im not asking people to disrespect anyone else, ie their wife but there is a role for male and female.
Life has more of an order that way and both genders have a role to fill. Men, work their asses off to provide for the family. Women stay at home and raise the kids and take car of the castle.
You can value her opinion above all else but there are so many wipped men that never acheave their dreams due to the "kind" persuasion of their better/worse half.
No insecurities here my friend, it takes total security to put down your foot. After all, you dont want to make the wife mad do you?
If a woman respected his man, she would not need to give him authorization to buy a car with his hard earned money. If a man has respect for himself, he would keep his finances in good condition, make sure there is more than enough saved for the family and if he wants a car, he goes and buys a car with out seeking approval since the car is for him and him alone + he earned it.
Im not speaking of irresponsibile spending but asking for permission is just pussy. You are the one that are insecure and cant make up your mind with out seeking approval.
Im sad to see that you have been wipped into submission and have yours in a pickle jar.
Originally Posted by vtec29k
Well said. I was really surprised to read that previous post ... as I consider
people owning NSXs having a lot of class (having chosen a classy vehicle
themselves) and hopefully owing one soon. This thread is just going downhill
now ... I was reading it as it was particularly valuable to me as I am in the
same boat myself, trying to figure out if I can afford the maintenance and
repair costs on a NSX.
Reality is reality. If you want it suger coated, then sure go ahead and get that nsx, its 10$ at the local jiffy lube for an oil change, 99$ special at any local mechanic for timing belt and if the engine breaks down, its only 200-300$ from the junk yard for a used one with 20K miles and when you cant make payments, repo man driving by every night, dont have money for insurance, a little short for rent, have ask friends for gas money, losing it.... go drive your NSX, im sure everything will be alright.
Facts are facts, just giving it to you straight. If you cant afford it, you cant afford it. Dont act foolish, it wont change anything, if anything, take action and get a better job.
Im going boating/fishing with my lady. I love Mondays
im pretty sure that makes her happier then nagging her for her approval like a child. When i want a car, i go buy a car. Acturally she was the one that suggested getting a boat.... so next day we went and picked one up. You can honor your lady with out disrespecting yourself. I have a hand full cars and never heard one peep from her about them. Catch you guys in 10 hours:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: