Link ECU continued
As usual for a big change like this, the install had a number of hiccups. In general, the link ecu seems really flexible, and the SoS stuff made things a lot faster than starting totally from scratch with a universal ecu.
But SoS has a few bugs to work out. I wonder if they mostly install and tune these themselves and don’t have so many randos like me DIYing them.
I had some trouble with the unit itself, the docs were missing things, there were a few ambiguous instructions, and even a couple wrong areas. Also the basemap for a 91 had a few things setup for drive by wire and ethanol that took a bunch of trial and error to sort out. A bunch of small issues together with learning the link software, everything took a long time to get through.
To SoS’s credit, I’ve been going back and forth with them. They already updated the docs for some things, and they know about the basemap issues.
Some of this would have been fixed with a known-working map from a car they tuned. I asked (for the 3rd time) for a map from a tuned 91-94 car, but they ignored the request. People are so cagey about sharing tunes which makes zero sense to me. Once tuned, mine will be open source…
Replacement ecu
A keen eye may notice in the last post that the unboxing ecu and the installed have different color sockets and a different label.
Right after unboxing, I was curious how they had wired things, and which chassis-harness wires were connected / not connected to the actual link box. In my little check, I noticed that the vtec plug wiring was not the same as the chassis F plug. They used a couple pins that didn’t have wires on the chassis harness. The bottom wires here should be on the top left pins:
I emailed them and they said, oops, it handn’t been wired correctly. They sent me another one and I returned the original one. Also good cause I couldn’t get the original to properly mount up to the factory holes
The new one was wired correctly at the F plug and easily mounted up. Yay
First thing on the list was wiring. In the last setup I added fuel pressure, oil pressure, and oil temp sensors and I ran them through factory wires like EGRL, ignition adjust, and throttle angle. I had moved some pins around to use open inputs on the aem.
The SoS link uses two 16 pin plugs for open inputs and outputs, so I had to re-pin a few things and build a little harness:
The small side connects directly to the ecu pins for the factory EGRL, ignition adjust, and throttle angle wires I’m using to run the fuel pressure, oil pressure, and oil temp sensors. The factory ecu uses TE/Amp multilock connectors, so depinned ecu pins snap right into an 040 multilock connector, no cutting required. That big fat plug on the other end of the harness runs into the SoS harness
For the Link ecu, a fuel pressure sensor is basically required. The ecu uses a “VE modeling” approach. The fuel table is filled with volumetric efficiency values from 0-100%. Then it calculates injector pulse width based on injector size, fuel pressure, and a volumetric efficiency from the table. Super glad I already had it wired in and it was only a matter of swapping some pins.
The wiring instructions above were one of the ambiguous bits of docs. It was unclear exactly which pin on which plug was “A”. They say female, but it actually was the plug with the male pins, the plug on the ECU side. I ended up wiring everything backwards at first :/
I made a new oil temp sensor harness:
It passes through the rear header area between the runners. It gets hot, the last one had 1200F sleeve over it, but the insides still got hot enough to melt the inner 105C sleeve, oops
The new one has fire sleeve over the hottest part of the run, 1200F sleeve inside that, and higher temp tezfel wire, so hopefully it’ll last.
And the last bit is the widebands. The sos link uses the AEM inline widebands and reads them over the CAN bus. That was cool because I already had them setup and wired into the CAN bus. I ended up rewiring them to use the Link-supplied wideband power. I also used this cool SoS bracket to hold them. No more zip ties!