Jim Hall Karting - Day 2 - June 24, 2006

Choose the day which works best for you.

  • Total voters
19 February 2001
Southern California
Update for everyone attending.

Lunchtime: Costco is just up the street, so I'll run and grab some of their horrible pizzas :biggrin:

Japanese Sushi- Ozeki Sushi in Camarillo. 10 miles and 14 mins away.

Greetings Jim Hall Day 1 graduates,
Since we had such a good time at Jim Hall and based on everyone wanting way more. I have contacted everyone who attended (except Graham/Eric) and everyone is on board to attend the Day 2!!!!

Jim Hall @ (805)654-1329

The next Karting event is scheduled for:

Saturday, June 24th

1. NSXTC - Marc PAID
2. ss_md - Scott PAID
4. tbnsx PAID
5. CDub - Chris PAID
6. Si PAID
7. NSXMAS - Frank PAID
8. BambooKid - Ed C. PAID
9. Craig PAID
10. Graham S.
11. Eric C.
12. Rick Penprafe
13. Tim Penprafe
14. coolnsx - Gil
15. awsomr1 - James

We are very excited to announce that we are now running classes at our brand new state-of-the-art racing facility in Oxnard, California. The complex features a lengthened track with banking and will have landscaping, a covered dining area, spectator seating, an observation tower and classroom. Karts now reach top speeds even faster than our former track and pull up to 1.4 G's in the corners. :biggrin: :biggrin:
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Re: Jim Hall Karting - Day 2 - You choose the day!

Dang! Every cool event is on a Saturday.

I did the Jim Hall karting on the old track (entry class). Finished 1st in my class :biggrin: I'm itching to run on the new track. I can get away anytime on a weekday but Sat from 8-11:30am, I'm commited to my business. Sunday is always good too. Anything on Sundays?
Re: Jim Hall Karting - Day 2 - You choose the day!

Simons2k said:
Dang! Every cool event is on a Saturday.

I did the Jim Hall karting on the old track (entry class). Finished 1st in my class :biggrin: I'm itching to run on the new track. I can get away anytime on a weekday but Sat from 8-11:30am, I'm commited to my business. Sunday is always good too. Anything on Sundays?

You need to call Jim Hall if you want to attend, as the Day 1 at the old track may not apply towards Day 2 at the new track.

Sundays are typically a family day, so Saturday seems the best choice. I'm sure we'll figure out which day works for everyone :biggrin:
Re: Jim Hall Karting - Day 2 - You choose the day!

I do agree with Frank's reason for not picking 7/1 weekend. I can imagine the road will be filled with tired and edgy drivers. So I pick the other 2 dates.

I need to go back and tame that beast!
Re: Jim Hall Karting - Day 2 - You choose the day!

CDub said:
I do agree with Frank's reason for not picking 7/1 weekend. I can imagine the road will be filled with tired and edgy drivers. So I pick the other 2 dates.

I need to go back and tame that beast!

Me too!

I'm good for July 8th and I'll be prepaid $$ on Monday.
Re: Jim Hall Karting - Day 2 - You choose the day!

Again, thanks for all the work to put Karting I together John. 6/24 works, 7/1 50% and 7/8 will not work. Gil
Re: Jim Hall Karting - Day 2 - You choose the day!

coolnsx said:
Again, thanks for all the work to put Karting I together John. 6/24 works, 7/1 50% and 7/8 will not work. Gil

June 24th also works for me if it means everyone can make this day too?
Re: Jim Hall Karting - Day 2 - You choose the day!

tbNSX said:
June 24th also works for me if it means everyone can make this day too?

We should set June 24th as the day now. If for some reason we cannot make that day, we can always change it at a later date. Prime concern is taking advantage of the discount being offered to us :biggrin:
Re: Jim Hall Karting - Day 2 - You choose the day!

NsXMas said:
My daughter's birthday is that week, but I'll try to see if I can make June 24th work. Maybe we'll have a birthday party the weekend before.

But I will need to check with the wife first before I can committ...

Cool. You could combine your trip from phoenix with a birthday "disneyland day" on sunday! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
Re: Jim Hall Karting - Day 2 - You choose the day!

I haven't heard from the wife yet, but I called the school and talked to Liz, and let her know that I'm definitely interested in day 2 and am in for the day.

Apparently the school will talk to John and then let me know everything is to be confirmed, and send me a receipt.

Was the amount $330?
Re: Jim Hall Karting - Day 2 - You choose the day!

A couple more questions.

1> If we were to pay for day 2 and found out that we don't have 12 people, would it turn into an open enrollment day?

2> Which day 2 are you thinking about?
Day 2 - Racing $385
For Day 1A/1B graduates wanting wheel to wheel racing experience. Challenging passing and braking drills, inside/outside race lines and qualify to race. Pace laps, gridding and green flag race starts. Demonstrate your new understanding of race strategy and driving performance. Interclass competition. Six on-track driving sessions. A-track.
2-Day Racer Package $685 - includes Day 1 (1A-1B plus Day 2) $90 savings.

Day 2 - Modified $385
For of Day 1A/1B graduates wanting to improve their driving lines, speed and braking abilities. Two skill instruction sessions; advanced braking drill (trail braking) and up to full speed instructor lead/follow session. The five remaining driving sessions will be open lapping with instructor feedback. Six on-track driving sessions.
Day 2 Racing and Day 2 Modified are run concurrently.

Personally, I prefer the Modified one. If I'm more comfortable with the karts, I'd pick race, but I'm not.
Re: Jim Hall Karting - Day 2 - You choose the day!

June 24 sounds good to me. Hopefully, Craig (1BADNSX) can come too…we both did day 1 awhile ago.

I just got of the phone with the school. While we do not have a date reserved, they are happy to take your nonrefundable deposit now so you can take advantage of the $50 discount. Liz is going to call me back to hopefully clear things up. If we can get a firm date that works, I am happy to commit today, but kinda tough to sign up for something that as of yet is not scheduled.
Re: Jim Hall Karting - Day 2 - You choose the day!

NSXTC said:
June 24 sounds good to me. Hopefully, Craig (1BADNSX) can come too…we both did day 1 awhile ago.

I just got of the phone with the school. While we do not have a date reserved, they are happy to take your nonrefundable deposit now so you can take advantage of the $50 discount. Liz is going to call me back to hopefully clear things up. If we can get a firm date that works, I am happy to commit today, but kinda tough to sign up for something that as of yet is not scheduled.

We do have a date reserved: June 24th
It can always be changed if it doesn't work for the majority.
Re: Jim Hall Karting - Day 2 - You choose the day!

CDub said:
A couple more questions.

1> If we were to pay for day 2 and found out that we don't have 12 people, would it turn into an open enrollment day?
Yes. If we don't have 12, then it could get opened up to others. If and when that would happen, we would get a call from Jim Hall and have first right of refusal.

2> Which day 2 are you thinking about?

Day 2 - Racing $385
For Day 1A/1B graduates wanting wheel to wheel racing experience. Challenging passing and braking drills, inside/outside race lines and qualify to race. Pace laps, gridding and green flag race starts. Demonstrate your new understanding of race strategy and driving performance. Interclass competition. Six on-track driving sessions. A-track.
2-Day Racer Package $685 - includes Day 1 (1A-1B plus Day 2) $90 savings

Day 2 - Modified $385
For Day 1A/1B graduates wanting to improve their driving lines, speed and braking abilities. Two skill instruction sessions; advanced braking drill (trail braking) and up to full speed instructor lead/follow session. The five remaining driving sessions will be open lapping with instructor feedback. Six on-track driving sessions.
Day 2 Racing and Day 2 Modified are run concurrently.
Re: Jim Hall Karting - Day 2 - You choose the day!

CDub said:
... Personally, I prefer the Modified one. If I'm more comfortable with the karts, I'd pick race, but I'm not.

I am now PREPAID $$$

They said up until noon the class is the same, and then after lunch you can choose to do the race program or the lap program. Cool, eh? You can decide on that day! :biggrin:
Re: Jim Hall Karting - Day 2 - You choose the day!


The head count as of 4:00 is 5 including myself. And Liz told me that if you call before 5, you are still good.

Liz told me that the first 4 sessions are the same for both the Modified and Race groups. The last 2 sessions are race sessions. The second last is the qualification session and the last one is the real race. Before the beginning of the qual. session, there will be a classroom meeting. During that time, the modified group will do lapping while the rest are in class. It'll work out that everyone will have the same amount of track time.

With Marc, Craig, Eric, Si and John, I can tell that it's going to be a fierce race. Of course the race will be 4 karts at a time and not all 12 at the same time.:rolleyes:
Re: Jim Hall Karting - Day 2 - You choose the day!

4:59pm. phew :eek: . just got off the phone with JH and prepaid. June 24th works for me.

Re: Jim Hall Karting - Day 2 - You choose the day!

CDub said:
.....Of course the race will be 4 karts at a time and not all 12 at the same time.:rolleyes:

I want all 12 at the same time!!
From what I know about this place, we can probably do that if we pay extra! Either that or John can arrange it!
Re: Jim Hall Karting - Day 2 - You choose the day!

NSXTC said:
I want all 12 at the same time!!
From what I know about this place, we can probably do that if we pay extra! Either that or John can arrange it!

Hey I have seen you drive. You have no mercy on the slowpokes like myself. We probably should each bring a wad of $20 bills for the "off track" fees.:tongue:

I don't think they even have that many karts to do it. May be 6 and 6 instead. They did have 6 karts there last thursday.
Re: Jim Hall Karting - Day 2 - You choose the day!

I have been reminded of a commitment I have that day :mad: Sorry, I hate to miss this, drive fast and safe. Gil
Re: Jim Hall Karting - Day 2 - You choose the day!

coolnsx said:
I have been reminded of a commitment I have that day :mad: Sorry, I hate to miss this, drive fast and safe. Gil
Sorry to hear that Gil.

Since Gil can't make June 24th or July 8th, is everyone else okay with July 8th??

It would make my schedule a LOT easier on July 8th...
Re: Jim Hall Karting - Day 2 - You choose the day!

As of 5pm today, we already have 8 people signed up!

The $50 break in price (read: John worked on them) has been extended to tommorrow, Tuesday March 28th at 4pm!

As far as changing the date: We'll work with June 24th for now as it seems to work for the majority (Very sorry Gil can't do that day :redface: ). I think the Prime concern now is getting the discount and having enough people for an exclusive event.

Both Craig and Marc are going to this event, so it will be easier to get the minimum of 12. I just found out that the max for a Saturday is 15!
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