My Sixteenth Birthday (Very Important)

Originally posted by Midnight_Raven:
Tell me if its a good idea to get a loan and pay it slowly back. I just want to do things for myself and not get help from my parents.

If your parents can swing it, AND they want to help, AND you are able to truly appreciate it, then I see no reason not to accept their financial assistance. It's only when the money is not appreciated, or squandered, that the gesture is wasted. That said, I agree with you that there is a value in doing things yourself as opposed to having them handed to you. As long as you know the distinction, I think you'll be fine.

Originally posted by Midnight_Raven:
Please tell me what you did to pay off your college tuition.

Student loans and scholarships, along with summer jobs. However, most of my disposable income from my first job after college went to pay off my student loans. No luxuries or fancy cars for me...

Originally posted by Midnight_Raven:
Its kind of hard to following in the footsteps of your sister. She graduated validvictorian last year. I don't think I can do that but also I don't want to be No1. You have to make a long speech and read it in front of hundreds of people, SCARY.

Kudos to your sister. As for the Valedictorian speech, it's no big deal. Don't let that get in the way of your scholastic achievement.

Originally posted by Dan H:
Although generally, on a resume, graduating from UC Davis, UCLA would look more impressive than a state college.

I received my BSME from a public institution (go Wildcats!
) and I do just fine compared to my bro who got his BSEE from Princeton. Oh, except he had several tens of thousands more owed in student loans. Don't get TOO hung up on what school you go to. As nsxtasy stated, it makes little difference after your first job.

Originally posted by Dan H:
Anyways, I plan to complete my BS in mechanical engineering and pursue for my masters degree.

I think you should be flexible about your post-graduate plans. You may find yourself feeling too burned out after college to start a masters program right away. Also, a couple years of work experience is generally considered a good thing when applying to a graduate program.

Anyway, keep up the good work MR!
Yeah, I still have a lot of time to think about it. After all, I am still in my first year of college. I'm thinking of either getting my masters straight off the bat after getting my bachelors (depends how burned out I am from college) or going to work and take night school at the same time to slowly get my MS. But only time will tell...
12 more day till my birthday.

Actually I would appreciated but I know that my parents don't have great proffession, they don't get great pay. They had to borrow two thousand dollars from a bunch of my aunts and uncles so they could pay my sister because they had nothing left. They still are paying for it but I don't know how.

That is why I am going to get student loans, scholorships, financial aid, and a summer job to pay for it. And then pay off the loans and buy something good for my parents for all the work they had to go through with us, their children, and I think they deserve it.
Hey Pheon$x.

How long did it take to pay back your student loans. I would wish that it happened quick so that I could get the payments over with. I hope it is because i don't want to wait 6+ years after college just to buy a car or anylittle comfort/luxury item, like the NSX. That would realy suck, but hey that life right, nothing goes exactly the way you want it.
2 more days for me, happy birthday to Gokwi!


Turning the big 18! Going to buy lottery soon

can someone tell me if the pic is showing up?

[This message has been edited by Gokwi (edited 14 December 2002).]
Hi ya MidnightRaven
Sounds like you have set some great goals for the future. Best of luck

For what its worth:
I began college in both a private and comm college setting, but graduated from OHIO STATE (who will be pouncing on Miami 1/2/02,FWI). The diversity and education of a 50K student campus school are to be cherished forever. One important factor I kept in mind when picking a major/career was demand in the marketplace. With the current economic situation it may be increasingly difficult to get into top ranked business/med/whatever schools b/c alot of people are out of work and looking to add a page to their resumes.
Read: make your self marketable

As for an NSX purchase in the future
I feel you man- Been in love with the NSX since the early 90's and finally bought when the time was right.
Some free advice
ay cash unless you have a way of bypassing a traditional bank loan (~12% on a used 94') vs would your parents do a property mortgage loan??? (~4-5%)
The difference is significant when you look at TOTAL amount spent-not to mention the taxes some have been known to save when paying cash-hint, hint

And for the love of God-please do not buy an automatic, but learning is ok.

I also mean not to preach, but to merely contribute to a future wise decision I am sure you will make.

I am still quite envious of your deal-I doubt many 94's exist with only 30k on the clock? What, if any, are your future modding plans?-I am debating Comptech SC vs Basch SC-decisions, decisions.
Originally posted by Midnight_Raven:
Hey Pheon$x.

Hey Arven

Originally posted by Midnight_Raven:
How long did it take to pay back your student loans.

It took me nearly three years to pay back the $10k or so that I owed. I wasn't making the big bucks in my first job(IT consulting), but it sure was lots of fun(and the time just flew by)! I know there are lots of young people on this board, but don't be so eager to grow up. Enjoy your youth, and good things will come to those who wait (and work for it!)

By the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Gokwi!

[This message has been edited by PHOEN$X (edited 14 December 2002).]
Originally posted by PHOEN$X:
I do just fine compared to my bro who got his BSEE from Princeton. Oh, except he had several tens of thousands more owed in student loans.

Interesting combination. Princeton was in the news in the past year because they just instituted a policy of discontinuing student loans as a required part of their financial aid packages. From now on, their packages consist of a job on campus and the remainder of the package is outright grant aid, so students don't have to have massive loans when they graduate. Even among the most prestigious colleges, Princeton has been a real leader and innovator in the financial aid field. Too bad it's not in time to help your brother.

By the way, when evaluating whether or not to accept help from your parents to put you through college, keep in mind that most college financial aid offices take your parents' finances into consideration in deciding whether or not to give you loans or scholarship money. Thus doing it all on your own may be easier if your parents' income is modest than if they are well off.

[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 14 December 2002).]
John - as of at least the last month or so, auto loans have been cheap, cheap, cheap. I just got a loan from for 5.19% for 36 months for a used-from-a-dealer NSX. Private party was 5.99% and new is 4.5%. No pre-payment penalties either.
Originally posted by Midnight_Raven:
11 more day left 11 more days.
Hey Midnight: You get someone to drive you to Watkins Glen for Kids Day in July of 2003 and I'll take you out on the track for a few laps and illustrate why this car is so great.I'll e-mail you the date.Hope you can make it. Private me with your real name and e-mail.You'll have a choice of NSX's to ride in.
That would be cool but don't you think I'm a little to old to do that. Tell me how old the kids are in that. It would be silly to be the biggest and oldest kid in the group by like 5 years or more.

I know that walkins glen is somewhere in the northeast but if I can I will see if my cousin and I could go so you can give me a ride in it.
Quite a thread this one.Kids day at the Glen is one of the few chances that passengers are allowd unrestricted on track.Although many of the kids are children there are plenty of adults as well.Peter, above, has been very suportive of this effort and trying to rally as many nsx's as possible.
Originally posted by nsxtasy:
Just ask the people in the admissions office at that "good Med or Law school".

Like I work matters...but if you think just by having a bachelor's degree from Stanford is going to land you a better job...well I guess an Administrative Assistant is better than Receptionist. But I was keeping the scope of this subject a bit more focused on occupations that may yield the income level that these youngsters would need to afford their dream car; that the rest of us have already realized. Experience...experience...experience in career is just like location...location...location is to real estate. Internships are the best "shoe-in's"

Todd E. Williams
'94 NSX Berlina Black/Onyx
Originally posted by john576:
I am still quite envious of your deal-I doubt many 94's exist with only 30k on the clock? What, if any, are your future modding plans?-I am debating Comptech SC vs Basch SC-decisions, decisions.

It is so new to me...I don't have any plans! I went from a Xterra to it already feels like a rocketship
10 days guys, ten more days.

I feel like crap so I will like to share my story. I had a race today and for some reason coach decided to put me in the 2 mile by myself so I had not one person to go with me to warm up. It realy sucked and I am sick now cause of the race. I just went too hard in the beginning and now I'm suffering because of it. Also it realy sucked because every lap I went by people we yelling "Go get that guy" or "12 more laps", "11 more laps", and that get me aggravated, also seeing that I'm was in alot of pain while running. I still did it in 12:06 pace which is an average of 6:03 mile. which is faster than all my other distance races but If I had paced myself more I would of been like in the 5:40-55 pace.

As you can see I'm a racer. I race on feet and not realy on car but would like to at a road course one day. Racer for life.
Originally posted by tewills:
Like I work matters...but if you think just by having a bachelor's degree from Stanford is going to land you a better job...well I guess an Administrative Assistant is better than Receptionist.

I guess that's why Ivy League graduates have an average household income of $148,800 and have an average net worth of $1.3 million.

[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 17 December 2002).]
Hey Midnight Raven and AznSXgirl - Happy Birthday to us on Dec. 26!!

I will be spending a few moments on our birthday out in the garage with the cover off my mistress, puffing on a Cohiba and wistfully dreaming of the first track day of the season in April. Even with six inches of snow on the ground here in Michigan, my NSX offers satisfaction to its master.

Drive fast, but drive well. NSXCA #1672
Originally posted by tewills:

...but if you think just by having a bachelor's degree from Stanford is going to land you a better job...well I guess an Administrative Assistant is better than Receptionist.

Silicon Valley got its start due largely to Stanford, and not any of the other local colleges in the bay area.

Ever wonder why?
Yes, and I think the answer is Frederick Terman, the Stanford engineering prof. and the work of Hewlett and Packard, both spurring on the the electronics revolution of the 20th century.

Some of the biggest IT companies were founded by former HP employee's and the rest is the proverbial moth to a flame. Stanford exuded an aura of technology while young and people have been flocking to Stanford, and the Valley, ever since.

That was my point exactly - that there is a big difference between a school like Stanford and "lesser" schools.

Not all degrees are created equal. And not everything is merely about getting that job.

[This message has been edited by 8000RPM (edited 17 December 2002).]
Originally posted by JaguarXJ6:
Yes, and I think the answer is Frederick Terman, the Stanford engineering prof. and the work of Hewlett and Packard, both spurring on the the electronics revolution of the 20th century.

Some of the biggest IT companies were founded by former HP employee's and the rest is the proverbial moth to a flame. Stanford exuded an aura of technology while young and people have been flocking to Stanford, and the Valley, ever since.

You have to admit...HP only went so far...then the new generation took a much bigger way. Granted HP, IBM, Bendix, Honeywell, etc spurred the electronic age. But, comparing founders of the 40's with the Apple's and MS minds of the present is like lending creedence to the guy that invented the wheel for the advent of the Yokohama's we love. Steve Jobs graduated from Reed College in Oregon, Steve Woz left of U of Colorado..and finished at UC Berkley, Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard, Paul Allen graduated from Washington State. History is interesting, but how does HP's founder help me get an IT job, generate wealth, or simply buy an NSX...this is what this is all about...isn't it? The fact is, successful people come from all walks of life, and there is no stats to support that by simply attending certian schools will ensure a financial "anything". It is all in theory and conveluded by opinion. Show me the infallable formula for financial success and I'll follow!! Otherwise, there is no substitution for intelligence, diligence, and preserverance. You guys all have very valid points and information to consider. We can debate this til the cows come let's just get back to talking about our favorite cars. I'm burnt on this subject.

Todd E. Williams
'94 NSX Berlina Black/Onyx
Originally posted by 8000RPM:

Silicon Valley got its start due largely to Stanford, and not any of the other local colleges in the bay area.

Ever wonder why?

As a Cal alumni, I'll have to protest to this statement based on principle. This is almost equivalent to saying Al Gore invented the Internet. There are many Silicon Valley companies that do not have any Stanford connections whatsoever.

Having said that, Cal spanked Stanford in the Big Game! Go Bears!