R.I.P Len3.8

Oh my God. I don't know what to say. Len and I chatted on Sunday chat, and personally many times. We never met in person, but we both fealt like we had a lot in common, and were close friends. My heart is racing. I believe he was supposed to be at SEMA this week, and I was going to try and meet him in person finally. I feel like I should go down there and help his family somehow. Anyone down there in St. Louis, if there is anything I can do, just let me know. I am in complete shock and disbelief. He already is, and always will be missed. My prayers are with his wife and family.

I'll pray for you Len, may God have mercy on your soul.
This really struck home with me as a new rider of 1 week. Like many others here, I did not know him personally but my thoughts and prayers are with his family. I always enjoyed reading his posts and sharing of knowledge.

RIP Len, you will be missed.
Wow. I'm at a loss of words right now. I haven't posted much, but I've been lurking for about 2 years now and I've always looked forward to reading Len's posts. I know the NSX community has lost a hero. My prayers go out to his friends and his family.

RIP Len3.8
I am very sad to hear the news. Rest in peace, Len.

My deepest condolences to his family and friends. He was a very strong contributor to NSXPrime, and will be sorely missed for his invaluable advice.

Some of us on Chat were asking about him not a few hours ago. Even though we never met in person, we had numerous online and phone conversations. We have all lost a good friend. I pray he is in a better place, my thoughts and prayers are with his family.


I had never met Len but we would PM on occasion when he would comment on my photos and request a particular animal shot for his daughter. I could tell he was a loving father by his exchanges. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family.
Complete and utter shock and sadness. I have known Len for years and can't believe it. He was the "big kid" type you couldn't help but be friends with and I know from personal communications he was very close to his family and adored his two young kids. He was an accomplished businessman and you would need a powerful computer to count all his friends. This is a sad day for Prime and the St. Louis community. This is a hard one to swallow and I am glad I am typing this as I wouldn't want to test the lump in my throat by saying these things out loud.
This saddens me deeply. Len may you already be in Heaven and God give strength to his family and friends in this tragic time. My son just bought a Honda crotch rocket and everytime he goes out on it I worry!
:frown: This was not the first thing that I expected to read this morning. Like so many others here on Prime, I too will miss our friend Len.

My deepest sympathy and condolences go out to his family and friends.
we have lost a wonderful part of our lives, it's so sad.
my heart goes out to his family, and his friends.

i'm sorry, jelly... peace to you, len.
another reason to hate mondays.
Here is a picture of Len. We were at the Bentley dealership in town checking out the cars. I brought my son with me and he started to fuss. It was not a kid setting to say the least! I was tired and frustrated and was getting ready to leave. Len swooped him up and made faces at him and talked to him (think dog whisperer!). He had a great time after that as Len gave him the attention his did didn't with all the Lambos and Ferraris around. This is how I will remember Len always. Great dad and family man with a passion for speed, engineering, and luxury. He was also the kind of person that did VERY well in business and never talked about his business - always asking me how mine was and telling me how happy he was for me when his business accomplishments were much greater then mine. I could go on and on.


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I am truly shocked & saddened. I first "met" Len on Sunday night chats. Then we met for real when I asked him if we could meet when I was in St. Louis a couple of months ago for an interview. He picked me up & arranged an NSX get together too. A very kind, generous, and fun-loving guy. He seemed very hardworking and was definitely a man with a plan. I hope his family can get through this. My condolences to them all.

R.I.P. Len
Im sure we would have met eventually through the Midwest happenings, and I wish that would have happened.
All yearnings for a bike have all been stamped because of posts like this. One day someone is here, the next, they are not.
Keep a watchful eye on all of us up there Len! We will keep you in our prayers.
This is very very sad. :frown: :frown:

Didn't know him personaly but we had exchanged PM's and he was always a helpful guy. Matteni thanks for putting a face to the name. That made me even more sad.

I will certainly be willing to pitch in for some flowers or something... a note... something from the community for his family.

R.I.P. Len.
R.I.P. Len. I am saddened by the tragic news. We are a tight knit community and have loss a great friend and assest to this forum.

I agree and would contribute on sending flowers or a wreath from his NSX Prime family. Perhaps someone in the St. Louis area can give help us out with coordinating it.
Echo the sentiment of all who posted before, never had the pleasure of meeting or talking to the man directly, enjoyed his posts, and wish his family the strength to meet the challenges ahead without their beloved. RIP
Im in shock. Im really in shock and dont know what to say. Like many of you guys, I had never met Len but spoke to him on the phone when he needed a price for an 02 rear valence and he was a nice guy. His posts were entertaining an his presence will surely be missed.

My thoughts and prayers will be with his family:frown:
I just received a call about Len this morning. I keep far fewer friends than most people and was proud to count Len among them. He will be sorely missed so I am sad for all of us, but most of all for his wonderful kids, his wife, family, and of course Len himself because he had a great deal of living left to do.
Oh my god, I almost lost my breath now...

May he rest in peace :frown: Condolances to his family and friends...

This is so sad... :frown:
I'm completely shocked! I never met Len, but always enjoyed reading his posts. We're all going to miss you Len -- rest in peace :( Deepest condolences to his family...
This is totally insane... :(:(:( Though like many I did not know him personally, I could tell that he was a great guy just from chats and PMs. Great loss for the community and even greater loss for the family which he seemed to love so much. My thoughts and prayers are with his family :(:(