Shy guy trying to make a move on a girl.

12 June 2002
Brunei/ UK
Man this is probably the embarassing day for me. I've just ask a girl if she's single or not. My colleagues at the office are pushing me to get a date even trying to match me up with someone from the office. I'm 30 and still single (the only single guy in the office left :redface: ). So I made up my mind and it's either now or never and I don't want to regret later on and send an SMS to the girl I've been eyeing on for sometime (I'm not a stalker). Now I'm waiting patiently for a reply.

Any advise from you guys would be greatly appreciated. I've lost someone almost 6 years ago after she got married with someone before I was ready.
30 and still single? Psshh.. You say that as if it is highly unusual or something. I'm 29 and still single, and I can assure you, it's a choice, not a indicator of my success with the opposite sex. Being single is great...especially if you have an NSX.:biggrin:

Anywho, are you dating someone from your office? Inter-office dating can be a risking proposition, but sometimes you can't help but fish from the company pier.:redface:
Many of my friends thought having an NSX would attract chicks. It does but not the type of person I'm looking for. This girl I like is from a different department at the place I work. I've been hanging with some girls before but never get too serious. I'm very picky. :smile: What I'm looking for is generally a good lady and now I know her for a while. Problem is I don't actually know what I should do for the next step.
Dating 101: Ask her out. If she say no, no big deal. If she says yes, ask her what she likes to do and do it. Also, you seem to have high standards which may be justified, but those same standards may prevent you from meeting someone. I don't have much more to offer as I'm recently divorced and just started dating again. I will admit, the hunt for women is quite entertaining. :biggrin:
just becareful of those crazy one at work.

I met this one...that she asked me on my day off "how far are you from my work place?" Since it was lunch time, I had a feeling she wanted to meet up. So, I just told her 30 miles away even though it was MUCH lessor. And then she said "I guess it's too far for you to come by for lunch". I said..."you betcha"...but only in my mind :) She's REALLY crazy...literally.

Good luck! It sounds like you're in l o v e :)
Dont date anyone you work with. There are millions are chicks out there, dont do it. Trust me, I unfortunatly know all to well.:frown: Had to leave my job and everything. No due to the relatioship but the General Manager liked her and when he found, well, it was a bad scene.

Nothing wrong with being shy or being single at 30. Im 27 and wouldnt get married till im at least 35, no matter who it was. I like my lifestyle and would'nt comprimise it in any way shape or form.

Just be yourself,dont try to impress and just ask for it. Like we say in the car business, "if you dont ask, then you dont get."
This is a big problem right here "Shy guy trying to make a move on a girl." cannot be "shy"...most women do not go for shy have to be friendly and outgoing....when I was single I had a date for every night of the week...why?..because I am good looking?....hell no..I am as homely as they come...women are not generally as shallow as men are..they don't require that you be a super good looking guy,,...they DO require that you listen to them when they talk and and show them some respect and attention...lots of attention!!:biggrin:

Good luck..
Yah, and sometimes they want you to ignore them. And somtimes they want you to praise them. And some times they want you to like their firends. And some times they like you to keep them at home alone. and some times they want you to read their mind. And some times they want you to act all macho. And some times...

Good luck dude, cause if it's for a women, your screwed! Waahahahahaha....
My advice if you want to make the relationship work in the long run is to show as much of your real self as possible including all of your negative traits and habits.

Don't spoil her too much in the beginning, always keep things simple. You don't want to set the bar too high as it will be difficult to maintain it. Consistency is what women value most, not the temporary gifts, expensive dinners, and etc.

Be humble, but confident. Don't talk too much about yourself unless she asks and make sure you are giving her your full attention. Sometimes it is the little things that count like remembering what dress she wore on your first date. Smart girls will quiz you later on.

Good luck. Relationships can be rewarding, but it also comes with responsibilities.

That being said, I love women. It is definitely my biggest weakness.
Not yet. I'll guess I'll text her again. I guess I startled her a bit. :redface: I'll be persistant this time but going to be a little soft this time.
gheba_nsx said:
So did she answer? Keep us updated (yes... I am that bored at home on a Staurday afternoon... :) )

...and GOOD LUCK!
That will be my moto from now on. Thanks guys for the moral support. If I get this one I'm not going to be dissapointed like when I made the right choice to buy the NSX in the beginning.
The Kid said:
... Like we say in the car business, "if you dont ask, then you dont get."
zahntech said:
they don't require that you be a super good looking guy,,...they DO require that you listen to them when they talk and and show them some respect and attention...lots of attention!!:biggrin:

Ah, yeah.... shure...

Here is something to help you out-

It's not difficult to make a woman happy. A man only needs to be:

1. a friend
2. a companion
3. a lover
4. a brother
5. a father
6. a master
7. a chef
8. an electrician
9. a carpenter
10. a plumber
11. a mechanic
12. a decorator
13. a stylist
14. a sexologist
15. a gynecologist
16. a psychologist
17. a pest exterminator
18. a psychiatrist
19. a healer
20. a good listener
21. an organizer
22. a good father
23. very clean
24. sympathetic
25. athletic
26. warm
27. attentive
28. gallant
29. intelligent
30. funny
31. creative
32. tender
33. strong
34. understanding
35. tolerant
36. prudent
37. ambitious
38. capable
39. courageous
40. determined
41. true
42. dependable
43. passionate
44. compassionate


45. give her compliments regularly
46. love shopping
47. be honest
48. be very rich
49. not stress her out
50. not look at other girls


51. give her lots of attention, but expect little yourself
52. give her lots of time, especially time for herself
53. give her lots of space, never worrying about where she goes


54. Never to forget :
* birthdays
* anniversaries
* arrangements she makes


1. Show up naked :biggrin:
2. Bring beer

Good luck and keep us posted:cool:
one thing you MAY want to do...i know you texted her with your idea....of going out or what ever but if she has not responded i would verbally ASK her. ask her if she got your message, if she says YES, then you can make a light joke about it and ask her what the deal is? when do you pick her up. This way if she is put off by you asking in a text message, or put off that you asked (she likes being friends)....she will feel more comfotable with you asking face to face and is she has no iterest you have mad light of it as its now big deal and it hopefully will not effect the friendship..
also is she DID NOT get the text, you can ask her face to face and she will fell much better in your asking....

it easy to text NO, hard to say it....just as its easier to ask in a text, then in person.

once she says yes, no need to be shy...remember, she wants to be there to....

i think i sound like Dr. Drew...:)
01blacks4 said:
one thing you MAY want to do...i know you texted her with your idea....of going out or what ever but if she has not responded i would verbally ASK her. ask her if she got your message, if she says YES, then you can make a light joke about it and ask her what the deal is? when do you pick her up. This way if she is put off by you asking in a text message, or put off that you asked (she likes being friends)....she will feel more comfotable with you asking face to face and is she has no iterest you have mad light of it as its now big deal and it hopefully will not effect the friendship..
also is she DID NOT get the text, you can ask her face to face and she will fell much better in your asking....

it easy to text NO, hard to say it....just as its easier to ask in a text, then in person.

once she says yes, no need to be shy...remember, she wants to be there to....

i think i sound like Dr. Drew...:)

I agree with above. If you already text her, you should pick up the phone and ask. Or casually run into her in the office and ask in person. It shows your genuiness more than few text messages.

Also, if this person really intrigues you that much, then definitely toughen up the courage, and just do it :)

good luck.
Yippie! :biggrin: She finally answered. She didn't answered because didn't feel well last night. She said she's free for the world which could mean there's a room for me.

I'm dumb about this relationship thing. Any suggestions on what to do next? :biggrin: Happy, happy, happy.
I met my wife at work. Been married 6 years now. It was a hard sell because she was seeing someone there at the time. She never told me who he was untill they broke up.

I had to come in early and be there by 8 a.m. to be able to talk much with her. We both were technical leads on a software staff. I brought in yougurt and fruit, would have snacks and talk. Took me 3 months, been married 6 years now. We bacame good friends for months and finally went out one night. It was very romantic and we slept together that night. I told her I was in love with her and she felt the same. We moved in together a week later and have been together since. Our 6 year anniversary is coming up in Oct. The day after our first experience I told my Dad I had met the mother of my children. We have our first child Shayna now who is 9 months old.

A lot of people meet their wifes/husbands at work.

Go for it :biggrin:

Where do you think the saying... "Don't dip your pen in company ink" came from?
We haven't used ink for along time, so I think this has been handed down from many generations of experience. :smile:

And when women show up with beer, it is considered... "man flowers". :biggrin:
The last phone number I got was off a girl at the dump. :D

I had talked to her a few times before and knew she was going back to school the next week, so I stuck my head in and told her I'd kick my own ass if I didn't get her number before she went back to school... done and done. :D
Jin1976 said:
Yippie! :biggrin: She finally answered. She didn't answered because didn't feel well last night. She said she's free for the world which could mean there's a room for me.

I'm dumb about this relationship thing. Any suggestions on what to do next? :biggrin: Happy, happy, happy.

Hey, congrats Jin! You are da man! :cool:

You'll get plenty of suggestions on what to do next, so mine is: just play it simple and cool. Forget every noton of this becoming a "relationship" and just go out and enjoy yourself. Get to know her by talking and LISTENING. Be yourself but make sure it's your cool and confident self - dont be anxious if you say/do something wrong. Don't psycho-analyse everything she says. To repeat myself: just go and enjoy yourselves. At the end of the day, it's not you've said/done/been but how you leave her feeling. If she has a good time, she'll want to see you again.

Most importantly of all: keep us updated ... :biggrin: