Presidential Elelction poll

Why and Why?

  • I'm a Republican, I'm voting for any Republican on the ticket, in this case, McCain/Pulin

    Votes: 68 58.6%
  • I'm a Democrat, I'm voting for any Democratic Candidate, in this case Obama/Biden

    Votes: 33 28.4%
  • I usually vote for Republican, but I'm jumping ship to Obama this time

    Votes: 12 10.3%
  • I usually vote for Democrats, but I'm going to try McCain

    Votes: 3 2.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Legendary Member
18 September 2005
Southern California
All right!!! Now the candidates are set, let's have some fun!!!

Therefore, please allow me to do the honor of opening up a new can of worm:biggrin:

Present your case for your candidate. Let's have some fun, be sarcastic, energetic, but with open mind and common sense. After all, this is the Internet and we don't need to punch each other out!!!



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You forgot a very key demographic... the 'Independents'. These votes, whether for R's or D's, will shape this race moreso than any other segement.
Look into Palin, she has a VERY libertarian record and political philosophy.

I know a number of Ron Paul and Bob Barr supporter that will not be voting Mccain/Palin and Glenn Beck recently threw their support behind them.

McCain/Palin 08!
PS: Tomorrow is last day for private donations..
It's always nice to get all the opinions and then decide what to believe yourself. Pretty easy to control people by limiting information.

So you are a creationist?
So you are a creationist?

depends on what meds I am on. :biggrin:

seroiusly... I don't think there is enough information available to form an opinion. Part of me feels there has to be some type of entity that brought all the right conditions together for life to exist. The other part of me, the part who worked as a morgue attendant, doesn't see a difference between a dead human and a dead squirrel. If a dead human was left in the road to be eventually turned into a grease spot by multiple vehicle strikes I think life/death of humans would be viewed a lot different.
You forgot a very key demographic... the 'Independents'. These votes, whether for R's or D's, will shape this race moreso than any other segement.

2nd. The lumping together of policies is not rational.
She also thinks creationism should be taught as science alongside evolution. :eek:

Creationism and Evolution both have many flavors. The science behind creationism in it's purest definition is actually far more interesting than any scientific field I ever studied in my primary education... not to mention far more challenging. The physics involved will bend your mind... literally:wink: The best books I've ever read were written by Brian Greene and Bill Bryson... I would certainly consider their work part of the creationist science.

Take the religious aspect (Darwinites, God, Allah, Zues, etc) out of both sciences and let's enrich some minds! My Darwin reference is metaphorical because the I've found that many atheists tend to be more fanatical about their beliefs than Al Qaeda operatives seaking 72 virgins in the afterlife.
Creationism and Evolution both have many flavors. The science behind creationism in it's purest definition is actually far more interesting than any scientific field I ever studied in my primary education... not to mention far more challenging. The physics involved will bend your mind... literally:wink: The best books I've ever read were written by Brian Greene and Bill Bryson... I would certainly consider their work part of the creationist science.

Take the religious aspect (Darwinites, God, Allah, Zues, etc) out of both sciences and let's enrich some minds! My Darwin reference is metaphorical because the I've found that many atheists tend to be more fanatical about their beliefs than Al Qaeda operatives seaking 72 virgins in the afterlife.

Ditto, back to the Presidential poll! :)

Here's why I'm supporting McCain/Palin.

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Look into Palin, she has a VERY libertarian record and political philosophy.
She can balance a checkbook. Other than that, there's very little libertarian about Palin. For example:

* Abortion: should be banned unless the life of the mother is threatened
* Opposed to stem cell research
* Opposed to physician assisted suicide
* Thinks creationism should be taught in public schools
* Opposed to state health benefits for same-sex couples (but apparently in favor of state health benefits in general)

Those are Palin's positions, and each very antilibertarian.

I would not want to see a President Palin, and given that McCain is just one bad cold away from his deathbed, it's a not unlikely scenario.
Creationism is faith

Is it now? Creationism is giant umbrella that involves many things, the majority of which have nothing to do with Earth nor the religious beliefs of its people (e.g. Multi-verse vs. Universe, singularity, booms and crunches, m-theory, string theory, etc... all are related to creationism the science). Ultimately, creationism deals with the mystery of how the hell did all that stuff out there come to be? Once it got there, is all matter just locked in cycles or are there processes that provide for true matter addition or subtraction? I fall into the first camp... I believe all matter came to be at one time and is forever locked in the grip of cosomolgical physics that do all sorts of crazy things beyond our current comprehension. Now, is that what Palin wants taught... probably not, but don't be so quick to throw out creationism as a science:)

As for president... K-FINE IN '09!
don't be so quick to throw out creationism as a science:)
The problem with creationism, and the reason why it is not science, is that it presents no theories that are falsifiable.

Every theory of science is really just one repeatable experiment away from being discarded -- if that experiment shows without question that the theory is wrong. Creationism has no such concept. There is no experiment that can be done or even proposed that would show creationism as false. Therefore, it is not science.
Sorry guys, I didn't include "independent" or libertarian because:

1. Independent voters usually have a base. They just shift base what the candidate have to present (AKA, jump ship). The core believe is still the same if you believe in conservative or liberal values.
2. I have no interest in the libertarian candidates because they're vote don't count if they decide to vote for a libertarian candidate. I consider that a vote wasted. Even though their voice does matter, but not enough.

Sorry for being blunt, but that's the way it is.
She can balance a checkbook. Other than that, there's very little libertarian about Palin. For example:

* Abortion: should be banned unless the life of the mother is threatened
* Opposed to stem cell research
* Opposed to physician assisted suicide
* Thinks creationism should be taught in public schools
* Opposed to state health benefits for same-sex couples (but apparently in favor of state health benefits in general)

Those are Palin's positions, and each very antilibertarian.

I would not want to see a President Palin, and given that McCain is just one bad cold away from his deathbed, it's a not unlikely scenario.

So if you against all of those, you're pertty much a democrat!!!
So if you against all of those, you're pertty much a democrat!!!
Uh, no.

I'm pro-2nd amendment, anti-welfare and other entitlement programs, anti-national health care. I think most every federal agency should be disbanded, save for the military, the post office, and NASA (and maybe a couple others). I'd especially like to shut down the IRS. Sound like a Democrat?

As far as saying I'm wasting my vote: SCREW YOU ASSHOLE.

Uh, no.

I'm pro-2nd amendment, anti-welfare and other entitlement programs, anti-national health care. I think most every federal agency should be disbanded, save for the military, the post office, and NASA (and maybe a couple others). I'd especially like to shut down the IRS. Sound like a Democrat?

As far as saying I'm wasting my vote: SCREW YOU ASSHOLE.


Want to be my VP. :biggrin:

This is exactly what we need. People to take a stand and say "this is how it's gonna be like it or lump it."

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