R.I.P. Jeff Ling also known as Racerxjling

Jeff was a great guy. He will be missed..such sad, sad news indeed. My mind keep flashing back to the pms we've exchange over parts he had for sale. Very genuine guy, very helpful and always there when you needed him..
R.I.P Jeff
I'm sure you're in a better place now Jeff. Thank you for all that you've done for all of us and best regards to your family and friends. Rest in peace my friend...
I never met him personally, however we exchanged several PM's. His OEM rims are on my car. He seemed like a very nice guy. My condolences go to his family.
I never met Jeff or had the pleasure to chat with him - but read some of his posts - you can get an idea of what kind of person someone is by their posts (and others comments) - and Jeff sounds like a great guy - too rare in todays world. God bless you Jeff, and your family. My thoughts are with you in such a difficult time.

Hug those you love and all of your friends around you. Peace, Jay
Jeff was a super great and a remarkable person.

It's hard to believe Jeff is no longer here. We need more people like Jeff in this world and not less. He helped and treated everyone as a friend and no less. Let Jeff be an inspiration to us all on how to live and be as people

My deepest condolences goes out to his family and all his friends.
Rest in Peace Jeff, our prayers go with you and your family.
Sincere condolences to his family.

I never spoke with him on Prime, but did a long time ago on Supraforums. He seemed like a good guy who loved cars as much as the rest of us. Rest in peace..
Please give my condolences Jeff's family. I think about great people like jeff whenever I do any fundraising or coordinating for Cancer - "Relay for Life" & "Race for a Cure"
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I am sure he is still flying fast, with Senna and other life lovers that left to new worlds ... Jeff, RIP and please look for us here down below!

You will be missed!

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