Just watched Initial D for the first time!

22 March 2003
West Los Angeles, CA, USA
I just watched the first two episodes of the First Stage. I was really entertained. I don't watch much animation (except for the kiddie stuff with my kids on occasion) but this was a lot of fun! Makes me want to go buy an old AE86, throw a roll cage in it, and turn it into a track/drift car. Can't wait to watch the rest of the series.:biggrin:
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watch out... this is car guy crack..... =)
haha. and don't get addicted to eurobeat. :biggrin:

DOH! I've been listening to the Initial D Fourth Stage CDs pretty often lately. :D

It's great workout music.

haha Initial D is pretty cool series, if your only 2 eps in, then its just gonna get better and better. The songs start to get addicting after watching alot of it :biggrin:.
Hahahah i used to watch this a loooooooong time ago. Have all the stages and movies. Got addicted to the music too (its fun driving around to) :biggrin:

Please tell me you're watching the original with subtitles (if you dont understand Japanese) and not the cartoon network dubbed version

I cringe when i hear someone call Itsuki, "Iggy" and the likes :mad:
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Hahaha, once you're done with Initial D Stages 1, 2, 3, the short movies and Battle stage, you'll need to graduate to the more mature drama of Wangan Midnight :)


IMHO a much superior anime, by the same people!
Hahahah i used to watch this a loooooooong time ago. Have all the stages and movies. Got addicted to the music too (its fun driving around to) :biggrin:

Please tell me you're watching the original with subtitles (if you dont understand Japanese) and not the cartoon network dubbed version

I cringe when i hear someone call Itsuki, "Iggy" and the likes :mad:

Unfortunately, I downloaded the dubbed version.:frown: And that took a while, something like 17 GB?

I'm up to 6 episodes now. My son (10) watched two episodes with me last night and enjoyed it. Not sure he would want to read subtitles.
Do yall know where a good site is to download the full series, 1,2, and 3?

Also I have never heard of Wangan Midnight, but will definately check it out now :biggrin:.

The only dislike of the dubbed version, is sometimes the characters get abit annoying, but I think I myself started on the dubbed versions. Also once you get used to watching the subtitled version, you won't even realize your reading.
I acutally liked the 2 and the movie stage in terms of how the car looks. First stage is really unpolished, but then they always did a good job on the 86.
The forth stage's car all the sudden got all ugly (the characters too)... to get the ultimate joy, you should read the manga.

Believe it or not, before I buy the nsx, a 86 is a consideration.

BTW, do yourself a favor, do not, I mean at all cost don't watch that HK production Initial D. I hate it.
Yeah the live action movie wasnt the best.

I just skipped forward to the car scenes :biggrin:
Initial D is awesome, but the characters take everything so seriously that I can't keep a straight face and I end up rolling around laughing. Very entertaining.
I too recommend Wangan Midnight. I like this series just as much as Initial D.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Ktm1MmUej_M&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Ktm1MmUej_M&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
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I have quite a few Initial D's from year's ago and they rock. I had an AE86 back in '85 and drifted that thing everyday not even knowing what drifting was, god I miss that car.
Welcome to the world of Initial D :cool:
I enjoyed all of it just as much, and that was
long ago. Sometimes, I find myself going back
to watching "certain" battles on youtube.
I honestly feel 4th stage is awesome, in terms of
how well the cars are designed, the graphics, the
physics and movements, the way the car reacts
over bumps and through corners, the braking technicality,
the more aggressive the soundtrack got, etc etc.
But thats just me opinion, from a manga artist's point of view.:wink:

Btw fwiw, anyone noticed all of Takumi's overtake moves
are pure "line" taking & "grip" driving. The drifting is just there for
the addition of entertainment.
Just finished Stage 1 last night. Really entertaining. The graphics were really good. Nothing like what you see in American animation. Some of the characters were wearing Casio G-Shocks and you can actually see the detail. Impressive. Seems like they tried to be technically correct in the cars/specs as well. I actually had the Japanese soundtrack with English subtitles. Just had to select those features.

Time to start Stage 2. :biggrin:

Did I read somewhere that the next stage will feature an NSX?
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lol gum tape death match!
Welcome to the world of Initial D :cool:
I enjoyed all of it just as much, and that was
long ago. Sometimes, I find myself going back
to watching "certain" battles on youtube.
I honestly feel 4th stage is awesome, in terms of
how well the cars are designed, the graphics, the
physics and movements, the way the car reacts
over bumps and through corners, the braking technicality,
the more aggressive the soundtrack got, etc etc.
But thats just me opinion, from a manga artist's point of view.:wink:

Btw fwiw, anyone noticed all of Takumi's overtake moves
are pure "line" taking & "grip" driving. The drifting is just there for
the addition of entertainment.

It is true but then again it more of takumi is just learning how to drive better and more faster. He was a major drift type of driver in the beginning but now that he seeks to be faster, he has to rely more on grip than drift and is slowly understanding how to change his driving style to do so. That is why I like the show it's good at showing the gradual progress in becoming faster plus its just fun to watch.
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