HP Turbo Installation Started

scorp965, Just taking a quick look at your thread the only worrisome thing is the GREEN coolant at the exhaust. As you probably know it would have burned (white smoke out the exhaust) during combustion :confused:

You can easily check your water to air IC with an air pump (~5psi bike pump) and rubber stop the ends. I would put it in a 5 gallon bucket looking for external leaks and just watch for bubbles out the charged ends for internal.

Do a leakdown test on your early 3.0L head gaskets as the center sandwiched part leaks first.

Your turbo had too much oil pressure put to it. The directions you sent me make no mention of a restrictor in the oil feed line to the turbo? It's just a washer in the feed line with a smaller hole to reduce the pressure to the turbo. The NSX will push ~98PSI with clean oil on the high side and your turbo barrings will just washout at that causing the turbo to fail, endplay, ect.

Did the kit or oil line come with a restrictor in it?

Can't wait to see this thing go. Good luck I'm sure HP will take good care of you as this is a NEW kit and looks like a few bugs still need to be worked out.
I just received a call from Nathan at HP about an hour ago (thank you Craig), they're sending a new turbo out on Tuesday, for Monday arrival. I asked about a restrictor, and was told they haven't seen a need for them - there was none in the kit, nor was it mentioned in the directions. Regardless, Nathan is including one with the replacement turbo.

I will keep this thread updated as the progress continues, in theory I could be back at the tuner at the end of this coming week.
That turbine wheel looks like a GT.....
Did you get a BB turbo? if so, I HIGHLY recommend trying a restrictor. I have seen many Garrett BB turbos leak oil when not fitted with a restrictor, and all have been fixed by simply adding a restrictor.

Also, do what JeffShoots said re the leak check. It's really easy to do and is most likely the cause of the coolant leak (hopefully). Be very carefull not to hydrolock the engine before you get it fixed.
I just received a call from Nathan at HP about an hour ago (thank you Craig), they're sending a new turbo out on Tuesday, for Monday arrival. I asked about a restrictor, and was told they haven't seen a need for them - there was none in the kit, nor was it mentioned in the directions. Regardless, Nathan is including one with the replacement turbo.

I will keep this thread updated as the progress continues, in theory I could be back at the tuner at the end of this coming week.

HOLY @#$*. If its a GT turbo you GOT GOT GOT to run a .035 restrictor my man! I don't care WHAT HP thinks there research says, Garrett flat out says to run a .035 restrictor for oil pressures over 40 psi. Now if its not a Garrett turbo then maybe HP is right so go with what they say.

Somehow tunner shops didn't get this memo about the restrictors, because when I bought my Lovefab kit for my S2000 Cody didn't send out restrictors with the first couple of kits and it did some damage to some people.

Trust me, your going to want that restrictor:


J. R.
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scorp, looking at the pump included in the kit. Wail your location is a huge improvement over the stock HP location (Directed/Directions) that pump is not rated to push water at that volume for that distance. I'm sure over some time that pump will fail working at its MAX capacity.

Also, why are you running coolent in the IC? You are losing about 1/2 the efficiency of distilled water alone. Living in Ca. and not having to worry about freezing maybe use half a cup of Water Wetter or if the car will never see freezing temp just use a little Bleach so your not growing gunk in the IC or tank.

And yes that restrictor posted looks nice :smile:
HP Performance overnighted a replacement turbo on Tuesday, and it arrived early today; here are some pics:


Old turbo off the car:


The New turbo:



Top view of new turbo:


Ramon in Simo's car:


And some videos:

Car just started, checking for leaks:

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/jt9voRk9wSI"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/jt9voRk9wSI" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

Car starting to warm up, and burn off oil in the exhaust from previous turbo:

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/8aQRJMfBeJc"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/8aQRJMfBeJc" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

Following the second video the nsx was driven at 3k rpm for approx 15 minutes to clear away even more of the white smoke burn off, now there is very little smoke coming from the car, and it is ready for the tuner. Unfortunatly the tuner won't be available until Monday afternoon, so dyno results are still pending.
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Good!!!! It's a beautifull Kit, and thank you for HP
Did you put the oil restritor ?

I called a garrett distributer this morning, and was told the turbo should not need a restrictor with these inlet and outlet lines, and the roughly 98psi of the nsx oil system; still, we decided to increase the diameter of the drain line to be 'extra safe'... Nathan from HP, when I spoke with him on Saturday, also said a restrictor would not be necessary, but said he would include one with the turbo - there was none in the box that arrived today.

This is not a ball-bearing turbo, so, according to garrett, a restrictor should not be necessary, and is to be used only as a last resort if there are continued, and unexplained, oil leakage issues. The car doesn't seem to be dumping oil, so apparently a restrictor is not necessary. We're going to run the car some more tomorrow to ensure the level of white smoke is continuing to decrease... as you can see in the pictures from the 25th, there was a huge amount of oil left in the downpipe and muffler from the previous turbo, so white smoke from the car, at a decreasing rate, is not as much of a concern as the white smoke in consistant, and large amounts, that was seen on the dynapack last week, along with dripping oil - the car appears to be burning off the residue left behind from the bad turbo.
I was thinking save up more and get turbo but with all the little problems I m thinking supercharger is the easist to maintain. What do you say Srcop965? Would you recomend going turbo route or did u have some problems with Supercharger aswell? what kind of problems can somoene except with supercharger in your experience?
Thanks and good luck with your beast..
I was thinking save up more and get turbo but with all the little problems I m thinking supercharger is the easist to maintain. What do you say Srcop965? Would you recomend going turbo route or did u have some problems with Supercharger aswell? what kind of problems can somoene except with supercharger in your experience?
Thanks and good luck with your beast..

I feel the turbocharger setup offers several advantages over the supercharger, otherwise I would not have started on this course of action. With regard to little problems along the way... these may have been 'growing pains' from the introduction of a new kit at HP - the supercharger kit I purchased was from a well established company that had been shipping them for years, while the turbo kit had only recently been introduced when I ordered mine in January. I do not know if the problems I have had were experienced by others, and I do not know if they have been fixed, as this is the only installation I can comment on, but Jimmy from HP said they were in a PM a few weeks ago, for what its worth.

I would like to get the car tuned and on the road prior to giving my full opinion of this kit, and making comparisons to my previous supercharger setup. This having been said, if the kit were complete in a box, a true 'kit', and arrived in the timeline HP now seems to be able to offer, the general feeling of the kit would be much more favorable - installation, with all necessary parts, could be done in well under 2 days, then its just a matter of tuning. As I have said in an earlier post, the intention of this thread is to show the progress of my HP turbocharger installation - do I feel it should have taken 5 weeks to get it on the car? absolutly not, but you can also read along the thread and discover why this delay happened, the AEM EMS was on backorder, misc fittings were missing from the kit package, the turbo was bad, etc., and make your own decisions based on this information. HP performance has sent all of the parts I have requested with minimal hassle, and went out of their way to overnight a replacement turbo - they seem to be supporting their product well, and it seems like a great solution at a competitive price point.
while this is not meant as support or NON-support of the HP setup....I dont see where so many people are saying "with all the problems"....it doesnt seem like there where any "problems"...just things that happen everytime you do something this big...its not like he was just putting on a muffler guys...

it seems as though the sysem went in fine, works fine and was supported thus far by the manufacture.

sounds like a very viable option to me.....

I agree. All of the "problems" encountered are typical of any semi-serious build up i've ever experienced. I would be happy if my last build went half as smoothly as scorp's. Thats just the way it goes with this stuff. Non of it seems to be really HP-Related. Some turbo's are bad from the factory (I had the identicle thing happen on my new garrett when I got it for a different car), the AEM backlog was a national backlog and no-one could source a unit. Even the canadian blowing off his wastegate was due to an overtightened screw. All of those little things that have to be factored in whenever you put a kit of this magnitude on a car.

working out all of the little stuff like that is par for the course. Its not like the piping HP actually makes is not fiting or the welds are blowing or cracking. I think its still thumbs up to the HP kit IMHO.

Keep us updated scorp! Car is looking good. Can't wait to see the results!

The turbocharger is not watercooled, so the presence of a minute level of green fluid in the exhaust tip is concerning... the car's antifreeze has no oil in it, and the engine was strong prior to the install, with perhaps 30 total minutes of run time with the turbo kit installed (under the supervision of an AEM tuner), so the hope is this is some kind of coating on one of the components (unlikely), or it is perhaps coming from the aftercooler arrangement, which has a mixture of antifreeze and water running through it. We're trying to devise a method to pressure test the aftercooler.

its a good idea to run a different color antifreeze in the aftercooler set up than the car motor set up so you can differentiate if this happens.
Looks like the new turbo they sent you has a larger compressor set also. The old one looks like a T04E, and the new one is a 60-1.
I wasnt knocking the HP kit at all. Just dont have the experience and knowledge to go through something like what you did. I know that you will be much happier with this turbo setup comparable to your S/C setup but along the way if you found one to be more relaible and easier to maintian. But I understand that you will reserve your comments on it till you have it tuned and runnning for a while so it can be a fair comparasion. Goodluck with everything your nsx looks like a beast in making.
I think its the best money I have spent on the car. No offense to other manufacturers but for me, 8K US was a good deal considering the parts. AEM EMS, Tial wastegate, Heat treated tubing, headers, exhaust, injectors etc etc. Pretty good deal to me.

Like scorp said, it should have been done alot sooner but issues with recieving all the parts on time was my only issue. I have put over 3K on my kit @ 140 000km's and its runnin like a champ....
I think its the best money I have spent on the car. No offense to other manufacturers but for me, 8K US was a good deal considering the parts. AEM EMS, Tial wastegate, Heat treated tubing, headers, exhaust, injectors etc etc. Pretty good deal to me.

Like scorp said, it should have been done alot sooner but issues with recieving all the parts on time was my only issue. I have put over 3K on my kit @ 140 000km's and its runnin like a champ....

That's really great. Probably the kit I'll be goiing with once I find the right NSX. Willl this kit work fine for 2002+ Cars? I'm looking forward to your guys' long term reviews.

Scorp, best of luck bro.

That's really great. Probably the kit I'll be goiing with once I find the right NSX. Willl this kit work fine for 2002+ Cars? I'm looking forward to your guys' long term reviews.

Scorp, best of luck bro.


I believe HP makes a kit for all years of nsx, eg 91-94, 95-96, 97+

The only changes required would be a seperate AEM system for these other years, to accomidate OBD2, and also throttle by wire. The actual piping, etc. should fit, regardless of year.

All of the installations I am aware of are on early cars (eg 91-94)... Perhaps Jimmy could chime in with more details, I believe on the other thread, regarding this kit, he provided an estimate of roughly a dozen sold kits - this was over a month ago, so perhaps some 3.2L cars are using the system, or have at least placed an order.
I just got back from the tuner, the car made 398.4hp and 312.6tq on a dynapack... pictures are pending. Boost was measured at 9.5psi; the tuner also measured intake temperatures, after several runs, at a high 170F - he believes there is significant additional power to be had with cooler intake temperatures.

The next step is to find a larger heat exchanger that can be mounted in front of the radiator, and to figure out a method for insulating the cone intake.

I have some pictures, pending, but right now I am going out to drive ;)
<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/8YgN9UY8IjA"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/8YgN9UY8IjA" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>






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