I have Drew's abs bleeder tool

I mailed it and it was returned to me. I will mail again once the weather clears. I was waiting til someone mentioned something so I would not look like a idiot. Shoot me the shipping address again and i will ship again. I double checked with fedex when I shipped, but it came back to my door step.
Add me to the list. I wonder if I will get it before the new NSX comes out. :confused:

No one should have this in their posession for more than 2 weekends. Lets get this moving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You don't need the tool to bleed your ABS. I followed the instructions here on the second half of the guide. All you need is 3 wires.


That's not the point.

I mailed it and it was returned to me. I will mail again once the weather clears. I was waiting til someone mentioned something so I would not look like a idiot. Shoot me the shipping address again and i will ship again. I double checked with fedex when I shipped, but it came back to my door step.

So do you still have it Fireballs_92nsx? Obviously you're still around since according to your public profile page your last activity was today 07-26-2012 13:11.
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Fireballs_92nsx contacted me after my last post and indicated there was some problem with an address in California, and offered to send it to another address.

In the interest of taking the opportunity at hand, I gave my address, thinking I would at least get the tool from him, and back into circulation as quickly as possible.

That was over a week ago. He hasn't sent a tracking number for shipping the tool, nor he made any contact since. I just sent Fireballs_92nsx a reminder, hopefully we'll get this fixed very soon.
To all: My objective was to get Drew's abs bleeder tool back in circulation and today, thankfully, it arrived by UPS at my door. Since I am #4 down and makav3li, NSXDream2, and excellon have been waiting patiently I'd like to immediately ship it to the next person and wait my rightful turn. makav3li please PM me your address info.

The current waiting list is presented below.

The fact Drew's abs bleeder tool has been circulating as long as it has speaks volumes about the integrity of the folks on this list. That said, if anyone has any ideas as to how to tighten up this honor system to avoid delays in the future now is a good time to have that discussion.

Thanks to all for your patience,

----ABS Bleeder List----

RUSS. That's awesome of you to keep it going and sending it back in the order. That's very cool.

I know I got tired of waitng and upgraded ONE YEAR AGO, I still kept an eye on this thread.
Needs this tool! Who has it?

- - - Updated - - -

It's been about 3 years! Wow I hope I get response