My Sixteenth Birthday (Very Important)

21 September 2002
Lawrence, MA
Well my sixteenth birthday will happen in 14 days. Meaning I will start to learn how to drive. OOOOHHH Boy I'm so glad this day is coming. I will hopefully get my permit and go to Driver's ED. Then become a real driver then one day be a NSX owner.

Please don't put this in the off topic section. It is a special day event because that is the special day that you can officially get a permit to learn how to drive. Also since this is a car site I guess driving the first time is a very big event (for the person who is driving though).
I will have a count down to my birthday every day.

Wait a minute I think you have to be 16 and a half to get a permit. If that is true then damit another 6 months till I can actually do that.
Originally posted by Midnight_Raven:
Well my sixteenth birthday will happen in 14 days. Meaning I will start to learn how to drive. ...Then become a real driver then one day be a NSX owner.

Hey Midnight Raven, I would be glad to offer you a ride in my NSX if I was living near your place but I am sure that somebody in this great community will do it...would be a nice way to celebrate your sixteenth and a half

I am sure that you will own one in the future...
Hey Midnight Raven,
You posted this on the 12th + 14days = Dec 26. That's my birthday! I wish I was turning 16 not 22. I can't believe our birthday is on the same day. I read some of your other posts and you remind me so much of myself. In high school I always wanted to become a car designer but it's harder than you think and very expensive. So I major in graphic design, maybe I can do graphic design or marketing for Honda after I graduate next year
or something related to car, speed, etc... BTW keep on dreaming (I always wanted to say something on your other posts when you get attack by people who don't understand how nice it would be if every kids in the U.S. is like you) nothing wrong with dreams and fantasizing, just make you work harder. Work hard, you can have two NSXs (92silver/black and 91black/00tan) sitting in your own garage when you turn 21. Hey, learn how to drive stick before driving an auto, it's easier that way.
HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! Hope you'll get a car for your birthday. Come down to AZ anytime, I'll let you test drive one of my NSXs.
Originally posted by Zanardi 50:
Happy sweet 16, little buddy!


Seriously, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Midnight Raven and AznSXgirl!! (Damn you guys are young!)

Like AznSXgirl said, keep your dreams alive and work hard -- you'll have those dream cars someday (we have very similar tastes in cars by the way!). If I was nearby I would give you a birthday ride too

Hey thats three people that I know (including myself) that were born on that day. AznSXgirl, My little cousin, and Me.

Okay its officially 13 more days till my birthday.

I told you I was going to count down.

Also I want to learn how to drive manual first, but then my dad who is probably going to teach me, only has a auto minivan. I will see if my cousin will let me learn how to drive his manual, since he is planning to sell it in the summer. So I don't think he will care much.

I'm still working hard and will never stop till I succeed. I think right now I might be in about 13th in my class and I still could do better than last quarter. So I could be up there in the top 10, but I realy shouldn't worry about ranking yet since I'm only a Sophmore.

Hey AznSXgirl, what did you rank in your class in high school. Sounds like you did good in hight school.
Hey Boston, I would do it but if you think about it the weather is horrible around here at this time of year. So I wouldn't want to make your car drive through the snow and rain. Might cause the car to skid out of control which makes a car accident, and I don't want a beautiful car like a NSX to be wrecked on my birthday. That would be the worst birthday ever.

Also since it is the day after Christmas that is the day that almost everything is on sale. So this is the day that my our family, usually my dad, buys something big. I am always happy on my birthday because the big stuff is bought on my birthday. We got the big screen TV on my birthday. We got a new stove on my birthday. We got a 400+ CD player on my birthday. We got a computer on my birthday and we got a dryer on my birthday. Everything that is big is usually bought on my birthday plus my parents give me money on my birthday. I'm thinking about starting to save the money for the future. I have to think smart now.
Hey, Midnight,

Happy birthday in advance.
You are more than welcome to join NE NSX gathering in Spring. I am sure that one of the members will have an empty passenger seat for you!
This is amazing... ! Happy birthday to you too!

Originally posted by AznSXgirl:
. Work hard, you can have two NSXs (92silver/black and 91black/00tan) sitting in your own garage when you turn 21-Yvonne

Midnight raven:

What ever you think! The most important thing is you have a happy X'mas and a Happy Birthday!!

About the Bad weather.. ? So far the weather in Boston is ok.. I always rain after I got home nor drive in bad weather. my offer is for a spin not to show you how to rice.. oopps I mean race on streets ne way.

Learn to drive.. and drive safely is the most important of all!
Hi M_R,

Happy birthday!

Suggestion - learn how to drive an automatic first, and then learn how to drive the manual. You will have too many things to think about and to learn as it is, without having to worry about a clutch pedal and a shift knob. Do all your learning and get your license using the automatic, then worry about a stick.

Originally posted by Midnight_Raven:
Wait a minute I think you have to be 16 and a half to get a permit. If that is true then damit another 6 months till I can actually do that.

It's different in each state, and it may also differ depending on whether you have driver's ed in school. Here is a website with links to DMV websites for each of the states, so you can check on the rules in Massachusetts.

Good luck!
Originally posted by AznSXgirl:
nothing wrong with dreams and fantasizing, just make you work harder. Work hard, you can have two NSXs (92silver/black and 91black/00tan) sitting in your own garage when you turn 21. Hey, learn how to drive stick before driving an auto, it's easier that way.
HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! Hope you'll get a car for your birthday. Come down to AZ anytime, I'll let you test drive one of my NSXs.

Yup, I definitely agree. If the kids these days had more dreams and aspirations, our world would be a better place.

AznSXgirl, how do you have 2 nsx's at such a young age. =) Well... I'm not that much older but still! I'm very curious. =)
Ditto that.
I'm 21 now so maybe you can be a good role model..aznSXgirl..

Originally posted by Darkcyd:
Yup, I definitely agree. If the kids these days had more dreams and aspirations, our world would be a better place.

AznSXgirl, how do you have 2 nsx's at such a young age. =) Well... I'm not that much older but still! I'm very curious. =)

[This message has been edited by BostonNSX (edited 13 December 2002).]
Save your nickles and buy an NSX in a year or two. Take my advise, don't jump the gun by buying something just to wet your pallet with, i.e. Datsun 510, Civic, Supra or something. You'll end up sinking all your pizza delivery money into it, and by the time you're satisfied with that could have bought your dream car.

Happy B-day!!!

Todd E. Williams
'94 NSX Berlina Black/Onyx
Hey Midnight_Raven,
wow! 13th that's pretty good. I think I was somewhere between 15-25, didn't really find out cause I graduated early. And this number is very important, that is all university look at when it come to giving out scholarships, well that's how they do it here at ASU.
Work hard, save money, and if you can, invest. I was already working and investing in high school. (I say put school before work. I did the mistake of devoting my time to two jobs and instead of going to a UC, I goto a state college.) Now currently 18 and my investment should go up quite well in the next year or two. So I'll have my '97 NSX in roughly 1 1/2-2 years. I feel quite lucky to be able to own an NSX at 20 but somewhat regret not doing my best in highschool and enjoying my final year because of work.

Also like tewills said, don't be tempted to buy other "lower" cars. I came very close to buying an RX7, Corvette C4, or Supra during my senior year but glad I didn't.

[This message has been edited by Dan H (edited 13 December 2002).]
Yeah, I don't plan on buying any car soon. I don't even think I'm going to work during high school. I'm thinking about paying for college instead of asking my parents to pay for it, that is what my sisters did and it realy affects thier life. I don't want to do that to them for another 3 to 4 years. I rather get financial aid and a loan then slowly pay off for college and get a summer job so that I can pay for some of my college payments. Tell me if its a good idea to get a loan and pay it slowly back. I just want to do things for myself and not get help from my parents. It makes me mad when I hear that my sister needs another 2,000 dollars to pay off college tuition. I'm the one recieveing an education not them so why bother them to pay for it.

Please tell me what you did to pay off your college tuition.
Actually I was 7 in my class in freshman year. Then when i got straight A's I went up to 12. I was like WTFudge. How the heck am I going to go down if I got straight A's and still did worse. I did better this quarter. I got 6 +A. I got one -A. And I got two B's. Which is realy good. I'm going to find my counselor and see what I rank right now. I will tell you on monday. See ya. I'm hoping that I'm close to top ten. Its kind of hard to following in the footsteps of your sister. She graduated validvictorian last year. I don't think I can do that but also I don't want to be No1. You have to make a long speech and read it in front of hundreds of people, SCARY.
Originally posted by Dan H:
I did the mistake of devoting my time to two jobs and instead of going to a UC, I goto a state college.)
[This message has been edited by Dan H (edited 13 December 2002).]

I don't think you made a mistake doing your undergrad at a State school. They don't teach "special classes" at UC's because you spent more to go there? Likewise in a State School classroom, a prof would never say, "I'm sorry, I can't answer that question...we're only a State School". Don't believe the hype on UC vs. State or even private schools. All of my professors at San Jose State we're also professors at Stanford and/or Santa Clara U. The only thing going to a certian school will get you is an extra smile if the HR person hiring you went there or something. Post-grad is a different your money for a good Med or Law school if that is where your career desires lead you to.

Todd E. Williams
'94 NSX Berlina Black/Onyx
I agree as well. The professors aren't as different from city colleges to states to UC's as some of my friends have told me. Although generally, on a resume, graduating from UC Davis, UCLA would look more impressive than a state college. Might be different else where though.

Anyways, I plan to complete my BS in mechanical engineering and pursue for my masters degree.
Originally posted by Dan H:

Anyways, I plan to complete my BS in mechanical engineering and pursue for my masters degree.

Have you done the research to see who has the best reputation in that degree program; by the number of graduates working in that field? If you did, you'll see San Jose State is actually on the top...kinda ironic
This is what I mean...don't believe that hype. Unless your prospective employer attended the same doesn't matter a lick. It may be difficult for you to understand this at 18...but give it 10-15 will make sense. Don't stress about the "image" of your college. It is just a trip high school councelors use to modivate students to excel in scholastics. What actually looks good on a resume is work experience while attending school. Employers won't consider a resume with a Magna Cum Laude degree from ABC University with no related work experience (even an internship will do).. Without some kind of related experience or scholarship mention...your resume screams, "I'm a spoiled little rich kid that took a 4-year vacation on my parents dime". I'm not trying to preach or sell you on something...hell I don't even know you. I just wish someone would have clued me into these things when I was your age. Just IMHO

BTW, I am an Alum of SJSU

Todd E. Williams
'94 NSX Berlina Black/Onyx

[This message has been edited by tewills (edited 13 December 2002).]

[This message has been edited by tewills (edited 13 December 2002).]
Maybe he mean you can get a better job with UC diploma.. and instead of 97 he can get a brand new 02..

Originally posted by tewills:
I don't think you made a mistake doing your undergrad at a State school. They don't teach "special classes" at UC's because you spent more to go there? Likewise in a State School classroom, a prof would never say, "I'm sorry, I can't answer that question...we're only a State School". Don't believe the hype on UC vs. State or even private schools. All of my professors at San Jose State we're also professors at Stanford and/or Santa Clara U. The only thing going to a certian school will get you is an extra smile if the HR person hiring you went there or something. Post-grad is a different your money for a good Med or Law school if that is where your career desires lead you to.

As this thread drifts, here's my take on schools:

1) If your high school is good, that's where you will learn the important stuff - the basics everyone should to operate well in this country (classic euro lit, white man's history, calculus, basic physics) PLUS how to learn (study habits, writing skills, public speaking, etc).

2) College is about a broad exposure, don't ever buy into the mentality of, "I hate <topic> and I will never have to use <topic> in my career, so I'm not going to take any classes on <topic>." In the long run, people like that end up with a very narrow education, making them very ignorant of anything outside of their specific careers. IMNHO people like that shouldn't be allowed to vote, they have no perspective.

3) Intern. If your degree program has internships with real-life businesses do as much of that as possible. Any technical job is 10% fundamentals and 90% experience. The sooner you start gaining experience, the more qualilfied you will be at graduation which usually translates directly to a higher starting salary. Also, if you do a good job on an internship it is almost guaranteed that the company will offer you a real job on graduation - companies like to reduce risks and having already successfully worked for a company makes you a known quantity which from many a manager's perspective is even better than being a star performer.

As long as the school you go to has a decent program in your choosen field of study, it doesn't matter if it is a state school or a private school. BUT, if you can get into an ivy league school, then you get the added benefit of being able to socialize with the upper-crust. Building lasting friendships with the future power brokers of America and you will find that those connections are worth 100x what it costs to attend an ivy league school. I'm not saying go to an ivy league school to be a party animal, but if all you are is a heads-down student with little socialization, then a lot of the benefit of attending a premier school will be wasted.

Oh yeah and finally something relevant -- learn on an automatic, but never buy one.

[This message has been edited by JerryW (edited 13 December 2002).]
Todd, thanks for sharing your personal experiences and outlook. I think it was my mentality that I "could have" but "didn't" view I had a while ago. But now, I'm not regretting it as much as before because I actually enjoy SJSU.

BTW, go Spartans!
The better the college, the more you will learn. Maybe the professors will be similar, but the ability of the other students around you to learn and to challenge you will be greater.

The better the college, the better your chances of landing the step after it - whether that means applying to a top graduate school, or interviewing for a job.

The better the college, the more successful the graduates and the higher the average income they receive.

These are all statistical averages though. You can still do well and achieve your goals by going to any college, and you can even do better than someone who went to a better college than you did. But, on average, your chances will be better if you're coming from a better college. It's not just hype by high school counselors to motivate the kids there.

Work experience becomes more important once you're out of college at least a few years. As you progress in your career, your experience will make a bigger difference than your choice of college does. But for that first step or two after college, the college you graduate from can make a big difference. Just ask the people in the admissions office at that "good Med or Law school".