NSXPO "official" smack talk

Since it is about than 2 weeks away, I though I'm reviving this thread.

Who here got their car ready to put the smack down. The car I will be driving (Tom's) has some issues and most likely will not put me in good position to lay down the smack.

That being said, I'm composing a long list of excuse just in case the car do not perform well. In any case, I might have to hire RSO expertise to make me the list of excuses :D
According to the point 10.K, on page 15 of NSXPO2004 Driver School manual,

"If someone [Peter, John the Bumble Bee, or Bob] is in your mirror who was not there last time you looked, they are faster than you are. Period. Even if they are not crowding you, let them by at the next passing zone. DO NOT TAKE YOUR EGOS ONTO THE TRACK."

:p :D
Andrie Hartanto said:
That being said, I'm composing a long list of excuse just in case the car do not perform well. In any case, I might have to hire RSO expertise to make me the list of excuses :D

Here is a little list, pro bono, for you to consider:

5. I would have been faster but my wheel fell off. (just make sure you credit me for being the originator of that concept)
4. I had too much drag because I used Zaino instead of Zymol.
3. I was too tired after dancing the night away to the tunes of Nick and the Nice Guys on Friday night.
2. I got seasick on the dinner cruise on Sunday night.
1. I suck.
RSO 34 said:
Here is a little list, pro bono, for you to consider:

5. I would have been faster but my wheel fell off. (just make sure you credit me for being the originator of that concept)
4. I had too much drag because I used Zaino instead of Zymol.
3. I was too tired after dancing the night away to the tunes of Nick and the Nice Guys on Friday night.
2. I got seasick on the dinner cruise on Sunday night.
1. I suck.

That is hilarious.
RSO 34 said:
Here is a little list, pro bono, for you to consider:

5. I would have been faster but my wheel fell off. (just make sure you credit me for being the originator of that concept)
4. I had too much drag because I used Zaino instead of Zymol.
3. I was too tired after dancing the night away to the tunes of Nick and the Nice Guys on Friday night.
2. I got seasick on the dinner cruise on Sunday night.
1. I suck.

Just a few more helpfull reasons since I'm not tracking they're for free as well:

a) My helmut's too heavy because my head's so big
b) I have a "Bailey Wing" on the back of my car
c) I got pulled over on my way to the Glenn and I'm right foot shy now
d) I didn't have time to have my car detailed by the DD7(Detailing Dynamics
day 7 that worked on RSO's car) and Miled's too busy to help me now
e) It's cold here, and my car performs better in ......... (fill in the blank)
Well now that it is over.... Who was fastest on the track, and who was fastest with the excuses??? :D
Well I rode with DocJohn in the instructor session and he was passing everyone (even the guy in the radical!) He is by far the most talented driver I've ever had the pleasure of meeting, and made me realize how much I still have to learn. I used to consider myself a good driver until I rode with him, and now I feel totally inadequate :D My vote is for DocJohn!
I was also treated to about five laps around the Glen in DocJohn's car. Considering the weight penalty he was enduring with me in the car, (228#), it was especially impressive to watch him reel in the other cars on track. During the session just after lunch my wife and I watched the cars on track from inside The Glen, a restaurant with a beautiful panoramic view of turns one, two and up through the esses. DocJohn's car was VISIBLY faster than anything else on the track including the spec racer and Radical. John's car is well sorted and he knows what to do with it. Thanks again for the ride John! :D
I vote for Doc as well. He was my instructor and took me out for the very first session in his car. All I could think afterwards was..."what did I get myself into!! :eek:" He is both an excellent driver and teacher.


too bad, I didn't get to play with DocJohn. We had misfiring problem on Tuesday. Shad was helping out to try to resolve the problem. But after tinkering with it, we cou;dn't fix the problem and we had to call it the day. The car was running only with 5 cylinders.

I was running Tom C's red car with aluminum wing. I ran in instructor's group and tom ran it in Advanced group. I did get by Peter Mills on day 1. One down, one more to go ;) But the misfiring prevent us to go out and play with DocJohn.
I did get by Peter Mills on day 1. One down, one more to go But the misfiring prevent us to go out and play with DocJohn.
I don't believe that......Peter was probably drinking coffee and listening to the radio ;) ;)
TampaBayNSX-R said:
DocJohn's car was VISIBLY faster than anything else on the track including the spec racer and Radical.
Yea, those Radicals are just plain slow.:rolleyes: Cmon, Scott. Maybe John was a better driver, but don't try to convince anyone that any NSX even remotely sports a chance against a Radical.
Yes...I gave Andrie a point by on the back straight. I was trying to be a gracious host. My plan was to set Andrie up on turn 10 and 11 and force him to give me the point by...but alas the checker was thown. He knows he got a cheap one!
There will be other NSXPO's and other tracks.

Andrie Hartanto said:

too bad, I didn't get to play with DocJohn. We had misfiring problem on Tuesday. Shad was helping out to try to resolve the problem. But after tinkering with it, we cou;dn't fix the problem and we had to call it the day. The car was running only with 5 cylinders.

I was running Tom C's red car with aluminum wing. I ran in instructor's group and tom ran it in Advanced group. I did get by Peter Mills on day 1. One down, one more to go ;) But the misfiring prevent us to go out and play with DocJohn.
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But most importantly, everyone should be aware that Andrie is so slow he left his student waiting 7 minutes for him to arrive at the staging grid. I guess Andrie's shoes were so hot that he couldn't manage to make his way over to the grid quickly.
Bob, did you get the picture of me passing Peter??
C'mon now, did you take a picture of me on top of the hill ;)

I do have to apologize for making my student waited for me. It was 100% my fault, but I hope I made it up by being a very good instructor. :)
scNSXgirl said:
Believe it…I was in the car ;)

Andrie - Thanks for the ride…that was awesome…much more cooler than the rides at Six Flags!!! :D

No problem Yvonne. I'm sorry if I scare you, though. When I get out to the hot pit and saw Peter's car flew by the front straight, I knew I got to catch him. Didn't even waited for the tires to warmed up (anybody that was there can attest on how cold the weather was), prompted to some sliding right away. We finally reeled Peter in, and passed him on the back straight into the bus stop. Gotta love passing him with style going through the bus stop sideways :)

Don't worry Peter, I'll give you a shot next year ;)
Andrie Hartanto said:
Bob, did you get the picture of me passing Peter??

Any time I photographed you, I followed the same routine. I waited for Peter to go by and then I left to play a quick game of chess and always made it back in time to get the shot.

Andrie Hartanto said:
C'mon now, did you take a picture of me on top of the hill ;)

I tried to get that hill photo I promised you except I waited for you so long on the hill the NSX was discontinued and replaced with the HSC.

I was lucky enough to be granted a ride from Tom with Andrie in the #27 car when it was running "right" on Monday. I say granted because these people kindly allow us non participants to ride along. After a slight delay due to my inexperience with a full body harness we were hooked up and good to go. Boy, did we go! If I was driving my car and felt the body roll force I felt I would be lifting :eek: not accelerating. If there was ever an "A" ticket it is was Andrie driving Tom's car, my thanks to both for the ride and to form a friendship. Didn't catch a ride in the Bee, maybe next time.