insurance qoted received. is that too much??

8 April 2008
my last insurance was just liability coverage cost only 900 a year. now i decided to buy full coverage. farmers quote me 2600 for just half year. wut do u guys usually pay. should i switch to other companies?
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Seems like a lot of money. If I had to pay that, I would certainly shop around.

It's impossible to compare what other members pay with what you pay. There are too many components. Age, driving record, multiple policies or multiple vehicles, location, etc., etc.
So it's $5,200 a year. What are your limits for liability, collision, pip, and uninsured? Also what is your deductible and how old are you? There are way too many factors to consider comparring to other NSX owners. I just moved seven miles from my old house and my insurance went up because the zip code I'm now in has a higher rate of claims. :mad:
Seems like a lot of money. If I had to pay that, I would certainly shop around.

It's impossible to compare what other members pay with what you pay. There are too many components. Age, driving record, multiple policies or multiple vehicles, location, etc., etc.

sorry. i didn't make it clear.

i am 24 yr old. no ticket within 5 years. no accident.

last time, they quoted me 2600 for a full year. now this time, they told me that it was a mistake. it should be 2600 for just half year. i really feel there's something wrong. so i think i need to get quotes from others.
So it's $5,200 a year. What are your limits for liability, collision, pip, and uninsured? Also what is your deductible and how old are you? There are way too many factors to consider comparring to other NSX owners. I just moved seven miles from my old house and my insurance went up because the zip code I'm now in has a higher rate of claims. :mad:

now i just gave them a call. it can be 2500 for a full year. my dad didn't get the whole's pretty detailed, not necessary to talk in forum. this thread will be over. thx for help anyway.
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I pay $627 a year with Mutual Benefit

Combined Single Limit: 500k
Comp: 50
Coll: 250
LOL. ok guys.

when i heard 5200, i felt like am i driving a Ferrari???? obivously, nsx is not F.

dad gonna slap my ass if i pay 5200 a year for auto insurance.:biggrin:

gave them a call already, and it's clear. 1200 for 6 month.
There are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many previous topics on this.

There is no way to compare apples to apples since everyone has different history, ages, cars, additional lines with same insurance company, etc.
State Farm covered me in colorado @ 100/300 full coverage, $1k deductible for $47/month

In california, Wawanesa covers me @ 50/100 full coverage, $500 deductible for $60/month.

This was at 24 years old and between zero to one speeding ticket on record.

Even when I was 18 years old, I've never paid for insurance over $100/month. That includes my 3 of 4 points possible I received in california on my motorcycle @ 21 and I was insured through Farmers Insurance group from age 16 through 23.

I did notice something though.... State farm wanted almost double at about $120/month for the same coverage that wananesa gives me now. You must of asked for a HIGH coverage policy quote. My insurance guy I ever had when I was lived in colorado recommended to me that I determine how much coverage I need, based upon how much I have to lose. Even though I have 50/100 now, I wouldn't recommend anything less than 100/300.
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I paid like $350 or $400 for the year, we an agreed value of $35k on my NSX, zero deductables through Classic Insurance.

28, no tickets, single,
$405 every 6 months. Z I need to look into that since
I rarely drive it. I did that with my GN. You got a number for them?
ERIE Insurance Group
25k/50k coverage
1k deductible on comp and collision
underinsured 50k coverage
uninsured 50k coverage

annual premium $597

How many miles are you allowed to drive anually, any restrictions on nighttime driving?
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ERIE Insurance Group
25k/50k coverage
1k deductible on comp and collision
underinsured 50k coverage
uninsured 50k coverage

annual premium $597

How many miles are you allowed to drive anually, any restrictions on nighttime driving?

i am kinda noob on this. so please explain. wut's 25k/50 coverage.

i understand 1k deductible. rest is confusing me LOL.
How many miles are you allowed to drive anually, any restrictions on nighttime driving?

Yes, I believe they only allow me to drive 3k a year. However, I'm not sure how they would know. This isn't a problem for me, so I'm not worried about it. No other restrictions that I recall, but the car has to normally be garaged. Again, no problem for me. :smile:

Considering, it only made sense to me to make a switch from my previous insurer Allstate. My GS430 however, is still insured with them(allstate).

Hope that helps,
- Zishan
$2600 is way too expensive for full coverage with your driving record. Go through geico and i'm sure they will quote you for at most $1,000 every 6mos, and that's even pushing it. when did you get your license?
i am kinda noob on this. so please explain. wut's 25k/50 coverage.

i understand 1k deductible. rest is confusing me LOL.

25k/50k is the Liability (Bodily injury) coverage: 25k each person/50k each accident.

Depending on what assets you have to protect, your liability coverage will vary from other members. This is the maximum amount that the insurance will cover. If the damage is more, the other party may sue you (assuming the accident is your fault) for amounts that are not cover by your insurance. If you cause damage to 3 parties for 10k each in that accident, your insurance will pay up to 50k. Someone can sue you to make up the difference. (correct me if I'm not totally correct or left something out)

See previous insurance threads:
what's the coverage to cover myself if accident is my fault?
is it property damage liability.
That would be collision.
Not necessarily.

There are a lot of different possible kinds of auto insurance coverage, but the three major ones are:

1. Comprehensive - covers your car against non-accident claims, such as theft, vandalism, etc.

2. Collision - covers your car against claims resulting from an accident

3. Liability - covers losses incurred by others in an accident you're in, including property damage, medical expenses, etc.

So if you have an accident and it's your fault, collision covers any damage to your car, and liability covers injuries and damages that others experience.

Liability is generally the most expensive portion of your insurance policy, because in the (hopefully unlikely) event there is an injury, especially if you get sued, the damages can reach extremely high dollar amounts, whereas comprehensive and collision coverages are limited to the value of your car.

At least, all of this is the way I understand it works.

I suggest you try getting quotes using websites that give them for many different insurance companies, such as and Those websites should explain each of the coverages and what they do. They should also give you some guidance about the effect on your rates of different deductibles, levels of liability, etc.
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25k/50k is the Liability (Bodily injury) coverage: 25k each person/50k each accident.

Those are REAL low coverages. Here in MN State Farm will not go lower than 250/500k