race with F355

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So, let me get this straight:

-You raced an F355 in an NSX
-It was a piece of crap with a busted engine (like most of them)
-Your snap ring stayed in tact for the encounter
-A stranded motorist with an automatic TL witnessed the battle
-And finally, you emerged victorious because the other guy DNF'd

Congrats on the big win! :tongue:
Jeeesus. Whats with these damn RX7 guys jumping up and down, prancing all around like pink outfit wearing, tiara on the head wearing fairies on our boards ?!

Because they are:

Are there no RX7 boards for these guys to spend time on ?


Answer the Honda transmision issue that was posted yesterday
The issue about other models that have nothing to do with the NSX? Maybe we should talk about all the troubleshooting problems of the Mazda 323, too! :rolleyes:

I will remind you that personal attacks and insults are not permitted on these forums, according to the terms to which you agreed when you signed up.

For those going ballistic about why the FD is brought up...it's because in almost all performance parameters the half as expensive car wins all.
WRONG. In all the test procedures run by all the magazine articles except one, the NSX beat the third-gen RX-7, usually by about .3-.4 second in both 0-60 and 1/4 mile. Sure, you can modify an RX-7 to make it faster, but you can modify any car to make it faster than any other car.
The issue about other models that have nothing to do with the NSX? Maybe we should talk about all the troubleshooting problems of the Mazda 323, too! :rolleyes:

No, the issue being what is considered a piece of $hit (your words about the FD). If (using your math) say that less than 1% of Japanese car transmissions are likely to fail, then if the 2nd gen TL/CL have a 75% rate, what does that make them? The FD has a performance track record second to none relative to the NSX and just about every production car out there. If it's such a "crap" car, why does it happen to stand out in such a big way (something the TLs/CLs do zilch, even in their mundane classes)?

nsxtasy said:
I will remind you that personal attacks and insults are not permitted on these forums
What are you, a second grader with nary a grasp of the english language- since when is that word anywhere near an insult?!

nsxtasy said:
WRONG. In all the test procedures run by all the magazine articles except one, the NSX beat the third-gen RX-7, usually by about .3-.4 second in both 0-60 and 1/4 mile.

You bring up ONE statistic....straightline speed. Which according to 1/2 the published times the NSX barely edges the less-torquey/less hp rotary.

We've been through this before, and there's not one U.S. car test where the NSX even came close to the 7 in cornering Gs and slalom. The few track times that have been published always had the FD over the Honda; even the motor trend test referenced here, if you read the text they said that out of 2 editors' track times the Mazda finished 1st in one, Supra in the other. Further adding that if the straightaway was shorter the RX would've easily won both.

Meaning what? That the "crap" car which only seems to run a quarter of the time :rolleyes: dominates.

You don't live under a rock I take it, and you must've seen the numbers over the years time and time again, heard about the national auto-x results, why live in vehement and jealous denial?
What are you, a second grader with nary a grasp of the english language- since when is that word anywhere near an insult?!

Well don't forget you called me a "dickhead crusader" which sucks because now everyone will know my secret identity. Batmans named me "arrogant jerk" which I liked better as it's more sophisticated and rolls off the tongue better at partys:biggrin:

You RX7 guys sure are fiesty:wink:
LOL! I might have to use this quote, mind if I keep it in my back pocket? How's your 2004 NSX value holding up, anyway Wingz? :wink: :biggrin:

Go ahead I'm sure the RX7 boys will keep'em comin:biggrin:

Uh I guess it's okay I've never checked. Did you sell your 05? what happened to the hot babes in your sig?
Uh I guess it's okay I've never checked. Did you sell your 05? what happened to the hot babes in your sig?

No chance! Was in reference to this thread. I can PM a syllabus to anyone interested. :wink:


The hot babes - or EBITs as I call 'em - didn't appreciate their pics being blasted 'round the world (2.24x per day). When they showed up at my door, holding hands and looking a little angry, I respectfully invited them in and took down the ...uh...pics. :biggrin:
No chance! Was in reference to this thread. I can PM a syllabus to anyone interested. :wink:


The hot babes - or EBITs as I call 'em - didn't appreciate their pics being blasted 'round the world (2.24x per day). When they showed up at my door, holding hands and looking a little angry, I respectfully invited them in and took down the ...uh...pics. :biggrin:

You posted in the wrong thread again..LOL oh well at least you didn't tell anybody off this time.

Did you get them to kiss each other for your compliance in this matter? Ahem in front of the uh "hidden camera":wink:
Haha no I didn't. Still early though! That thread is where I delicately, tenderly, introduce Little BrahtW8 to the concept of capitalism (he's a lawyer, so I understand it might have been hard on the little tyke).

Did they kiss? Dude... if Brahtworst was here for the spectacle, I would've shielded his curious little eyes from the adult content!
highway, straight away, side ways, canyon way, anyway. supra owned nsx and rx7.:biggrin:

she aint just a drag car. she handles too.:tongue:

The FD... why we getting off track on the FD? If this aint a FD forum...

FD's need apexi seal changed every 50K like clock work. Its expensive and not too many people can do it right.

its end of topic. I dont have a FD because i dont want to take the time to learn to rebuild a spinning time bomb. Walk through does not look hard at all.

Bottom line is, this is not a FD forum, apexi seals go out like clock work and if you own one you either have to

A) have lots of $ for those rebuilds
B) have lots of good luck with those rebuilds. I got a buddy right now who just had a rebuid and that baby leaks oil like they where handing it out.
c) know how to replace apexi seals.

Also those engines are not very efficient at all. Bad gas milage, eats oil, even the RX8 sucks. Advertised at 24 MPG 240HP but i never got mine past 16-17MPG going 65 mph and it eats a quart of oil every 1000 miles.

+ we got one on the dyno and it only put 130HP and 130TORque down.

Its a complete switch and bait car. I had a RX8. I sold it with in 2 month cause it sucked.:biggrin:

isnt the topic 355 vs NSX? i dont see FD or rx7 in there.

is this post really 7 years old?:eek: wow
I wonder when these RX7 folks will consider their mission accomplished here on NSXPRIME and move on to the Corvette, Ferrari, Lotus, Viper etc., forums to troll. :rolleyes:

Back on topic please.
i really just revived this post as a joke. i was looking for the oldest post i could find. what was i thinking?
No, the fact is, it's a crap car.

Thats a broad statment.

I liked my RX-7 until i crashed it. I did have my engine replaced, Why? Because the car would stall when I had the AC on and the Techs did not know what to do to fix it. When I was told the engine was going to be replaced the service manager pulled me into his office and told me the reason was Mazda sent this car that was too technically advanced and Mazdas techs could not come up with reasons for problems, so lets replace the engine and see what happens...Car still staled afterwards.

The car was awsome, especially for a 23 year old.

12 years later I still look at them and beleive I will have one again, sitting next to my NSX.

The RX-7 is not a peice of crap.

It is a very unique car with a unique motor, great preformance, great looks, cool stereo, etc.

Those who want to bash me... I have an NSX not a RX-7 in my garage.
bash bash! :tongue:

a dog no matter how ugly, still has an owner that loves it. I think the issue is not that FD's sucks or not, but rather posting and flaming on an NSX forum, about rx7 out of context is getting old.
Nice car, some inmature owners.
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