6th Annual CalCoastalNSX Canyon Drive!!!! June 11th 2006

Let the list begin!!!
0. ANYTIME - John + 1
1. ss_md - Scott + 1
2. tbNSX - Troy + 1
3. SoCal-NSX - Dave + 1
4. awsomr1 - James + 1
5. CDub - Chris
6. POWERED by HONDA - Conrad + 1
7. coolnsx - Gil + 1
8. blackcat - Brian
9. Icefire - Jerry + 1
10. Drewdeezee - Drew + 1
11. NSXRebel - Herman + 1
12. Blue Steal - Erik
13. NSXofRB - Stewart + 1
14. SilverOne - David + 1
15. Semnos_nsx - Steve + 1
16. NSXB - Gene + 1
17. K2 - Kenny + 1
18. PoohBEAR - Calvin + 1
19. 91 X - Mark + 1
20. X-Toy - Peter + 1
21. Ca AGNSX - Steve + 1
22. ANDYH - Andy
23. Dexter
24. Kwante + 1
25. Karl + 1
26. Keith + 1
27. Eugene + 1
28. Lamar + 1
29. John Martin
30. FuryNSX - Randy
31. Joshs - Josh + 1
32. Spike236 - Ryan + 1
The list of 60 people would end here

First on the waiting list
1. Da Hapa - Christian + 1
2. 01blacks4 - Marc + 1
3. Darkcyd - Vince + 1
4. Eddynsx - Eddie
5. NSX-Ster - Mark
6. G-ster - Tony +1
7. Simons2k - Simon
8. CKS Papa - Perry + 1
9. bksems1 - kev + 1

Radio Rental List
1. awsomr1
2. blackcat
3. Drewdeezee
4. Blue Steal
5. NSXofRB
6. Semnos_nsx
7. NSXB-Gene
9. Joshs
10. Da Hapa
11. 01blacks4
12. Darkcyd
13. CKS Papa
14. Eddynsx
15. G-ster
16. Simons2k
17. CKS Papa
18. bksems1

An NSX celebrity is 99% committed to joining us!!!
And no, I'm not telling who it is
Can't make it this year (engines still out being re-built) but Jo-Anne and I hope everyone has a safe and fun drive.

Next year I'll unveil my JGTC racer, fully tubed out frame, relocated suspension points, custom uprights, A-arms, push-rod suspension, 8 inch track increase, 18 X 11s & 13s, 600 hp LS7 (supercharged C6 Z06), mendoela 5 speed sequential, etc . . . .

BTY, I have every part from my spare 92 except for the frame and doors removed and ready to sell because that's about all that'll be left from the stock car when I'm done with this project. mark
Sorry to miss you guys this year......:frown: Hopefully there will be another drive this year.
Looking forward to the drive...
I'd like to take this opportunity to remind everyone bringing radios to remember to CHARGE YOUR RADIOS! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
tbNSX said:
Looking forward to the drive...
I'd like to take this opportunity to remind everyone bringing radios to remember to CHARGE YOUR RADIOS! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
Are you talking to ME!! :eek:

I couldn't see spending $45.00 on a replacement battery for the Radio Shack Radio that cost me less than $40. So, I converted it to operate off of the electrical system of the car, instead of the attached battery. It's no longer portable, but then there's no need to recharge it.
A little check list of things to bring/do.


1. Water and a snack for our mid morning break time, as lunch is happening around 2:30-3pm.
2. Dramamine for your passengers. We're not going straight folks!
3. Sunglasses and sunscreen.

1. Fill up with gas before arriving at The Secret Place (many gas stations close by)
2. Eat a light breakfast.
3. Double check your lugnuts, tire tread and oil/coolant levels.
4. Check your turn signals function, both front and back.
5. If you are bringing a radio, charge it the night before.
6. Don't drink or do drugs the night before or the morning of. :eek:

LESS THAN 32 HOURS LEFT!!! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

Look for a PM with directions to the Secret Location at approx 7PM Saturday Night.

Hint: Close to the 5 & 14 fwy interchange
Other things that are always forgotten,

  1. Charge your camera batteries
  2. Bring your camera
  3. Make sure your camera has an EMPTY memory card
  4. Charge your camcorder, or make sure to bring you camcorder DC adapter
  5. If you're Conrad, make sure to double check #4
Wow! What an amazing event! The people who organized it did an amazing job and the whole day went well. The planning of this should set the standard for all NSX drives.

Pics to follow. :biggrin:
drewdeezee said:
The planning of this should set the standard for all NSX drives.

As someone who has been on all six of these can attest, this event IS the gold standard...and has been since the first. Thanks to John, Tina, Scott, Dave, Conrad / Ryan, Si, Lud, and anyone else I've forgotten who definitely deserves credit for making this year's event another one to be remembered.

Pics to follow...someday. :eek:

Since I got home by 6pm (and I was the last to leave), I'm guessing that Frank made his flight...
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Thanks John and all who help put this drive together for another great event. Can't wait till next year.
a BIG THANX to all of those who helped put another great drive event together!!!!:cool: Had a great time as usual and enjoyed seeing some familiar faces and meeting some new ones almost as much as driving some of those roads:biggrin: :wink: next time I'll make sure to get behind right behind Si though:tongue:

Hope to see some of you on an O/P Run soon!!! [stay tuned for details]

.....also, hope Conrad made it home ok:redface:

pics soon:smile:
akira3d said:
As someone who has been on all six of these can attest, this event IS the gold standard...and has been since the first. Thanks to John, Tina, Scott, Dave, Si, Lud, and anyone else I've forgotten who definitely deserves credit for making this year's event another one to be remembered.

Pics to follow...someday. :eek:

Since I got home by 6pm (and I was the last to leave), I'm guessing that Frank made his flight...
This event was GREAT!! A big thanks to all the planners.

And thanks Eric, I did make it home to Phoenix tonight, special thanks to Troy dropping me off. :)

I hope every one made it home safely. See you all again soon!
Thanks John and everybody else. The prizes were great, the food excellent and the drive gorgeous. I really liked the new route as some of the roads I had not been on before. The clean mountain air and pine tree smell was great. No accidents and no speeding tickets.
What a fun day! My 4th time attending the annual cal coastal drive and well-organized as ever. Great job John, Tina, Dave and Scott and others, especially those involved with toting a hundred pounds of raffle items around canyons for 300 miles! :eek:

Steve and Kent as leaders in our group 4 also get a thumbs up for keeping us together and on the right course. :smile: :smile: :smile:
Thanks to all that came out. I had such a Great Time being my first and all.
Special thanks to Anytime as well as everybody who helped put this day together. I look forward to the next run. :biggrin:

P.S. Way to lead and drive SI. (Group 1 Leader ) :cool:
We had a great drive on Sunday.They get better every year,this was my 3rd.
Thanks to John for all your hard work,Tina thanks for the wrapping.Thanksto Scott for mapping an excellent tour.thanks to Si for leading us in group#1
Great seeing all of you again,can't wait for the next canyon run.
John, Tina, Scott, Si, Dave, Steve, Lud, anyone and everyone involved,

On behalf of my brother and I, I'd like to thank everyone involved in making this happen. It was another fun and safe NSX event!


I'd like to send an apology and also a big thank you to group #2 for pulling aside with me to make sure my brother and I were OK.

And to my other big brother, Randy (FuryNSX), THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR *EVERYTHING* that day. You helped me change my tire, dropped back with me to make sure I got to the restaurant safe, and also made sure I got home safely. THANK YOU! You are my hero. :D

There was no way I can be upset at what happened. I'm just happy no one was hurt.

I had a great time! Thanks again everyone!

Here are some pics that my brother Bernard took.



P.S. Honda engineers did an awesome job with the NSX spare tire. That thing is awesome! The car drove perfectly with it on. It was completely stable, unlike other spare donuts.

EDIT: Edited URL to Bernard's Photos
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Conrad, I'm glad the ride home was safe and sound. Sorry you had the tire issue but I'm glad worked out OK. It was great to meet your brother, can't wait to see his pictures. Thanks for joining in, Gil