Just watched Initial D for the first time!

:wink::wink: Yes, the NSX is there!! Keep an eye open. :biggrin:

hahaha. be looking for awhile. In one of the Manga's for the 5th stage there is suppose to be an NSX. but you have a while still until the 5th stage comes out as an Anime. I personally loved the 4th Stage. thought it looked the way Initial D should have all a long
hahaha. be looking for awhile. In one of the Manga's for the 5th stage there is suppose to be an NSX. but you have a while still until the 5th stage comes out as an Anime.

Any release date for Stage 5?

Can you get the Manga's in the US?
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It is true but then again it more of takumi is just learning how to drive better and more faster. He was a major drift type of driver in the beginning but now that he seeks to be faster, he has to rely more on grip than drift and is slowly understanding how to change his driving style to do so. That is why I like the show it's good at showing the gradual progress in becoming faster plus its just fun to watch.

Yeah, that's true too, especially in stage 4 where "Braking"
gets quite focused on.
Just finished the Third Stage. Will start the Fourth Stage Tonight!

Does anyone know if a Fifth Stage is in the works or it the story pretty much complete?
From what I have heard, they are only working on the Manga at the moment. They are currently working on Vol 39 and Stage 4 finished around Vol 32-33, I think. So I say we still got a year left before they even start making 5th stage episodes just to have enough content to convert to anime.