NSX vs Murciealago

i'm gonna have to go ahead and say you're an idiot for driving like that on crowded streets.

and thanks in advance for making NSX insurance go up :rolleyes:
i'm gonna have to go ahead and say you're an idiot for driving like that on crowded streets.

and thanks in advance for making NSX insurance go up :rolleyes:

:rolleyes: uhh - I don't think the street was very crowded after the mighty bull cleared a path for me. You should stop being a poser and start driving your car. Maybe then you will get a ticket for actually doing something instead of "a whole slew of tickets for stupid stuff." I have put over 300k miles on my past cars with only one ticket. Sounds like one of us is doing something wrong.
:rolleyes: uhh - I don't think the street was very crowded after the mighty bull cleared a path for me. You should stop being a poser and start driving your car. Maybe then you will get a ticket for actually doing something instead of "a whole slew of tickets for stupid stuff." I have put over 300k miles on my past cars with only one ticket. Sounds like one of us is doing something wrong.

Yes.. one of us is doing something wrong! There are many of us that drive our cars very, very hard... at the track! We have Putnum Park and Mid Ohio within 2-3hrs of us and there are track events almost every weekend. In addition they are building the Bluegrass Motorsports half way between Louisville and Cincy this winter. You really have no excuse for not tracking your car if you want to drive the car hard.
:rolleyes: uhh - I don't think the street was very crowded after the mighty bull cleared a path for me. You should stop being a poser and start driving your car. Maybe then you will get a ticket for actually doing something instead of "a whole slew of tickets for stupid stuff." I have put over 300k miles on my past cars with only one ticket. Sounds like one of us is doing something wrong.

Your immaturity is outweighed only by your overwhelming sense of self-importance. What you are doing is not driving your car but contributing to an accident waiting to happen. Take the car on the track if you want to take on these cars rather than risk the lives of people around you while you do something stupid. With any luck, when you wrap that car around a pole you will be the only one in it.
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:rolleyes: uhh - I don't think the street was very crowded after the mighty bull cleared a path for me. You should stop being a poser and start driving your car. Maybe then you will get a ticket for actually doing something instead of "a whole slew of tickets for stupid stuff." I have put over 300k miles on my past cars with only one ticket. Sounds like one of us is doing something wrong.

onerednsx drives his daily. You just happen to be fortunate enough to not run into a cop seeing you do retarded moves yet, or become acquainted with a tree or barrier at 120mph. Around here a cop sees a NSX weaving in and out of traffic chasing a yellow Lambo they give you a 440.00 reckless driving ticket with a 6 point(of 12 in SC) slash against your license... I don't really see that as stupid stuff.

You should really consider going to the track. At least there you have cat litter to slow you down if you loose control. on the streets it could be some moms mini van or a ditch. In either case stay safe.:biggrin:
guys... take it easy.... don't be like that, because we all don't go by the rules all the time... i doubt any of you never crossed speed limits, burned a red light, parked out of place (not common in US because you guys have lots of space arround buildings), etc, etc... there is NO ONE that cam say "I always follow the rules"....

and he didn't speed that much, at least from what i can see in the video the speed of other cars wasn't much slower....

but to each his own...
guys... take it easy.... don't be like that, because we all don't go by the rules all the time... i doubt any of you never crossed speed limits, burned a red light, parked out of place (not common in US because you guys have lots of space arround buildings), etc, etc... there is NO ONE that cam say "I always follow the rules"....

There is a difference between not "always following the rules" and doing something reckless and stupid. The OP seems to enjoy having the spotlight shine on him by posting videos of street racing in residential areas so it is appropriate for others to chime in about why they think he is an idiot.
Street racing is stupid. Posting videos of yourself racing on the street is even more stupid. Crap like this makes it harder for all of us to enjoy our cars.
There is a difference between not "always following the rules" and doing something reckless and stupid.
there is a lot of things done while driving, that we don't find reckless or stupid, yet they have very bad results... talking on the cellular phone is one of them :wink:

The OP seems to enjoy having the spotlight shine on him by posting videos of street racing in residential areas so it is appropriate for others to chime in about why they think he is an idiot.
i don't know the history of posts of any prime member so i can profile them...i react to the matter at hand, in this case is the video above.

Crap like this makes it harder for all of us to enjoy our cars.
why?? if you do the things the right way, following the rules, no one can't poke you because you're just.... following the rules

i'm done with this "pointing fingers" type of threads... it's not me to judge, to point my finger to anyone....while my hand is pointing a finger to someone, the other 4 fingers are pointing right at me :wink: :wink:

you guys that like to do it, feel free to continue.
Why? Because idiots on the street alarm the citizenry who then demand something be done about it. The result is ever more draconian laws and penalties. These are being enforced on everyone because of a few.

That's why.

And I won't even go into why it's a bad idea to post these videos on the internet. I suspect the idiots who do so will be finding out soon enough why (see first paragraph above).
I wonder what kind of damage a camcorder wil cause if the airbag deploys...
:rolleyes: uhh - I don't think the street was very crowded after the mighty bull cleared a path for me. You should stop being a poser and start driving your car.

this coming from somebody who posts videos of himself beating stockish eclipses and busted integras?

i do drive my car. when i want to race i go to a track, not crowded street.

and the 'mighty bull' was not 'clearing a path for you,' he was trying to get away from your wreckless stupidity. probably figured somebody who drives like you on the street would pull a ricer fly-by.
Wow you guys need to chill and I like how you call going from one lane to the other weaving in and out of traffic. I guess I weave in and out of traffic all the time and I never even knew it lol. Yeah the part where they literally speed up in the middle lane could be called dangerous driving but it didn't seem like they went that fast and didn't seem like "reckless" driving to me.

This to me is reckless driving. The video posted above is nowhere as near as reckless as this one.
<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/1x2-EEkRRfw"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/1x2-EEkRRfw" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
this coming from somebody who posts videos of himself beating stockish eclipses and busted integras?

i do drive my car. when i want to race i go to a track, not crowded street.

and the 'mighty bull' was not 'clearing a path for you,' he was trying to get away from your wreckless stupidity. probably figured somebody who drives like you on the street would pull a ricer fly-by.

LOL, the "Mighty bull" probably did'nt even realize he was back there. :rolleyes:
Seems that as the NSX's price drops thru the years so does the IQ level of the potential buyers.


Not necessarily... money doesn't buy taste or brains! Yes, the price of entry does make it more accessible to younger people. But immature is immature. Some people grow older, they don't grow up. I am not sure if FourRingPilot is the former or later. We are all guilty of speeding, reckless behavior, etc. but with maturity also comes the intelligence to minimize those risks and make sure that we are not putting uninvolved innocents at risk. "Street Racing" does neither.


Seems that as the NSX's price drops thru the years so does the IQ level of the potential buyers.


This coming from someone who posted gumball videos?:confused:
I guess it is fun to be a hypocrite and flame a thread that is similar to yours. If I had millions of dollars to produce a bigger road race you would like it more?
This coming from someone who posted gumball videos?:confused:
I guess it is fun to be a hypocrite and flame a thread that is similar to yours. If I had millions of dollars to produce a bigger road race you would like it more?

Im not playing the holyer than thou bit here , but bragging about how you break the law continuosly then posting it on the net is an easy way of determining your age, either chronological or mental.

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Im not playing the holyer than thou bit here , but bragging about how you break the law continuosly then posting it on the net is an easy way of detrmining your age, either chronological or mental.


I apologize. I did not mean to brag or boast. This thread was to actually show how much faster the murcielago is (rather than just talking about it). Every lambo owner I know has never had a problem showing me how much faster his car is. I thought some might like to see it. I realize many do not like the vids I post. They do not have to watch them or result to juvenile name calling / put downs. Such behavior only shows their own insecurity and lack of maturity. If it makes you feel better about yourself to engage in this while behind a keyboard then I say good for you! Forums are all about free speech. I love NSXPRIME and all its members including the same ones that bash my video threads. I never flame their threads or make snide remarks even though I may not like or agree with their thread.