The NSX Regret thread

I sold my car a couple of months ago to focus on bills, and other things. I know I did the right decision for my wallet but not for me:biggrin: Man I have lost a lot of sleep over getting rid of this car! I know I will be back but I wish it were tomorrow:frown:

Now why did you have post your regret!! I'm currently selling my NSX for similar reasons, and I am loosing sleep over this, including nightmares of not being able to find my car in the parking lot. All of these issues and I have not yet even sold my car. Your post foretells regrets that I have yet to experience but will when I sell my car. Oh woe is me, woe is me!

No worries gentlemen.

Tons of NSXs out there.
Decisions that they may be, at the time it brought a smile to my face about every time. I had my wife pose with the car and then made it my Avatar. I replaced it about three months after she decided to leave. Now, just about every time I come on prime and see my basic Avatar, its a reminder of what once was. That is a bitter/sweet regret.

pay someone to pose with the car and make it your Avatar - you can then dream about what it can be / will be, rather than regretting the one that left.
pay someone to pose with the car and make it your Avatar - you can then dream about what it can be / will be, rather than regretting the one that left.

Thats what i do lol. Just shower her with gifts haha.

Another regret, want turbo cause it sounds cooler haha. Angus, trade me a turbo set up for my s/c set up hahaha.
i regret getting a wheel that doesn't clear my rear stock brakes... unavoidable though as it was simply the design of the wheel that didn't clear, the size and offset works on most every wheel. used a wheel spacer and it worked out in the end though, so its not bad, just not ideal.
i regret getting a wheel that doesn't clear my rear stock brakes... unavoidable though as it was simply the design of the wheel that didn't clear, the size and offset works on most every wheel. used a wheel spacer and it worked out in the end though, so its not bad, just not ideal.

Why don't you tell us what it was. This thread is to help others from making the same mistakes.
Im gonna kinda agree with Vegas......with all the money I've blown on the car I could have a really nice Gallardo....but I couldn't leave that alone either. The FI route is just a frustrating path to travel down. On the other forum I'm on it's kinda entertaining to read about the mad loot they are all blowing and friends from there tell me to add this, do for once I can .....just say no to the go fast crack The NSX is a great car but in 5 years of ownership its been out of my possession for almost 3 when you add it all up
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i regret buying the car from somone locally with no maintenance records instead of buying one from the nsxprime classified.4 months and around $9k later im still trying to fix little stuff here and there and not to mention i need to do tb and wp just to be on the safe side.
Im gonna kinda agree with Vegas......with all the money I've blown on the car I could have a really nice Gallardo....but I couldn't leave that alone either. The FI route is just a frustrating path to travel down. On the other forum I'm on it's kinda entertaining to read about the mad loot they are all blowing and friends from there tell me to add this, do for once I can .....just say no to the go fast crack The NSX is a great car but in 5 years of ownership its been out of my possession for almost 3 when you add it all up

i set limits to modding my cars for that reason... i have gone overboard before and when all said and done, i could have gotten a much nicer car... and going too far tends to cause problems and ruin the experience.

i am happy with my Z's level of mods, so i picked up an NSX with the money i would have dumped further into it for more power i don't need. once i get my NSX to a happy place, i will probably save my money for a house or another car.
i set limits to modding my cars for that reason... i have gone overboard before and when all said and done, i could have gotten a much nicer car... and going too far tends to cause problems and ruin the experience.

i am happy with my Z's level of mods, so i picked up an NSX with the money i would have dumped further into it for more power i don't need. once i get my NSX to a happy place, i will probably save my money for a house or another car.

That is a great statement. I've spent tens of thousands of dollars and years of trying to get a highly modified car running correctly. In the end I would get them correct and sell them because they weren't easy to drive around town. I've learned that if a car doesn't come FI from the factory don't try to do it on your own. I'm glad I left my NSX engine stock, however I regret not going oto another manufacturer earlier to experience a different driving machine.
I was in a Z situation as well HBui. I agree 100% with the "happy place" idea. I went through two z32's back to back, an NA then TT. In that era, I spent thousands of dollars, much of it towards extra power that I didn't need. There was only so much my car would put down without the rear dribbling or negatively affecting something else.

At any rate, I have learned to love and be more realistic about car ownership in the years since then. The NSX has been such a joy to own from day one, and I don't want to risk spoiling the overall experience by trying to make the car much more than it was meant to be.

Overall, I learned to throttle back the mod addition, and was able to invest in a home, etc. This allowed me to get my first NSX. And as much as I would love to go FI, I rather get my hands on at least one more, maybe in white :biggrin:

As an aside, I still miss my Z cars, and would love to run across a primo, unmolested TT again someday!

i set limits to modding my cars for that reason... i have gone overboard before and when all said and done, i could have gotten a much nicer car... and going too far tends to cause problems and ruin the experience.

i am happy with my Z's level of mods, so i picked up an NSX with the money i would have dumped further into it for more power i don't need. once i get my NSX to a happy place, i will probably save my money for a house or another car.
My main regret is not getting one sooner. I looked at and drove a 2001 in early 2004 but couldn't afford that one. Later that spring I bid on a 91 NSX and was outbid for it. A couple days later I was informed that the deal had fallen through and that I could have the car. I thought I smelled a rat, and dropped that idea. I then got a 986 Porsche, which worked fine, but I didn't get over the NSX itch. Finally in fall of 2006 I got my 92 NSX, and was wishing I'd done it sooner. Howard
I also regret the aftermarket carbon fiber overlay that the previous owner installed over the center console. Don't get me wrong, it looks good and helps create a real factory quality fit for the dvd/nav double-din head unit. But I can't open the ash tray. I'm thinking about relocating the lighter/power outlet. Or stripping the console and getting it wrapped in cf instead.
i regret not installing my Tein/ Bilstein suspension with the front on the lower perch to begin with... i was worried about being too low, but having a funky looking drop is far worse...
Why the regret on 4.44 gear Shawn?

For my local track and considering my hp and tq levels now, it's too high a ratio. It's great for acceleration from a standstill but I'd rather cut down on the gear changes. Just my preference.
i regret that it took me 9 cars to finally realize that i can own an NSX. i can only imagine what my car would look like if i didn't waste so much money on the other cars.
I regret allowing a "friend" of mine to drive my gorgeous NSX, a "friend" who promptly drove it into a ditch, totaling the car.

I've gotten a few cool cars to replace her since, but that NSX was truly my first automotive love and I'll miss her forever. Maybe in future years I'll get another and throw an unlimited budget at her.
No regrets so far. I have been driving it to work everyday for 4 years. I can't even complain about the tires only last 13 - 15K miles. It really is therapy everyday on the 30 minute drive home.
No regrets so far. I have been driving it to work everyday for 4 years. I can't even complain about the tires only last 13 - 15K miles. It really is therapy everyday on the 30 minute drive home.

I like to hear owners who actually enjoy their ride daily and not store it for the next owner. It never made sense to me to own a ride and pay insurance premiums and monthly payments just to drive it once in a while.

I regret buying my NSX 4 yrs ago for $25k and dumping another 10k in mods and now only worth $24k. Should I sell now before it goes down another $5-10k