iPhone coming to Verizon?

Whats the latest out there?

I was at verizon yesterday cause my phone was screwing up and the owner told me the "big secret". They ordered 10 million iPhones for January.

This reminds me of when people used to post on here, 'Hey, I'm in with the owner of Acura dealership XXX, and the owner confided in me, they're getting the new NSX in ______'. Anyway, don't hold your breath for January 2010 or 2011. If you want an iPhone any time soon, you'll have to jump ship to AT&T. Honestly though, with all the Android based phones out now, I think you have some other pretty good options. When I jumped from my Windows Mobile 6.5 based phone to my iPhone, there was no Android. I probably wouldn't have gone to iPhone if I had that choice available.
Most people don't know that current ATT IPhone customers will NOT be able to use their current phone on the Verizon network.

Also if you travel overseas on business more international carriers use GSM technology not CDMA.
... Anyway, don't hold your breath for January 2010 or 2011. If you want an iPhone any time soon, you'll have to jump ship to AT&T. ....

I'm thinking early next year for the Verizon iPhone. A friend of a friend, who's cousin has a friend that once served the brother of the guy that washes Steve Jobs car a Cafe' Mocha Cinolatte at Starbucks one time told me.
It's funny how all these fools keep believing all these Verizon rumors. They forget about the 5 year exclusivity contract with AT&T.

For those of you waiting, you'll get an iPhone on Verizon not only when that contract is up, but when Verizon rolls out their LTE network.

By then AT&T will also have rolled out their LTE network. Coverage wise, it won't matter who you're with, AT&T, Verizon, & T-Mobile will be on the same standard. They will both have roaming agreements I'm sure, maybe even T-Mobile too. It will come down to which company has the better deals.
There;s been a lot on Engadget lately that points toward a CDMA version of the iPhone ..... I've discounted all the rumors as total BS, but the ones that have come out within the past week sound a lot more solid.
anybody thinks its a good idea to load up on verizon stock now, for possible apple phone? i can see stock jump once verizon announce that its carrying iphone, any thoughts guys?
It's funny how all these fools keep believing all these Verizon rumors. They forget about the 5 year exclusivity contract with AT&T.

For those of you waiting, you'll get an iPhone on Verizon not only when that contract is up, but when Verizon rolls out their LTE network.

By then AT&T will also have rolled out their LTE network. Coverage wise, it won't matter who you're with, AT&T, Verizon, & T-Mobile will be on the same standard. They will both have roaming agreements I'm sure, maybe even T-Mobile too. It will come down to which company has the better deals.

I agree. Those people at the wall street journal are idiots and never know what they are talking about. Right? U are much more in the know.
anybody thinks its a good idea to load up on verizon stock now, for possible apple phone? i can see stock jump once verizon announce that its carrying iphone, any thoughts guys?

go ahead and do it. let us know how it turn out.
I agree. Those people at the wall street journal are idiots and never know what they are talking about. Right? U are much more in the know.

Looks like it. Unless all those rumors for the past 3+ years were true, and the iPhone was released on Verizon already and I just missed it.. :confused::rolleyes:
Looks like it. Unless all those rumors for the past 3+ years were true, and the iPhone was released on Verizon already and I just missed it.. :confused::rolleyes:

Wsj went so far as to call it a done deal. I guess we will see soon enough. Personally I hope it comes because I will get one.
anybody thinks its a good idea to load up on verizon stock now, for possible apple phone? i can see stock jump once verizon announce that its carrying iphone, any thoughts guys?

I'm curious to hear your strategy.

How would Verizon carrying the Iphone increase Verizon's EPS or any other metric that affects the stock price?

You do know that once the Iphone is released to all other carriers, they too will start experiencing the same growing pains that AT&T is experiencing, right?

Infrastructure spending, ramping up customer service, Iphone phone subsidies. Lots of spending there.

Additionally - In terms of data, AT&T's network is superior to Verizon. To put it bluntly, anyone using an Iphone not on ATT's network won't get nearly the same experience.

The only player that will or has benefited is ATT since they were the first. The others will not. Most people that wanted an iphone have one. Don't expect droves of ATT customers to spend $325 to break their contracts and migrate over to Verizon or another less capable carrier.

Not to say that Verizon isn't a good prospect. It is. It is a cash cow that just throws off dividends....same for ATT.

Just dont' buy it cause you think it will pop when the news hits that they are now carrying the phone.
Additionally - In terms of data, AT&T's network is superior to Verizon. To put it bluntly, anyone using an Iphone not on ATT's network won't get nearly the same experience. .

I can't say I have ever read anything about Verizon's network that would lead me to believe that is remotely true. My guess is they will have 95% the same experience, and many will have a much better experience in areas with poor coverage.

Verizon's network is not as fast as ATT, but it isnt really much slower. ( i guess in areas with HSPA 7.2 it would be a lot faster, but I don't live in one of those)

You can bet a lot of ATT users who are sick of poor service in their area will jump to Verizon.

We have no problems with ATT and the iPhone 4 here in Jax. It is faster than my storm 2 on verizon, but most of the time at home it is on wifi.

Verizon will be LTE soon in I think 33 markets including Jacksonville. That will ROCK -- unless it kills your battery!
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I can't say I have ever read anything about Verizon's network that would lead me to believe that is remotely true.

Verizon's network is not as fast as ATT, but it isnt really much slower. ( i guess in areas with HSPA 7.2 it would be a lot faster, but I don't live in one of those)

We have no problems with ATT and the iPhone 4 here in Jax. It is faster than my storm 2 on verizon...

Any bets AT&T is bankrupt in 5 years?

From what I've seen, they haven't done anything to get their wireless network up to par. I can't see anyone keeping them.
Verizon and Sprint are 1000000x better. And Sprint is cheaper to boot.

Also, Android makes the iPhone look outdated IMO. It's like Android is Windows 7 and iPhone is Windows 98. Big difference...
I think once the general public learns Android, the iPhone will go the way of the Razor.
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What don't you get? You said "To put it bluntly, anyone using an Iphone not on ATT's network won't get nearly the same experience."

That simply isn't true IMO.

Did you read what you wrote?

You said you haven't read anything that would allow you to believe that AT&T's data network is superior to Verizon's.

But then you say yourself that, "Verizon's network is not as fast as ATT, but it isnt really much slower. ( i guess in areas with HSPA 7.2 it would be a lot faster, but I don't live in one of those)"

And then you say how your network connection on your ATT Iphone is better than your droid on Verizon.

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Did you read what you wrote?

You said you haven't read anything that would allow you to believe that AT&T's data network is superior to Verizon's.

But then you say yourself that, "Verizon's network is not as fast as ATT, but it isnt really much slower. ( i guess in areas with HSPA 7.2 it would be a lot faster, but I don't live in one of those)"

And then you say how your network connection on your ATT Iphone is better than your droid on Verizon.


Right, I said it is faster. But that doesn't mean "using an Iphone not on ATT's network won't get nearly the same experience"

Really, the only difference i see is that you cannot talk and surf at the same time.
I think once the general public learns Android, the iPhone will go the way of the Razor.

I don't see the iPhone going away anytime soon, but I do think that Apple screwed the pooch with their five year exclusive deal with AT&T. Five years is an eternity in the mobile phone business, and in that time Google acquired Android, got it ready for primetime, put out phones on all major carriers, and now Android based phones are outselling iPhones quarter after quarter.

Sound familiar? It's Mac vs Windows all over again. The iPhone will shrink off as a niche device with its loyal fanbase and 10% marketshare, while Android based phones will be the mainstream device that everyone will love to hate.

(As for the others -- Blackberry is toast; only their legacy enterprise entrenchment keeps them going. Jury is still out on Windows 7, too new to tell. All other smartphone OSs will slowly disappear.)

All IMHO, of course.
I don't see the iPhone going away anytime soon, but I do think that Apple screwed the pooch with their five year exclusive deal with AT&T. Five years is an eternity in the mobile phone business, and in that time Google acquired Android, got it ready for primetime, put out phones on all major carriers, and now Android based phones are outselling iPhones quarter after quarter.

Sound familiar? It's Mac vs Windows all over again. The iPhone will shrink off as a niche device with its loyal fanbase and 10% marketshare, while Android based phones will be the mainstream device that everyone will love to hate.

(As for the others -- Blackberry is toast; only their legacy enterprise entrenchment keeps them going. Jury is still out on Windows 7, too new to tell. All other smartphone OSs will slowly disappear.)

All IMHO, of course.

I don't think there was ever a time where Mac dominated PC like the iPhone dominates the cell market.

I think iPhone and Droid will co-exist for a long time to come. That being said, Android is coming on very strong, but it is getting very fragmented with different screen sizes, different os versions, some with flash, some without, some 600MHz, some 1 ghz. I see that being a problem for droid in the near future if it isnt already.

As for BB being toast, they are recording record profits. Don't think they will be toast anytime soon. But as much as I love my BB, I now want an iphone. it is just better. Period.
I don't think there was ever a time where Mac dominated PC like the iPhone dominates the cell market.

I'm thinking way back to 1984, when the MacOS first came out. It was so revolutionary over the Microsoft DOS machines that were on the market, and quickly gained acceptance in "desktop publishing" fields and other graphically oriented applications.

But the big problem was (as hindsight has shown): it was only available on Apple hardware.

Then Microsoft came out with Windows, which ran on IBM, Compaq, PC's Limited (later known as Dell), and a zillion other clone computers.

Apple had the arguably better OS, but their dependence on Apple hardware made it forever a niche device, and not mainstream. Windows, by running on a wide variety of hardware, gained the upper hand and remains dominant to this day.

That being said, Android is coming on very strong, but it is getting very fragmented with different screen sizes, different os versions, some with flash, some without, some 600MHz, some 1 ghz. I see that being a problem for droid in the near future if it isnt already.

What you see as a problem is actually an advantage. You can have your Android phone any way you want it. Big screen, small screen; keyboard or no keyboard; AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile; and so on. You get no choice with iPhone: you get what Jobs has decreed for you, and if you're cool with that, great. Otherwise, screw off. Again, same as what was happening with computer OSs back in the mid-1980s. I think if you review the history of that time you'll see a lot of the parallels that I'm talking about.

As for BB being toast, they are recording record profits. Don't think they will be toast anytime soon. But as much as I love my BB, I now want an iphone. it is just better. Period.

Like I said, their entrenchment in the enterprise will keep them around for a while. But like you, there will be barbarians at the IT gate, and people will be clamoring for choices, and eventually IT managers will relent. Of course the iPhone is better than a Blackberry, as are most Android phones and probably even Windows 7 phones. The Blackberry UI is just so clunky and cumbersome by comparison, I gotta think that only the die hards will continue to use it five years hence.
I'm thinking way back to 1984, when the MacOS first came out. It was so revolutionary over the Microsoft DOS machines that were on the market, and quickly gained acceptance in "desktop publishing" fields and other graphically oriented applications.

But the big problem was (as hindsight has shown): it was only available on Apple hardware.

Then Microsoft came out with Windows, which ran on IBM, Compaq, PC's Limited (later known as Dell), and a zillion other clone computers.

Apple had the arguably better OS, but their dependence on Apple hardware made it forever a niche device, and not mainstream. Windows, by running on a wide variety of hardware, gained the upper hand and remains dominant to this day.

What you see as a problem is actually an advantage. You can have your Android phone any way you want it. Big screen, small screen; keyboard or no keyboard; AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile; and so on. You get no choice with iPhone: you get what Jobs has decreed for you, and if you're cool with that, great. Otherwise, screw off. Again, same as what was happening with computer OSs back in the mid-1980s. I think if you review the history of that time you'll see a lot of the parallels that I'm talking about.

Like I said, their entrenchment in the enterprise will keep them around for a while. But like you, there will be barbarians at the IT gate, and people will be clamoring for choices, and eventually IT managers will relent. Of course the iPhone is better than a Blackberry, as are most Android phones and probably even Windows 7 phones. The Blackberry UI is just so clunky and cumbersome by comparison, I gotta think that only the die hards will continue to use it five years hence.

Yes, I get what you are saying and it makes a lot of sense. I guess time will tell.

I expect RIM to move to an OS based on QNX for their phones and that should really be an improvement.

Keep in mind that BB still does email better than anyone and they do security better than anyone. Must business's don't care if you can watch videos on it or get fart apps. :biggrin:
Keep in mind that BB still does email better than anyone and they do security better than anyone. Must business's don't care if you can watch videos on it or get fart apps. :biggrin:

Absolutely agreed, and it's what will keep Blackberrys around, for the most part. But if one has the choice: Blackberry, iPhone, or Android -- it's hard to imagine anyone voluntarily picking the Blackberry out of those three.
The owner is FoS.... nobody knows, the rumor has been around for years. I read Engadget every day (on my iPhone which I really wanted to hate, but simply cant) and if there is even the SLIGHTEST info out there about this, they run a story on it (and have a number of times) but they're all speculation.

As for free texting app that someone read about, I use TextFree

Can you send me the number you gave me to text you on? I dropped my phone and broke it so I lost that number and want to put your number to text you on in my new phone.
Apple had the arguably better OS, but their dependence on Apple hardware made it forever a niche device, and not mainstream. Windows, by running on a wide variety of hardware, gained the upper hand and remains dominant to this day.

Well Blackberry software only runs on Blackberry phones.
Nokia software only runs on Nokia phones.
I can't easily change the OS on my Android phone to something else, can I?
Isn't it odd that no one complains that these systems are CLOSED?

Look Apple's advantage is that they can integrate and optimize the software and hardware and produce a great product. Windows, and I would now argue Google's Android, have the problem of an infinite variety of configs, hardware specs and there's no guarantee it will all work nicely together.

Will this video card work with this version of the OS and this version of the app I'm running? Will this driver work with Vista?

And now with Android. All the various Android phone manufacturers can install their own front end or customized UI or adware and bloatware (Some that you can't even delete!!!) as they see fit. In short order this is going to be a confusing mess. This is one reason why MSFT is spending a lot of effort with Win Mobile 7 to validate all their 3rd party manufacturers and hold them to an enforceable minimum standard. With Google phones anything goes.

So, yes, I am restricted in some ways with Apple. If i really want a phone that has a physical keyboard, I'm out of luck.

But keep in mind that one reason for Apple's popularity with all their products is that the hardware and software just work and you don't have to fiddle-fart around.

And this notion that Apple's closed while all the other phones are "open" is nonsense, IMHO.

One more thing regarding profits and market share. Many of the GOOG and BB phones are being sold on BOGO plans. This is why Apple has a huge percentage of the profit with such a small percentage of the market. Just take a moment and ponder this chart...


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