My Sixteenth Birthday (Very Important)

Originally posted by 8000RPM:

Silicon Valley got its start due largely to Stanford, and not any of the other local colleges in the bay area.

Ever wonder why?
Because Hewlett and Packard (Jobs and Woz uh...the list goes on), just happen to grow up in the immediate vacinity. Stanford was literally just down the street from their houses. As for the other guys...well...they didn't go to Stanford. And, I disagree with Stanford being so instumental in the transformation of those fruit orchards to wafer labs and such. They had nothing to do with it academically. the university simply had bare land around the campus. About 50 years ago or so, Stanford had some really bad financial they decided to lease this land out. They limited the leases to High-tech only. So, GE, Lockheed, HP followed after Varian corp jumped on the horse. Over the years Silicon Valley spread geographically to SJ and beyond. So you see, it was geography not academics that started Silicon Valley. Every university in the area now has top ranking CS and EE schools..unlike just 15 years ago when there was less to choose from. So, have I ever wondered why Silicon Valley got its start due largely to Stanford, and not any of the other local colleges in the bay area...have you? There's your history lesson for the day.

Ever wonder why Japan was so instrumental in the development of the Acura NSX..and not any other counrty on the globe
Let's get back to talking about cars.

Todd E. Williams
'94 NSX Berlina Black/Onyx
Hey theres 9 more days left only 9 more days.

Just to tell you I'm feeling better today.
Originally posted by tewills:
...They had nothing to do with it academically. ... Every university in the area now has top ranking CS and EE schools..

Highly debatable - but this is not the proper place for such discussions.

Now back to the birthday countdowns...
Originally posted by Midnight_Raven:
Hey guys it is 8 more days left 8 more days.

I'm doing great today.

Don't forget to hit Denny's for your free breakfast and Benihana for your free dinner

Todd E. Williams
'94 NSX Berlina Black/Onyx
UUUUUUUUHHHHHH, NO. I don't understand what you are talking about Twellis, please someone tell me what he is talking about.
You can find free stuff for your Birthday at many different businesses - you can probably eat free breakfast, lunch & dinner if you check around!
Free car wash is typical too - oh wait, no car yet!
7 days and falling. It is getting closer and closer. I still wish I could somehow go to boston for the little spin that bostonNSX said he could give me. I will check to see if someone could take me down to boston on that day. If I could, which I doubt, I will contact you BostonNSX.
Enjoy your sushi AznSXgirl!

Did you birthday guys/gals know that Dec 26th is known as Boxing Day; that was the traditional day to exchange Christmas "boxes" or gifts with friends & family (not at the mall!), although now only the name is really celebrated.
I see everyone is talking about if you goto this school the Average person makes about 150,000 and net worth 1.3 mill. I am 27 and have worked in IT from 16 on for companies such as HP, Compaq, Digital, CNN, BellSouth, and last Mirant. I can tell you this, every job is about the same, you goto work play the games get a raise and HOPE to retire someday. I don’t see too many retiring anymore most are forced into early retirement. Also I ran my own IT company and it was fun but too much work and I don’t like having to rely on someone else to do a good job and hope they treat the customer as well as I would. Also going back to the school thing the person who thought me to day trade futures has an 8th grade education, does that mean he is dumb? I dono but he makes well over a million a year and I also had a friend in IT that was 19 could type 120 words a minute and was making over 250,000 as a CCIE, do what you like and the cash will come. It took me 10 jobs in IT then I found what I really liked and that’s day trading futures.
Originally posted by Ryanmcd2:
do what you like and the cash will come.

This is excellent advice.

Also, do what you like, and not only will the cash come, but you will be enjoying what you do, too.

However, I think it's still important to get a good education, and even more so if you're not sure what you want to do. Yes, you can make a lot of money even if you don't have a college education, but not only is it less likely, but there are many many fields which you won't even be able to enter unless you have that degree.

[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 20 December 2002).]
nsxtasy... That is very true, my wife is in Med school and no way can you be a Dr. without school. Also I would not want someone who was "Home tought" on how to be a Dr. lol
5 more days left 5 more day.

Hey my dad just bought us a Home theater system. He has put me in charge in setting it up, since I'm realy good setting up electronics. I have a problem though. I want to know what sends the information to the TV, is it the DVD Player that sends its info to the TV or is it the (reciever) that sends the DVD info to the TV. I'm having a little difficulty but not alot it is pretty easy. I can easily set up the speakers and the most of the connection execpt for my problem above. I just can't figuere it out thanks for any help from anyone. I'm reading the booklet and I think I have a clue to how to connect it but, any help is appreciated.
You will always get the best picture quality by going through the least intermediaries as possible; i.e. from the DVD directly to the TV; however that only applies to the video signal - if you have component video outputs on the DVD & input on the TV, use those; next best for video is S-video, then RCA, then last co-ax!
However for the audio, you defintely want to decode that with the receiver, so connect the audio signal to that - best is an optical digital link, next is RCA digital, then analog RCA pair for left & right in that order of quality reproduction.
You will also have to input your other source(s) to the receiver (satellite or cable) similarly - follow same procedure as above.
Note, the receiver will also likely switch the video along with the audio if you like, so you only have one video signal to the TV - that will come from the "monitor" output. (this makes it a little easier to operate as when switching sources, you don't have to switch inputs on the TV, just the receiver which will switch both audio & video simultaneously)
I would recommend wiring both audio & video for all your inputs through the receiver unless you have component video and HDTV, for ease of installation & operation.
Also, you can spend a small fortune on good interconnect cables - the ones that usually come with the equipment are not of the best quality. Take note again of the best through least effective series of types of cables mentioned above - most equipment will take either/or. You will almost never get a digital (whether optical or RCA) cable with the equipment & will have to buy it seperately.

p.s. Another thing to note is that if the receiver is Dolby Digital 5.1, the only way you will be able to de-code that from your DVD is to use a digital cable - the analog RCA pair (usually coded red & white) will not give you Dolby de-coding & reduce your home theater audio experience dramatically.

[This message has been edited by D'Ecosse (edited 21 December 2002).]
Today at galleria when I'm going to exit.. a kid pointed to my car and said.. dad NSX.. I thought it was you lol
4 days left 4 more days.

Yeah we set up the home theater system. Thanks for your help but we didn't realy buy all of the wires that we need. My dad doesn't want to waste more than the 529.99 that we paid for it. Sounds great though and the dvd quality is great so clear. I think we are one day going to talk to my cousin,s husband, which know alot about home theater systems, and ask him to set it up for great performance, but that will be some other day.

Unfortunately I wasn't that kid, NSXBoston. Hey NSXBoston I'm going to see my cousin today and ask him if he could take me over there on the 26. Are you busy or still open to the spin you offerd me? I still doubt that I could go and I heard that it is going to snow on the 25, so on the 26 the streets are going to be coverd in snow.

Hey my dad said on the 27 or 28 he is going to take me to earn my permit. I am reading the book right now and hopefully will pass on the first try. Just wanted to tell you guys.