JDM gear ratios visualized

From my observations the bigger power guys are fine with the US gears and RP.
An open ended question but I have all the parts for the JDM gears from Motormouths thread, however since I am twin turbo, is there still the value in installing them?
It's not an easy question to answer because there are a lot of "it depends". I've literally tried all 6 or so gear sets. Except anything shorter than a 4.4 final drive.

Turbo itself is it's own animal as well. It also depends on the characteristics of your turbo.

So many variables for you to consider. Try it w/o the gear swap first?

fwiw: for anything with instant torque (e.g. NA or SC, and some turbos, but not really) I like the short gears for my driving conditions. For wide open roads like Texas or the Midwest... i'm not so sure. USDM sounds more appropriate.
For example, this road is literally my backyard. It's a 5 min drive to the start of this hwy. For these types of roads I like the 4.4 but we also have longer higher speed roads like the famous Angeles Crest Hwy which is 35 mins drive for me. This is why I settled on short gears, high torque, and the middle ground 4.23 final (not the stock 4.06.

You have to consider what kinds of roads you drive the most IMHO.
