Shy guy trying to make a move on a girl.

DocL said:
I have to disagree. Those women that are in their 30's and are still single usually have way too many hang-ups and cats. Furthermore, the older some women get, they most likely Can't Understand Normal Thinking. :wink:

Those are the ones that priced themselves out of the market. They will end up being sad and lonely, I stay far far away from them. :)
kenjiMR said:
Those are the ones that priced themselves out of the market. They will end up being sad and lonely, I stay far far away from them. :)

You may have forgotten what men get at 18 and what women get at 30. :wink:
or you could try your attempt at being an old man of oh let's say 65 (or at least look like you are) who has let himself go and is bitter and alone because he had a philosophy quite similar to above and was unable to keep his woman satisfied, loved, and respected. So she left and found it in a man who knows that the respect for a lady is a virtue at any age. ;)
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Lots of advice here Jin-

Looks like Turbo2Go has got your back, so there is very little I could offer you. I am still gaffing my way through batchlorhood too, and the best advice I have ever recieved is...

1. Don't beg- It just makes you look like a chump if you persist after being declined.

2. Don't lie- you seem like your looking for a long term relationship- If you start that with a lie, or even a small deception (like pretending to be something you aren't) it will eventually come out, then you ruined any potential trust, and any potential for a relationship.

3. Don't chase- this is for after the "first date". You know, the asking part is only part 1, there is the actual date part too. Sometimes it doesn't go so good, and maybe there isn't going to be a second date.
The good move here is to revert to rule 1 and not beg. I have a two call rule- If you leave one voicemail, and she fails to call back maybe she didn't get it / accidentally deleted it- but if she ignores a second message- then it is time to move on my friend. I don't allow a third strike, since romance isn't baseball.

Ask JDC1687 the cell phone can be a B%t@#

4. Be cool- if it does go well- it is time to contain your joy and not run your mouth to everyone in your office. Just be happy. If it doesn't go well, it is time to contain your angst and not run your mouth to everyone in your office. In that case, be respectful of the fact it just didn't work out, and try again with someone else, but don't let things be "weird". I don't date in my office for this reason, but since you are choosing from the company pool- be diplomatic. No one has covered the possibility that you might discover that you're not into her- It happens. Women are about more than just good looks, they have personalities just like anyone else. And, just like anyone else: their personalities can be stimulating, but they a can also be uninviting. If you find yourself put off by her manner, then it is a good idea to remember she works near you- and be cool about it. Women aren't saints. They can be crazy, and they don't really like rejection a lot.

Just ask Liftshard- oh sorry, you can't... **Suspended**

If she shows up at your house at 3:00am burning an effigy of you on your lawn while dancing in voodoo prayer- My recomendation is to move to another country...

Good luck my friend!

I agree with Mermi:

This is nearly the most ridiculous collection of Dr. Phil diarrhea I've read on Prime. YOU'RE ALL WRONG!!! :cool:

1. You don't know Jin
2. You definitely don't know the chick
3. You don't know the culture, social practices, mores in Brunei

Jin - read all this nonsense and take it with an American grain of salt. While I agree with parts of most of what people have written, as applied to American women, I also KNOW that you/this chick are probably quite different culturally. I've lived all over the States and the women are culturally VERY different in each region. South Beach might as well be on a different planet for that matter. My retarded advice to you is: ask your local buddies (that can pull it in) how they do it, and learn from your local masters. Not us American goofballs.
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Ski_Banker said:
I agree with Mermi:

This is nearly the most ridiculous collection of Dr. Phil diarrhea I've read on Prime. YOU'RE ALL WRONG!!! :cool:

1. You don't know Jin
2. You definitely don't know the chick
3. You don't know the culture, social practices, mores in Brunei

My retarded advice to you is: ask your local buddies (that can pull it in) how they do it, and learn from your local masters. Not us American goofballs.

You know... He's right actually.

Except that I am no doctor.

Re: Shy guy trying to make a move on Oprah.

Jin - read all this nonsense and take it with an American grain of salt. While I agree with parts of most of what people have written, as applied to American women, I also KNOW that you/this chick are probably quite different culturally. I've lived all over the States and the women are culturally VERY different in each region. South Beach might as well be on a different planet for that matter. My retarded advice to you is: ask your local buddies (that can pull it in) how they do it, and learn from your local masters. Not us American goofballs.

Sad but true..... That's why I never nailed White chicks!!! and stuck with Chinese women. :)

Jin, I'm no "master", all I'm saying is that you just be yourself. Unless you just want to get laid:, then you better take Kenji's advice and twist some of your local cultural favor in it. Or else, You don't really need any formular or strategies either.

I lately met couple kids that overdone and failed royally... so don't be too romantic on your first date.
Hey DocPhil, you are a babbling idiot. Furthermore, you used the wrong word in describing your location under your avatar. It's "except", not "accept" you moron. Now go back to the Osama hole you crawled out of.
Err..... ok..... sounds like we need to start a thread for DocL. ;) :D j/k

Jin, how are you going man? We need an update... after investing 112 posts and all the emotional energy -- not to mention the 'sound' advice -- we (ok, "I") want to hear how you're going. :D

If it doesn't work out with this girl, that's ok... that's what your NSX Prime family is for... help distract you and pick you back up.
According to my girlfriend, the more "politely assertive" you are, the better your chances (she and I go back and forth on this one all the time: I tell her that if we have any sons after we're married, she's not allowed to council them on how to pick up chicks). A lot of women (especially if they're pretty, but even if they don't realize how pretty they are) make assumptions about a man's intentions when he initiates contact because of the kind of (unwanted) attention they have been getting from men all of their lives.

Anyway, I've found that what works for me is to have some sort of conversation piece that she can ask about. For example, I might sit in a place near where she will see me, "minding my own business," while working on a drawing. Invariably, the girl will come up and ask me about the drawing.

Drawing works well because a person can instantly look at it and gain an opinion that she can express. But any activity can work, as long as you appear to be approachable. Once she initiates, I just take control and start asking her all the questions.

Before you know it, you'll be talking about your and her favorite movies/foods/music etc. Then just offer to take her to that movie/restaraunt/concert etc.

I find lunch works the best because for some reason, it's less threatening/formal than dinner.

But, yeah: if you can give her a reason to initiate (i.e. express interest), it should be easy from there. Just make sure you take control of the situation. Once the ice is borken and you're both more or less "comfortable," stay in control (this is when it's good to be "politely assertive").
naaman said:
According to my girlfriend, the more "politely assertive" you are, the better your chances (she and I go back and forth on this one all the time: I tell her that if we have any sons after we're married, she's not allowed to council them on how to pick up chicks). A lot of women (especially if they're pretty, but even if they don't realize how pretty they are) make assumptions about a man's intentions when he initiates contact because of the kind of (unwanted) attention they have been getting from men all of their lives.

Anyway, I've found that what works for me is to have some sort of conversation piece that she can ask about. For example, I might sit in a place near where she will see me, "minding my own business," while working on a drawing. Invariably, the girl will come up and ask me about the drawing.

Drawing works well because a person can instantly look at it and gain an opinion that she can express. But any activity can work, as long as you appear to be approachable. Once she initiates, I just take control and start asking her all the questions.

Before you know it, you'll be talking about your and her favorite movies/foods/music etc. Then just offer to take her to that movie/restaraunt/concert etc.

I find lunch works the best because for some reason, it's less threatening/formal than dinner.

But, yeah: if you can give her a reason to initiate (i.e. express interest), it should be easy from there. Just make sure you take control of the situation. Once the ice is borken and you're both more or less "comfortable," stay in control (this is when it's good to be "politely assertive").

Good advice. I do things similarly as well. Lunch or simple coffee is definitely the way to go at first. If you plan well, you can go for coffee then take a walk in the park or something. Changing venues in one meeting makes things even more intimate.
naaman said:
Anyway, I've found that what works for me is to have some sort of conversation piece that she can ask about. For example, I might sit in a place near where she will see me, "minding my own business," while working on a drawing. Invariably, the girl will come up and ask me about the drawing.

This method never worked for me. When the girl sees my drawings of psyco-smiley faced stick figures she runs for cover.