I quit my job yesturday

NSXrunner said:
Bottom line is the only way to get anywhere in UPS is to stay there for at least 5 years and keeping your mouth shut. (Or brown nose till you're up someones butt enough) Once you have done your time, THEN you might get what you want. But I decided I have better things to do with my life than sit around and wait.

Please inform us all of the company where this is not the rule. I would very much like to be promoted and get what I want immediately. This "prove yourself and earn your promotion" crap gets old fast. Who has 5 years to build a career? I want one now.

Since UPS is one of the best run companies in the world, does it occur to you that perhaps the problem wasn't with them, but with a certain employee who felt some sort of entitlement? Did your paychecks clear the bank, or were you so disgusted you refused compensation from this joke of a company?

i didn't have a job offer, but I knew I was worth a lot more than I was getting (which was a good salary), but them came up short, only a 10% raise and a 20% bonus. So I told them to go f--- their hat, and if they wanted me to come in two weeks from now they better have a consulting contract @ X per hour ready, and here was my corporation name and everything :p I had nothing to lose, and I was prepared to walk out, but I knew better. It was a good bet and know I gross 125% of what I used to and I get to write off most of my expenses. They were surprised but they had to agree, and now everything is fine because everyone gets what they want, and no politics :D

If you are replaceable..I don't recommend this strategy..you might find yourself SOL

I have been in this boat before and I am sorry to hear that you are in it. I live in the area so I will ask around as far as employment goes. Good luck and maybe I'll see you on 97. :biggrin:
LeftLane said:
Please inform us all of the company where this is not the rule. I would very much like to be promoted and get what I want immediately. This "prove yourself and earn your promotion" crap gets old fast. Who has 5 years to build a career? I want one now.

Since UPS is one of the best run companies in the world, does it occur to you that perhaps the problem wasn't with them, but with a certain employee who felt some sort of entitlement? Did your paychecks clear the bank, or were you so disgusted you refused compensation from this joke of a company?


Hehe nah Im not as bitter as I sounded I admit, I was merely stating facts. :biggrin: The fact that asking the same question to different managers and getting different answers was flat out frustrating. I think waiting 7 months was pretty darn patient on my end. But one can only take the "we'll figure it out and get back to you" for so long. Also as far as motivation goes, it is really hard to stay happy and motivated in a job when you see the guy next to you (same job position), do as little work as possible, make more money (union contract for tenure), and they are complaining. To me unions are just a completely different world and I am speaking from my personal experience. I believe if you are a bad employee, you get fired. But in the 2 and a half years I was at UPS, I have seen people get away with more foolishness, that would have gotten you fired anywhere else, go figure.

Heck there was a story in the paper a few months back about UPS; some union people winning a lawsuit for back pay because their managers were trying to cut costs by sending people home and doing some of the extra work that comes by after the workers were gone. Now it doesnt take a genius to see that the managers were doing the right thing for the company, but apparently they were doing the wrong thing for the union, so the union took UPS to court and won. Again no flaming here, just stating facts from my personal experience. :wink:
NetViper said:
I have yet to meet someone who isn't.

Everyone is replaceable at a cost. As long as the cost (and I don't mean just $) is greater to replace you're essentially not replaceable in the short to medium term. Nothing's absolute, you're right there.
The main problem is that from the moment you start to play this game, they will start looking for someone to replace you. In the medium term your contracting could disappear... at least that is what happened in my company in similar cases.

Good luck, I am with you :)
I wish I could do the same!
CL65 Captain said:
I am right at the point where I am competitive on hours - 5000 TT, 3800 Multi and 1800 jet PIC.

UPS and Fedex are hiring in small numbers, I have applied to both but you need interal recommendations to even have a shot... and they both have something like 10,000 apllication on file. They are both going through contract negotiations now so there is alot of bad blood between management and the pilot group.

Corporate is tough to get into, espcially coming from the airlines. You usually need a type rating for the specific plane they are flying and time in type. Why would xyz Corp hire me and have to pay 10k for me to be typed in their Falcon if they can get someone who is allready typed. Unfortunately for me, my type is the CL65 (Canadair Regional Jet) which even though it is more or less the same as a Canadair Challenger 604 still requires getting the CL604 type. The ones that will pay for your type are there, but the QOL and pay is awful - thus the reason they can't keep pilots and can't find people arleady typed.

Fractional is another way to go and they are hiring, but the pay sucks until you make Capt which is running about 5 year give or take at for example Netjets. And the schedule is 7 on, 7 off.

I think I am going to find a head-hunter and get back into IT, or try to start a business doing Home Theater consulting for new Home Builders.


I am a custom home builder and I pay $400 per home for the consultation. My guy is an EE. He seems to do pretty well. I'm quite sure he's well above 50K. It probably won't pull the poon like being a pilot does, but you should be able to make some coin.
gheba_nsx said:
The main problem is that from the moment you start to play this game, they will start looking for someone to replace you. In the medium term your contracting could disappear... at least that is what happened in my company in similar cases.

Good luck, I am with you :)
I wish I could do the same!

I dare them, I'd rather do something else :p It's a good relationship, and I do things to retain my value so I'm not too worried, but bottom line I didn't get into this game if I wasn't prepared for the consequences. It also helps if you are 26 and have no expenses/obligations like house/wife etc. I'm sure my POV will change in 10 years.
The reason I left is because I was promised things that were not delivered. I did not give them a chance to counter offer, at that point, I had another job and did not want to stay. I am actually looking fwd to doing something else. I was getting a bit burned on I.T If you give notice to try to get a raise, you better be prepared to follow through and leave, which I was.
