R.I.P. Jeff Ling also known as Racerxjling

RIP :frown:

Jeff's NSX was my motivation to get where mine is now after seeing his in Sport Compact Car Magazine, had great pleasure talking to him through PM with all my questions.

A great person to our NSX community RIP
Wow its amazing how many lifes Jeff touched...........:smile:
Well I had a $100 bet with him on the Celtics beating the Lakers and I was hoping for a double or nothing deal....

I am going to assume my bet with him again this year. Just like last year. If the Lakers beat the celtics again, I will give $100 to a charity that Jeff would have liked. Hopefully someone can tell me what that is. If I win the bet, I will collect when I see him after I pass. I'll be there for it Jeff, don't you think I will forget.

:frown: :frown:
Just read this and I'm in shock! RIP.

I didn't know Jeff that well, but he graciously helped me out when I had questions about laser eye surgery. He was a great guy. It's sad when someone that young passes...

Condolences to his family and friends.
RIP Jeff :frown:

He was a client / friend and I'm so shocked to read this right now! Anytime someone so young passes it's a shock to me and saddens me greatly....

It's clear he was loved by many and I can only hope he's in a better place now. RIP my friend....

It was a very good tribute to Jeff at his funeral. I am glad I got to attend it.

This is not a good week for me.....now today I find out my grandpa is on his last leg at the hospital. Getting ready now to go see him before he goes.
So sorry to hear of Jeff's passing. He was a real stand up guy who I will miss.


It's sad to read about this and my sympathies to Jeff's wife and family. Life is so precious and for those who knew Jeff and talked about his passions and good human nature I get a nice picture of a great guy having never met him or talked to him.
My sincere condolences to the family.
The memorial service was indeed a beautiful final tribute to Jeff and I was glad to be a part of it. His brother drove his cherished NSX to lead the funeral procession, and I saw a black NSX and white Type-R clone in addition to my own during that drive. It was nice to see some of our NSX brethren there to pay final respects.

Well I had a $100 bet with him on the Celtics beating the Lakers and I was hoping for a double or nothing deal....

I am going to assume my bet with him again this year. Just like last year. If the Lakers beat the celtics again, I will give $100 to a charity that Jeff would have liked. Hopefully someone can tell me what that is. If I win the bet, I will collect when I see him after I pass. I'll be there for it Jeff, don't you think I will forget.

:frown: :frown:

Donations can be made to the following (information provided by his wife for the memorial service):

St. Joseph’s Center for Cancer Prevention and Treatment

By Check: Made payable to St. Joseph Hospital Foundation with a notation on
the check or a separate note "In Memory of Jeffry Ling" and mailed to: St.
Joseph Hospital Foundation, 1100 W. Stewart Drive, Orange , CA 92868

By phone: Call the St. Joseph Hospital Foundation office at 1-714-347-7900
The memorial service was indeed a beautiful final tribute to Jeff and I was glad to be a part of it. His brother drove his cherished NSX to lead the funeral procession, and I saw a black NSX and white Type-R clone in addition to my own during that drive. It was nice to see some of our NSX brethren there to pay final respects.

It was indeed beautiful, and it was the perfect tribute to a guy who was so full of life. I am glad that I could be counted amongst those who were present at his final farewell.

I'm sorry that we didn't meet, Jon-Jon. I was in the black NSX behind you on the way to the place of interment. There was also another black NSX (ediddynsx) further back in addition to the white Type-R clone.
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Jeff's car was driven by his brother in law. Very touching moment to be their.

CDX NSX your nsx is beautiful. My wife and I was like who started their nsx via remote.

Thanks, Danny. I think that I saw you standing there for a while as I was walking to my car, but you were walking away as I got closer. Sorry, I thought that I might have been able to start it before anyone got there and notice it. :tongue:

While I had anticipated that his brother-in-law would be driving Jeff's car, it was an emotional few minutes as I watched the NSX pull into the parking lot and park in front of the chapel. I'm truly glad that they brought it.
I am surprised and saddened to see this thread. My condolences go out to Jeff's family. Jeff, you passed through life on earth and the NSX community much too fast. If there is an afterlife, I know you will have your right foot planted on the accelerator as you explore the unknown.
I'm sorry that we didn't meet, Jon-Jon. I was in the black NSX behind you on the way to the place of interment. There was also another black NSX (ediddynsx) further back in addition to the white Type-R clone.

i'm sorry we didn't formally meet as well. hopefully that opportunity will happen in the future under better circumstances. and i agree with you that seeing Jeff's car there was a very emotional moment. i'm glad they brought it out since he was so passionate about it. i'm inclined to think that a family member should bring the car out to NSXPO this year anyway -- it just seems like that may be something he would've wanted as he was excited about attending this year...
Never had the opportunity to meet Jeff. I only found out through Peter this last weekend about the funeral he was attending. Recognized Jeff's avatar and remembered his amazing red car. So sorry about Jeff's passing and condolences to his friends and family. We live such a relatively short fragile life--we should count our blessings, treat each other with more respect, and live every day like it's our last: carpe diem. We will miss you, Jeff!!!
R.I.P. Jeff and my condolences to his family. I never met Jeff but I bought a part from him and he was a gentleman.
Desiderata written by Max Ehrmann, is a poem I was given in a time of grief and sorrow. I have copies and would be glad to mail out, just pm address and I will mail.
Man I know I'm very late, But my heart goes out to his family and friends. Cancer is a brutal enemy that is sure to induce much suffering. I know this lends no comfort when you lose someone, but he is in a much better place. RIP Jeff and may GOD help your family through your loss.

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