R.I.P Len3.8

This is very upsetting to all of us, most of whom never even met Len.

Everyone knew Len. Everyone, through his posts, liked Len.

Prayers from Toronto for his family.
terribly sad, sad news that will surely leave prime members with an ache for quite some time. my condolences to all who knew, cared for and loved him.
I am also saddened by this tragic news and my prayers go out to Len's family.

This is a very sober reminder of how fragile life can be. :frown:

Ko-nsx said:
It is with great sadness and sorrow to inform the nsx community that Len3.8 (Len musgray) was involved in a fatal motorcycle accident this afternoon. Len was one of my closest friends and a great person in general. He introduced me to the nsx community and through him i have been very fortunate to meet the midwest crew and other great car enthusiasts' as well. Many of the members here, that knew him in their own way can all attest that he was a devoted family man and a true friend with a big heart. Let us take the time to remember to enjoy your friends and family, and live life to the fullest because tomorrow is truly not promised. Peace and blessing to his family. Len you will be greatly missed.

My thoughts and prayers to his family and friends. A somber day for all of us. He will be truely missed.
This is very sad, and shocking news indeed. It is such a shame when a person is so prematurely taken from the lives of his family and friends.

Len will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Rest in peace Len

My greatest sympathy to his family for whom the impact of his loss will be most deeply felt.


nchopp said:
Well, we're all talking about getting something together, so let's do so. If Ko-nsx wants to be our contact, we can PayPal him funds for flowers\etc.
agreed. ko, can you coordinate this?

if so, i wonder if starting new thread would simplify the process?
This is just awful news. I chatted with Len many times on sunday nights. So sad. RIP my friend.:frown:
This is terrible. He is one of those guys that you could never find anything bad to say about him and had no other choice but to want to be his friend. I had the privilege of hanging out with him briefly at St. Louis get togethers and the European car shows. He had a way of making everybody feel at ease and he will be missed. My prayers go out to his family.
If he is going to be waked then someone local should just organize the flowers,but also get a copy of this thread printed and included with the arrangement,from his nsx family.We can settle up later.
My deepest condolences. While I didn't know Len personally, I got to know him through his posts and contributions to Prime he really was a true asset to the community. I am sure he will be missed by Prime and all the other people outside of Prime.
My Condolences to Lens family, len's been a true enthusiast and have spoken with him many times in the past few years.
I just got off the phone with Ko-NSX. He is in touch with Len's brother and will help post details. We are also going to find out if there was a charity Len was very close too and will coordinate donations. We don't know much about what happened accept that it appears Len was riding alone (and no riders on back) and someone pulled out in front of him.

Please don't attempt to call/write Len's family right now for obvious reasons. Best to have a single point of contact for all NSX/prime folks. Unreal.
As I saw the headline, the hairs on my arm stood up. I can't count how many times we talked about getting together or stayed up late chatting on sunday nights. Although never met in person, may he rest in peace, and HE WILL BE GREATLY MISSED AMONGST THE COMMUNITY

From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch website:

St. Louis Post-Dispatch said:
Motorcycle rider dies in crash with SUV


A 41-year-old motorcycle rider was killed about 11 a.m. Sunday in the 7600 block of Hall Street when an oncoming SUV made a left turn in front of him and he collided broadside with the vehicle, St. Louis police said.

The victim was identified as Leonard Musgray of St. Louis County.

The SUV driver was unhurt.

The police accident reconstruction team is investigating.
So sorry to hear this. I always remembered his posts and he seemd like such nice guy. I hate to hear stuff like this. Totally bums me out. :frown:

RIP Len. Thoughs and prayers are w/ him and family.
R.IP Len, my thoughts and prayers go out to your family in this time of need. It is a shock to have a young man with such a bright future gone.

What a loss for the community... Len, I hope you get plenty of track time in heaven, bud.