Lowest Milage 1991 - 1995 NSX

Original owner GPW '93 with 14,148.
Agree with above post on seals and gaskets on the NSX. I am going to put my car back on the road this summer and will let all know what, if any, problems I incur. I am an aircraft mechanic and in a former life, a Porsche mechanic, and I can assert with some conviction that the NSX build quality does not predispose it to leaks and bad seals. Yes, yes, I know, time dries things out, etc. My car is stored in a humidity and temperature controlled environment, and when I put her back on the road this year, I do not anticipate many, if any, age related problems. I may be wrong, but I think the aging seals problem is somewhat an old wives tale. In my experience I have seen many old airplanes sit for years only to be put back in service and fly for hours with no little or no problems. I have also seen engines with 200 hours on them fail with broken rods out the sides of the cases.
Like Larry B. , one of the many reasons I bought the NSX instead of a Porsche was the fantastic build quality and reliability of the Honda family of products.
In any event I can't wait to put more miles on my NSX. Remember, some garage queens are so not because we want them to be. Circumstances are different for all.
Original owner GPW '93 with 14,148.
...(snip)...Remember, some garage queens are so not because we want them to be. Circumstances are different for all.

Welcome! I would be interested to hear your cars story. I am glad that she will be back on the road soon. :)
Thanks I read it wrong, now I remember the plate thing.

I'm almost afraid to post my mileage, but do love driving the car :)

If I remember correctly, wasn't your car still NEW on the dealer showroom after sitting there for 10 years with no buyers?