
I want a large screen; I just don't want a large phone.

Look at the current iPhone -- there's a lot of bezel space all around, especially top and bottom. You could keep the phone size exactly the same and put a much larger screen on to it -- and 16:9 too.

There was a new phone I saw (forgot which model) that was basically edge to edge screen. It was beautiful.

I agree with you that a big screen is nice but a small phone is also nice. 4" is probably a good compromise. However, I think if the bezel got very small we would miss it. The bezel area is the grippable surface that makes these gadgets easy to hold and manipulate. Without it, we could be gingerly holding it by the edges and always accidentally touching the screen by mistake.

Even on the iPad, with its big bezel made for your fat thumbs, I sometimes accidentally turn pages in ebooks just because my thumb brushed against the very edge of the screen.
Man, lots of Apple hatin' going on preceding tomorrow's announcement. Speaking as a simple user and not a fanboy of anything (other than NSXs of course), I like my phone being small and incredibly simple to use, with a responsive camera built-in for taking quality photos on the go (as far as video zooming, no phone has that because the space constraints in a mobile phone doesn't allow for an optical zoom lens, so I don't understand faulting Apple for it). If I need a larger screen or more advanced features, I have an Android tablet (and fully functional laptops) that I can turn to, but my iPhone fulfills most of my mobile needs. Processor speed has not been a bottleneck in smartphones for some time; it's not like people are doing Adobe illustrator renderings on their phones. Most of my mobile issues have been network related, which is more the fault of the carriers than phone manufacturers. Longer battery life is always welcome, and I'm looking forward to turn-by-turn navigation (which has been available via third party apps, but will be nice to have in the native maps application).

For me, iOS is perfect for a phone, Android is more advanced and is great for a tablet, and if I need full functionality I turn to my laptop.
So in one day Apple will introduce the world to the Iphone 5. I have scoured the web and can't find one feature that will "WOW" the world.

Processor, ho hum others are already ahead.
New type of charging plug. Yawn.
A 4" screen, big deal, others have larger.
Software update integrating FB and better SIRI, mmmmmmmmmmmmm OK?
Longer battery life.......not so much.
LTE Who cares, WIFI and 4g is great for me.

Not one thing on the 'net says a better camera. How about a video camera that zooms? Perhaps better, louder speakers? How about SIRI learning that I live near Bradenton, not Bradington? ARRRRRGGGGG!!!! so damn frustrating. I am almost due for an upgrade. Nothing hardware wise excites me.

The only thing that I am "guessing" is that the new ipad mini will also be a phone. Old people would love that.

This is the kind of thing I said ("yawn") when I traded in my 4 for a 4s. After a year, I can say it was well worth it. The 4s is like a fully refined and bug-fixed version of the 4. Better camera, better screen (warmer color temperature), image stabilized video, faster CPU, faster 3G (aka fake 4G), impossible-to-hold-wrong diversity antenna, and so on. It all sounds like incremental improvements but the end product is very satisfying. The CPU, which is far below the specs of current Android phones, does not feel slow at all. It's quite amazing how much software optimization and GPU acceleration makes CPU speed less important, and you gain the advantage of better battery life. The iPhone 5 will probably be a similar or bigger jump, and appears to be a significant industrial design jump.

The charging plug I think is going to be a good change. You can put it in upside down and it will still work, unlike the 30 pin dock connector, USB, or almost anything else. The 30 pin connector has a lot of old legacy pins that aren't needed any more, although the analog signals did facilitate implementation of inexpensive speaker and video docks.
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2nd in a row with no 'wow'.
Apple has turned into a patent troll instead of an innovator.
This is the end....

Guess you don't know the meaning of patent troll.... :rolleyes:

I don't know about the end, but it is time for a new iOS with REAL multitasking and not the crap it is now.

Apple has no created fragmentation on iOS with the new screen resolution. We will see how that goes.

Fragmentation how?? I read on 9to5mac and ModMyi that iOS 6 will automatically scale to whatever device it's being used on.

I agree though, sounds like the new iPhone doesn't sound as exciting as most would want/hope it to be. I'm coming from an iPhone 4, so for me it would definitely be a big improvement. I would have preferred a 4" screen at 4x3 than 16x9, as I don't really watch movies on my phone, but oh well.

LTE IS 4G, but I'm not too excited about it, even though I do have unlimited data with AT&T. All that means I'll just reach that 3GB limit and be throttled down much faster.

For me, moving to Android is not an option. Even though I've read countless reviews on how ICS is way better than previous versions, or how Jelly Bean is still even better, I just don't like the UI. I prefer the simplistic and polished look of iOS.

I'm more excited about the rumored iPad mini though. That will be something that will make automobile integration much easier as opposed to the 9" iPad.
Either way, we'll find out tomorrow what will soon be available.
For me, iOS is perfect for a phone, Android is more advanced and is great for a tablet, and if I need full functionality I turn to my laptop.

Your reasonable and well considered thoughts have no place on this forum. Good day sir!

I said, GOOD DAY!
LTE is 4g.
No its not. Carriers define it differently. T-Mobile's 4G is really just an HSPA+ network (think 3.5G). Verizon & AT&T have LTE networks which hit download speeds of 20-40mb/sec. AT&T markets their HSPA+ network as 4G as well, which is why you now see 4G on their iPhone 4S's. LTE is different. Sprint considers their WiMax network to be 4G but its the slowest of them all.
No its not. Carriers define it differently. T-Mobile's 4G is really just an HSPA+ network (think 3.5G). Verizon & AT&T have LTE networks which hit download speeds of 20-40mb/sec. AT&T markets their HSPA+ network as 4G as well, which is why you now see 4G on their iPhone 4S's. LTE is different. Sprint considers their WiMax network to be 4G but its the slowest of them all.

If you want to get technical, none of the US carriers have TRUE 4G from my understanding.
No its not. Carriers define it differently. T-Mobile's 4G is really just an HSPA+ network (think 3.5G). Verizon & AT&T have LTE networks which hit download speeds of 20-40mb/sec. AT&T markets their HSPA+ network as 4G as well, which is why you now see 4G on their iPhone 4S's. LTE is different. Sprint considers their WiMax network to be 4G but its the slowest of them all.

So Lte is not 4g? Really? :rolleyes

Better tell Verizon to remove that big 4g next to the Lte.
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Guess you don't know the meaning of patent troll.... :rolleyes:

Fragmentation how?? I read on 9to5mac and ModMyi that iOS 6 will automatically scale to whatever device it's being used on.

I agree .

I haven't read that,but how do you scale an app that was made for 960 high to 1200? Stretch it? Before they just doubled everything so the ratio stayed the same. That is no longer the case.
I haven't read that,but how do you scale an app that was made for 960 high to 1200? Stretch it? Before they just doubled everything so the ratio stayed the same. That is no longer the case.

I don't know the details, but I read it somewhere on 9to5mac.com that iOS 6 autoscaled to the appropriate size for the device. i don't care enough to go looking for the info right now, long day in class. :tongue:
I don't know the details, but I read it somewhere on 9to5mac.com that iOS 6 autoscaled to the appropriate size for the device. i don't care enough to go looking for the info right now, long day in class. :tongue:

That would be cool. I guess we will see tomorrow. :wink:
That would be cool. I guess we will see tomorrow. :wink:

yeah, put an end to all the speculation and rumors. I have a feeling all the tech geeks are in for a big disappointment. The general populace will still be satisfied methinks.

I'm just waiting on the details, probably gonna buy out of contract, and take my iPhone to T-mobile or some other company that will give me true unlimited for ~$70/month.
yeah, put an end to all the speculation and rumors. I have a feeling all the tech geeks are in for a big disappointment. The general populace will still be satisfied methinks.

I'm just waiting on the details, probably gonna buy out of contract, and take my iPhone to T-mobile or some other company that will give me true unlimited for ~$70/month.

Do you really use that much data? My wife is going to get the iPhone 5 on Verizon so we can get the share plan and I think 4 gig will be good enough for our 2 phones and the iPad 4g Lte.
Do you really use that much data? My wife is going to get the iPhone 5 on Verizon so we can get the share plan and I think 4 gig will be good enough for our 2 phones and the iPad 4g Lte.

Not really, let me go check what my usage has been lately.

okay, I used 1.4 GB of data. not so much as when I was in the military and I was always on the road, tethering and what not.

But I rather go prepaid, where I can get unlimited data/text and minutes for about ~$50/month. I'm paying ~$75 a month right now, but I've been going over my text limit of 1000. I used to not text so much, but my friends seem to do it a lot, and I refuse to upgrade to the unlimited text for $20/month since I don't always go over. They don't offer the 1000text/$10 anymore so I would lose it. I'll be patient and weigh my options within the next couple weeks, and I might actually drop AT&T finally.
If you want to get technical, none of the US carriers have TRUE 4G from my understanding.
This is true but I didn't want to get into that much depth. The ITU set it at 100mbps. Lets dispell some myths.


So Lte is not 4g? Really? :rolleyes

Better tell Verizon to remove that big 4g next to the Lte.
So to prove your point, you link to Verizon's website? Not an independent article that would help prove your claim. You do know that an iPhone with iOS 5.1 on AT&T now displays 4G. Strange...Apple apparently stumped the whole word by not announcing it at their iPhone 4S announcement last year. So Apple should definitely not tout LTE as a new feature in the iPhone 5, right?


This is the exact slide Apple used during the 4S announcment. So the AT&T iPhone 4S uses the HSDPA network, which is now displayed as 4G on the iPhone 4S. 4G is LTE...Thank you for the information NetViper. We would be lost and confused without you.

More about the 4G display on the iPhone 4S:
This is true but I didn't want to get into that much depth. The ITU set it at 100mbps. Lets dispell some myths.

So lets just call it LTE then..?

LTE-Advanced is supposed to be the true 4G whenever it's deployed.
That's what I was trying to get at in my original post.

Side Note: Pretty psyched about tomorrow's announcement.

well for general purposes, we can just call it 4G too I suppose, since all the carriers are calling it that, just to avoid any confusion.

AND yes, I'm long overdue an upgrade from my phone! :biggrin:
well for general purposes, we can just call it 4G too I suppose, since all the carriers are calling it that, just to avoid any confusion.

AND yes, I'm long overdue an upgrade from my phone! :biggrin:

:biggrin: You and I know better which is fine with me. Confusion is the by-product of our Cellular providers stra-tegery (SNL - Bush reference). It's what they want.