Top Gear USA

LOL, I just about spat my coffee all over my kb and monitor. :biggrin:

I know.... that was pretty funny.... ARE YOU BILLY??? We liked the part you were in, it's the rest we didn't care for. :biggrin:
I never said Block would make a better host that Tanner or Pastrana, what I was saying is the producers of the US top gear propably wanted Ken Block to be their Stig. Remeber: Stig has no voice, no family and etc ... :)

If the US Stig was 6'5' and skinny and was doing crazy donuts / fun stunts with all their tested vehicles everyone would suspect that its Block, just like lots of people are saying that the UK Stig is really Schumacher.

Enough on hijacking this thread Jack Sparrow, lets go back to the origial topic now. :)
Hijacking? We are discussing the show, there's no hijacking of the thread at all.

Block doesn't do stunts aside from his gymkana (which really isn't much of a stunt compared to the things Travis Pastrana does) and his skills aren't up to par to be a Stig. You have to have talent on the road course, i.e. set the fastest lap, not drift the prettiest.

Oh and no one in Europe actually believes Schumi is the stig. It was a just an attempt by TG to throw everyone off Ben Collin's trail once his dry cleaning incident leaked to the press. How long have you been watching Top Gear?
Hijacking? We are discussing the show, there's no hijacking of the thread at all.

Block doesn't do stunts aside from his gymkana (which really isn't much of a stunt compared to the things Travis Pastrana does) and his skills aren't up to par to be a Stig. You have to have talent on the road course, i.e. set the fastest lap, not drift the prettiest.

Oh and no one in Europe actually believes Schumi is the stig. It was a just an attempt by TG to throw everyone off Ben Collin's trail once his dry cleaning incident leaked to the press. How long have you been watching Top Gear?

I watched more than a half of the episodes.

I agree that Pastrana is more of a stunt man than Block but the point I was making is that producers of US TG probably offered the Stig job to Block numerous times since his name is already up there and he is the younger crowd's hero.

Ken Block is a rally driver but it doesn't mean that he can't drift in a Viper. Robert Kubica (Renault F1 driver) is also a part time rally driver and he is doing relatively well in his class. If a F1 driver can do rally, a rally driver can set decent road course times as well.
My initial impression is that U.S. Top Gear is a cheap knock off.

I knew I would have a hard time warming up to the hosts and the expected American-flavored content, but I was actually surprised by how uneven the production values seemed. I mean, the "filmed" segments at times didn't feel very some sequences they cut from downright gorgeous footage with that Top Gear look to utterly cheap video (most noticeably for in-car shots). Frame rates varied from a filmic looking 24p to full on 60 (which, for me, totally breaks the illusion). I'm not sure if the UK Top Gear's films are actually shot on film, but they always look the part. Perhaps it's a PAL thing.

And I realize there's nothing the U.S. show can do about commercial breaks, but it seems so wrong to hear "Top Gear, brought to you in part by Mercedes Benz". I also have issues with them wasting time leading into a commercial break with a tease and, worse, recapping what happened before the break. But now I'm just being silly.

Most of the people I know who watched it didn't get very far into it to give it a real chance. I'll watch another episode or two just because the UK show doesn't come back until January of next year.
I thought it sucked for a premier episode. The dynamic sucked but hopefully that will improve. However, I think Adam Corolla would have been better. It also would have been cool if they had a women.......maybe Danika P. Would have made for some good back and forth. Camera worked sucked......I've seen better editing and music on Youtube videos. One thing that makes UK TP good is that they tell it like it is, they will rip on any car. They can do this because its on the BBC which is gov run. They dont need to worry about offending sponsors. US TP cant do this.
LOL, I just about spat my coffee all over my kb and monitor. :biggrin:

Jim will do that to you.

I don't mind Tanner as much as some have expressed. He is a talented driver and is fairly polished at these types of shows. Travis Pastrana would have been a great draw but this may be too staid for him. Adam Corolla- while having the right name- is probably better suited for Dr. Drew.

I wasn't blown away by the first episode either. But I also understand that it was a first episode and as such more of a draft and a work in progress. Jenny McCarthy would make a great female lead. I don't know if she can even drive but she is funny as sh*t and seems pretty much down for whatever. And easy to look at- my kind of girl.
Add Tony Stewart ( the arrogant Redneck) and David Letterman (the. goof ball) to Jenny McCarthy and then you have a show.

sent from my Evo4
Billy has been strangely silent on the Stig question. Things that make you go hmmmmm. ;)
Just finished watching it. I thought it was a good start. I don't expect perfection from the start, because I would expect them to refine it as they get feedback, including the "characters" that the presenters take on. I think we should give them a chance to nurture the show and make it better, not flame it out of existence. If, after the season, it has not gotten any better and cannot find an audience, then it will get cancelled.
I'm with you.

People forget that the BBC hosts have had 8 years to build chemistry. I invite anyone here to go watch Episode 1 of the Top Gear relaunch from 2002 and tell me that episode was better than the US episode.

I think people are being overly critical. It certainly wasn't as good as the British Top Gear, but it wasn't exactly "Supercars Exposed," either. It was like watching an episode of 5th Gear, in my opinion. Didn't exactly have the flare and the hosts didn't have the chemistry of Top Gear, but it was still an entertaining hour of television.
I like 5th gear way better than Top Gear. Tiff Needell is the man, an ex-F1 driver, can actaully drive, and is way more charismatic and not as ham-fisted, biased, or blindly opinionated as some Top Gear UK hosts (but that's the entertainment for many so whatever floats your boat). Most of the 5th Gear cast can actually drive and currently or use to race at fairly high levels. IMO Top Gear was just opinionated drama and 'entertainment'.

I like Tanner, and the bearded funny guy was pretty good, a little indifferent about Adam _____, but I didn't think the jokes were overly 'forced'. Again, I thought it was a great first episode. Far better than MotorTrend Television, lol.

Are you the USA Stig?
Are you calling me fat? :confused:

I was actually suprised, the US Stig wasn't half bad from what I saw. The UK Stig was very inconsistent (varying drivers?), spun/went off way too much, and often just wasn't that good.

---You do know I live in Charlotte now don't you?
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Am I the only one who thought it was pretty good for a first episode? :confused:

I'm with you.

People forget that the BBC hosts have had 8 years to build chemistry. I invite anyone here to go watch Episode 1 of the Top Gear relaunch from 2002 and tell me that episode was better than the US episode.

I think people are being overly critical. It certainly wasn't as good as the British Top Gear, but it wasn't exactly "Supercars Exposed," either. It was like watching an episode of 5th Gear, in my opinion. Didn't exactly have the flare and the hosts didn't have the chemistry of Top Gear, but it was still an entertaining hour of television.

I'm with you guys.

The US version is set to run for 10 weeks. I wonder if they will even bother to air all 10.

I found Buzz Aldrin's segment to be the most entertaining; looks like he will be keeping his driver's license for a few more years.

I might watch one more episode (out of morbid curiousity).


Per it is the third episode when things finally start to gel.

If you only watch 2, then I guess you will miss out.

Personally, I didn't feel any of the venom I have read on various forums. I actually thought the show had some promise.

Also, it took 3 series for the BBC version of TopGear to get the chemistry right.

Be patient guys. It will get better.
I just saw the first episode this morning, and I wasn't too disappointed. It has some familiarity as the BBC version, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Of course keeping the show focused on Vipers and Lamborghini's takes attention away from the hosts.
I thought it was good for a pilot episode. I agree about there not being chemistry between the hosts but in time it should change. I really think it's the best american car show and will only get better.

Some people have said the first part with the helicopter chasing the Viper was stupid. I recall the UK version, Jeremy in a Range Rover being chased by a tank and being "killed" after getting "hit" 3 times in the same fashion. Were people just as critical of this?
one of the most highly anticipated shows to come along in a long time for car guys and it was a serious flop. I couldn't even watch the entire thing. Horrible show and I agree that it won't last a complete season.
Even my wife who isn't a car nut, and she thought the show sucked. I'll give it a season, but not holding my breathe.
I finaly saw the lambo episode....not as horrific as i how many us viewers even know about the british me it is on par with any of the speed tv faust shows...I think the "rivalry" between Tanner and the canadian bad boy was pretty lame and often forced on supercar showdown.
Just watched last night's episode. The last part of it was really entertaining. As much as I disliked all of the things that were recreated from the original Top Gear, I really enjoyed the blind drift challenge. So, I guess the question is, did I miss the original Top Gear version of this challenge or was this an original bit from the Americans? I guess I don't care. If I missed that episode of the original Top Gear, then it made me enjoy this one even more. :tongue:
At first I couldn't figure out why the US version feels like a faster show, until I realized the BBC version has a segment where they sit on the couch and complain about stuff only British people would care about. Also the BBC version has the long winded British celebrity interview. Since the US version doesn't have either of these (at least yet), it feels like the pacing is a little faster. I really don't care if the hosts are as good as the BBC version, so long as they keep the action moving.
Haha, the seeing eye dog pissed on the Top Gear logo at the end of the show. I guess he doesn't like the US version either. ;)
I was at the taping of the pilot couple of years ago featuring David Hasselhoff, and I was all over the video too, probably why they didn't use that

I was not impressed at all. What they need is an original series. BMI Japan, Top Gears UK, why can we come up with something fresh and fun?

You can't top the British or Japanese humors with American style commentaries.
I have to admit that I liked the segment shot at Mammoth Mountain. Maybe it is because I have spent a lot of time there, but the footage looked good...and the driving looked good. Tanner may not have much of a personality, but at least he can drive.