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Plasti-dip Questions and answers

Good to know. I think for my first round of color change i am just going to keep it simple and go black. This seems like a great easy and cheap way to change things up on your car. I really would have liked a White Nsx so i can only imagine what i will be doing in my future as this seems 100 times easier then vinyl wrapping
My te37's are gunmetal with the metalizer.

Those do look pretty nice. I think i would probably do something like that after i get bored of the black. I loved my wheels when i got them bronze and now they just kinda grown on me and i actually like the way they look the dirtier they get LOL so i am guessing it is my eye matching up the black roof into things. Maybe before changing off the regular black ill do the gloss for a bit then throw the metalizer on then just rip it all off and start all over. This stuff just seems like such a great little invention
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Doing the jambs etc is VERY time consuming and you will need a lot more dip. They would all need to be done prior to doing the exterior. The shop car for source1 was dipped gunmetal and I went in and did the jambs in matte black. We just peeled it all today or I would take pics for you.
I have a set of wheels I want to do for the mean time before I get them professionally done. A question that I have is rather than peeling the wheels after, is there a quicker way to remove the Plastidip. I tried a spot on my Advan Model 5's and then removed it with some wax and silicone remover which seemed to eat at it and wipe off. Is there a way I could spray a solvent onto the wheels and then pressure wash them to remove the Plastidip? I need to do the entire wheel including the inner barrel but I do not want to upset the wheel re-finisher if the stuff needs to be pulled off .
nothing that will just disolve PD. You could use something like wd40 or goo gone but you are still going to scrub it. If you put enough layers of PD it should peel off easy. No need to put anything on it.
Anyone have a picture of a plastidipped nsx with a good amount of glossifier on it?
just CF Mirrors I did a while back, I can't remember where I posted it at. I will see if I can find it.
Now that you recommend 4 gallons instead of 3... How many coats would you recommend doing now?
Now that you recommend 4 gallons instead of 3... How many coats would you recommend doing now?

The amount of coats depends on how thick you are comfortable in spraying. I would add as many coats as it takes to go through 4 gall. Even when you think it is completely covered and thick with 3 gallons once it settles you can still find spots. With 4 gallons you can not. Again.. This is personal preference. I change colors a LOT on my TL. So adding the 4th gallon saves me time in removing the product also.

It all depends on the color you want and the color underneath. Some colors take more coats and some take less but expect to do at least 3. I've heard some colors like yellow take 5, maybe even white as well.

Some colors are more in depth then others. Take Blaze orange for example. You can use 3 gall of orange. However you need to cover the car in a solid white base to achieve the bright orange. So you will need 3 gall of white then 3 gall of orange for a total of 6 gallons used.. If you "dust" it in white with a couple coats then try to spray the orange it looks horrible. All the placed you do not have good coverage on with the white will be darker orange.
Looks cool. I wanted to see how gold plasti-dip looked too so I did an OEM wheel except I used a white base.

Finally had a chance to Plastidip my wheels.

After: 3 cans matte black, 1 can gold metallizer



Looks awesome! What K1ng said "More pics" Let us know if it fades at all. I heard that the gold flakes will come off so it doesn't look as shiny after about 6 months...Its plastidip so I guess you could peel and respray

Thing with PlastiDip is you have to keep distance constant and make sure the surface is clean of dirt, wax, oils. Otherwise you get texure.