No need to "mask" the tire when spraying on the plastidip?
I'm gonna Plastidip my wheels too, but using a matte black base + gold metalizer.
I'm gonna Plastidip my wheels too, but using a matte black base + gold metalizer.
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No need to "mask" the tire when spraying on the plastidip?
I'm gonna Plastidip my wheels too, but using a matte black base + gold metalizer.
No need to mask the tire. The plastidip will just peel off easily and/or rub off easily.
Post pics when you're done.
For those that have used this as a "clear bra" does it leave a crease or does it blend right into the paint?
Another question; If you just do the clear, do you need to use more (# of coats) since it is thinner?
I was looking around the net to see if I could find a ratio of colours in order to make the 3D untextured render colour. And then I stumbled on this thread. That Acura colour is by far the most perfect grey possible. I was wondering what ratio you used to achieve it? I live in Canada so ordering from may not be possible for me and I may be limited to the over priced colors carried in our hardware stores.
Thanks so much for the help.
So can you add gloss over the mat gray? What does the texture feel like after the glossifier cures?
Thanks for the kind words.
4 gallons of white
1/8th gallon of black and 1/4 gallon of gunmetal.
Anyone use this on the front lip?
How well do they hold up on wheels?
How easy is it to peel off wheels after lets say a years worth of driving? Easier to dip without tires on or with tires? (Scared of messing up the dip if I mount the tires on after)
It holds up fine on wheels. Just make sure you make the finish nice and thick.
Tires on it are the best way.
Gotcha i think I might try this for fun. If i like it I'll leave it on there for the summer.
Have you had wheels dip for a year and tried to peel it off before? Just curious if something like wheels that heat up n cool down all the time has any effect on the dip curing/sticking to the rims more.
Pressure washable?