NeoNSX said:
mee nottie unddastandy whaaty da guyz r speeky aboot.

(As you can see I don't speak a word of dutch.

I feel left out.

OK, a few important Dutch words:
snel = fast (so, also means “NSX”)
mooi = beautiful (so, also “NSX”)
strak = tight (like the NSX handles)
rood = red (like my NSX)
vies = dirty (like my NSX)
blij = happy (have NSX)
inhalen = pass (what we do, and what never gets done to us)
niet goedkoop bij een botsing = not cheap in an accident
boost = this is what Gerard has (supercharged)
rijbewijs = drivers licence
rijbewijs kwijt = licence confiscated
brede banden = wide tyres
mooi geluid = nice sound (the sound an NSX makes when you boot it)
mooi meisje = beautiful girl (like Dutch girls)
lekker ding = (another important Dutch phrase)
leuk = nice (like NSX drivers)
cossie = my Cosworth (not a Dutch word) (yet)
lekker = tasty (a very important Dutch word)
goesting = (an important Flemish word) feel like (as in: I “feel like” having a sandwich (for you Dutch guys, it means “ik heb trek” in een boterham…”
autosnelweg = motorway/”fast highway” (what Holland doesn’t have)
Autobahn = leads to Nurburgring
autostrade = fast motorway (what Belgium has)
politie = police (what Holland has)
politie = police (what Belgium doesn’t have)
molen = windmill (these are really nice)
klompen = can’t drive an NSX in these (my wife wears them)(she’s Dutch)
AND the most important Dutch word of all:
gezellig = cosy/friendly (an NSX trip with the Dutch NSX club!!)
So, now, besides “gedey, mate”, what nice words does Oz have? :smile: