
19 March 2003
Uhh I don't know what to say but if you wanna see a Muscular SMurf with powers with his ding dong out 3/4 of the movie then its your boat. What a spoof LOL waisted 3hrs. Some people may like it but most wont. Im not spoiling anything but what you see in the Trailers are all the best parts. LOL Just a hint people started walking out of the Theater, Don't bring any kids you Fathers out there. I don't recommend it.

just my 1 penny:cool:
Uhh I don't know what to say but if you wanna see a Muscular SMurf with powers with his ding dong out 3/4 of the movie then its your boat. What a spoof LOL waisted 3hrs. Some people may like it but most wont. Im not spoiling anything but what you see in the Trailers are all the best parts. LOL Just a hint people started walking out of the Theater, Don't bring any kids you Fathers out there. I don't recommend it.

just my 1 penny:cool:


"I want to smurf you in your smurfing smurf. Then smurf it all over your smurfs."
It's rated R for a reason... It's supposed to be a dark movie. All of my friends and I have read the graphic novel, and we all agree that the movie stayed about as close to the novel without compromising the plot etc. If anything, the novel was even more violent, dark, and gruesome. As you can tell, I enjoyed it, but to each his own.
I thought is was good, the best parts where not in the trailers. I have not read the novel so I have nothing to compare it to.
i think its just weird how hollywood has such good timing with movies and their correlation to the situation society is in at one point or another. like, look at the last star wars they put out. the "evil empire" was supposed to be what george bush was turning the usa into.

now the watchmen. "who watches the watchmen". sounds just like what they are saying on the news right now about the federal investment bankers. its all a big conspiracy to get you to buy a movie ticket. hahaha.
The movie worked great for me. I see a large penis every time I take my boxers off so the movie was nothing unusual for me.

The different Watchmen all encompassed different moralities. My favorite to see unfold was Rorshac's moral absolutism.

Great movie imo. The director had a clear vision and cariied it out to great success.
I'm buying the DVD as soon as it out. I like the movie but not because of the giant smurf.
I've heard the likes and hates about this movie. I plan on seeing it in the theater, so please no spoilers guys. :wink:
If I am not mistaken the guy that wrote the book it a total recluse and wanted nothing to do with the movie.

I think he has been on the Simpson's a few times.
Saw the movie tonight. Watched it in an IMAX theater.

I thought it was great. I didn't mind the differences from the source material. In fact, I thought the changes helped the story.

My wife enjoyed it as well and she's never read the book.

The editing was superb. I can't imagine anyone else doing a better job in the time allotted. By the way, no one left the theater.

I'm sure some hardcore Watchmen fans may not like it because of the changes or because of something that was left out, but that's always going to be the case with a film adaptation.

I was concerned about Matthew Goode as Veidt - and while I would have preferred someone less of a pencil-necked Euro-geek, he was OK. Everyone else was perfectly cast.

I rate it a solid B+.

tad long, but amusing....rorshach character was great.
alternative cameo's were wild:biggrin:
being a hero today ain't what it's cracked up to be...

this may improve with time into classic...:wink:
opening was neat, presto here, and enlighten/ re-edumicate yourself.

i liked it a lot.
The movie worked great for me. I see a large penis every time I take my boxers off so the movie was nothing unusual for me.

Doctor Manhattan / Jonathan Osterman: A superpowered being who is contracted by the United States government. Scientist Jon Osterman gained superpowers when he was caught in an "Intrinsic Field subtractor" in 1959. Doctor Manhattan was based upon Charlton's Captain Atom, who in Moore's original proposal was surrounded by the shadow of nuclear threat. However, the writer found he could do more with Manhattan as a "kind of a quantum super-hero" than he could have with Captain Atom.[1] In opposition to other superheroes that lacked scientific exploration of their origins, Moore sought to delve into nuclear physics and quantum physics in constructing the character of Dr. Manhattan. The writer believed that a character living in a quantum universe would not perceive time with a linear perspective, which would influence the character's perception of human affairs. Moore also wanted to avoid creating an emotionless character like Spock from Star Trek, so he sought for Dr. Manhattan to retain "human habits" and to grow away from them and humanity in general.[8] Gibbons had created the blue character Rogue Trooper, and explained he reused the blue skin motif for Doctor Manhattan as it resembles skin tonally, but has a different hue. Moore incorporated the color into the story, and Gibbons noted the rest of the comic's color scheme made Manhattan unique.[19] Moore recalled that he was unsure if DC would allow the creators to depict the character as fully nude, which partially influenced how they portrayed the character.[3] Gibbons wanted to be tasteful in depicting Manhattan's nudity, selecting carefully when full frontal shots would occur and giving him "understated" genitals — like a classical sculpture — so the reader would not initially notice it

JK. =)

Personally, I thought the movie was terrible. I would venture to say it was one of the worst 3 movies I have seen in my life.

Apparently I wasn't the only on that thought so, as 15+ people walked out of a packed movie theater over 1 hour before the end of the movie. I have never seen that many people walk out on a movie before. One couple would leave, then two more, then 4 more at once...It was really funny. It was like once one couple left, the others got the "ok" to do it too.

I was thinking about walking out myself, but I kept deluding myself into thinking "It will get better".

I think the worst part of the movie was the writing. I was kinda drawn in to Manhattan's character at first, but when he left for Mars I just got bored as hell. They could have done so much more with him. It was cool when they showed his circulatory system, muscular system, etc., and when he took apart the tank, but aside from that they really dropped the ball.

Night owl looked like Chevy Chase. The opening montage dragged on for WAYY too long, and was boring...
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AHHH. Horrible movie, in my opinion. It is the only movie I've ever wanted to walk out on, but my friend looked like he was enjoying it.. after it was over i told him and he said i should have spoken up cause he wanted to leave too.. as well as the other people who walked out.

They need to make a sequel where Manhattan comes back and destroys the planet.... I'd pay to watch that! (luckily I watched Watchmen for free or else I'd be a little angry at it.. it pays to work in the movie industry!)

Manhattan with Rorshac's personality... or maybe the midget's personality... anyways I just wanted to see Manhattan kicking some ass.

Oh, and the Comedian was a badass character... why oh why wasn't the movie about him???
What was the deal with rorshacks mask????
i am not the watchmen expert.
wiki 'stated' that the mask was derived from cloth created by dr.manhattan
for a real life individual, kitty genovese who was brutally assaulted and murdered in nyc in 1964.
character synopsis here...
hth kell! heckuva review!
people clapped,nobody left theater at my show. gofig
nj loves to see nyc get it.:wink:
It's definitely NOT in the same league as "XMEN". The amount of male nudity alone made me want to leave. If you suffer from Attention Deficit Disorder, then you'll have no problem following the storyline. Afterwards, I told my wife I'm glad we left the kids at home.
i am not the watchmen expert.
wiki 'stated' that the mask was derived from cloth created by dr.manhattan
for a real life individual, kitty genovese who was brutally assaulted and murdered in nyc in 1964.
character synopsis here...
hth kell! heckuva review!
people clapped,nobody left theater at my show. gofig
nj loves to see nyc get it.:wink:

I rolled out after he made the clock on mars and they showed that blue schlong for the 5th time. Im not even sure how Manhatten got that way!!!
Sounds like I'm going to sit this one out and raise an eyebrow to any male friend who enjoyed it a lot.
Great, the smatest person in the world figured out that the enemy of your enemy is your friend? Even IMAX could not save that dud.
what a horrible movie. way too long. not enough action, and the best parts were in the trailer. there were a couple good scenes, but save your time and money and wait this one out to hit the discount rack. I'm not a comic book guy, but DC comics has nothing on Marvel, even if some Marvel movies have sucked ie Spiderman, and the first Hulk.
The movie was really on par with the graphic novel. the novel being officially one of the best graphic novels ever. Sadly it can't make a interesting movie to those who haven't read the novel as there basically isn't any action in the novel as it's more about people. So maybe the studio should have passed on the risk.