i don't support the OP in anyway, however it doesn't matter if he did this where everyone can see it COULD have been dangerous and you did yours in a 5 lane or 10 lane highway. Bottom line you both were wrong; should you have been spotted by the cops, you'd both be getting the bookings. In comparison, now if someone cheats on a wife/girlfriend at a public bar/club where her friends frequently visit Versus someone cheating at a discrete MOTEL on some abandoned stretch of land. you'd both be in trouble IF your woman were to find out eh. You won't say well " i wasn't hurting you because i was doing it where i was certain no one would see me". again i don't support neither but i try to avoid bias decisions as well.
As far as the immaturity statement...that has little relevance. i'm in my early 20's and have owned my nsx for a few years now. 90% of the time i drive like and old lady, yet whenever i do take the car out for a drive to NYC on I-95, there are always a few older porsche/corvette gentlemen that pull up to my side and punch it in an attempt to instigate a pursuit.
But to the OP- it may help to try the track next time though:smile:
That is the most intelligent/mature response to my threads I have ever read.:smile: You should be a politician.
Yesterday I was coming home from work at a light when a guy around 70yrs old pulled up in a CL playing some loud folk music. I revved my engine just to mess with him (never thinking he would take off). When the light turned green he blasted off like bat out of hell! I was so shocked that I stalled the car out.

PS - These videos are ALL my recordings from the past year. I have had one ticket in over 300,000 miles of driving, no accidents, don't drink, don't use cell phone. I always prefer closed course/track, yet I am always interested in how cars perform on the street in real life situations whether it's 0-60 from a light vs an Eclipse or an Enzo.