How 'bout that stock market?

Just trying to determine what to do with my GS. I don't really want to hold it if we see another 10 points come off. It's my fault for getting up late on Friday. I could have dumped it at a 7 PPS gain but now I am under water by 16 buck PPS.:rolleyes::frown:

Well tomorrow it should be around 108, but if they had to cover they really had no choice. We will see tomorrow.
I am on a time crunch and don't have the time to check into it but something is going on with NTES. The front month options are blowing up. If anyone checks into it and finds something post it here

Thanks in advance.
call spread on IBM, sold the 120's and bought the 125's, 5k at risk, 1350 profit if IBM stays under 120 but it can roll all the way to 121.35 and leave me flat.

max downside is 3650.
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So after some back to basics stuff, i've been developing my own method of trading and i'm back in Forex for good I think. I'm sick of the Emini crap, and I just don't vibe with the movement over there. I guess i'm curious if you all would mind me posting up my trades in here?

There has been some discussion that the currency stuff maybe isn't appropriate for this thread. I'm just trying to get my feet back under me and want to be held accountable for my trading. I'd be happy to post them realtime or I can just update it at the end of the day (I keep a blog that tracks my daily progress and my blotters are posted from my broker at the end of every week to verify the trades taken).

Just curious as to what the consensus is. If this thread is just stock market related i'd be happy to just keep blogging the results.

Told you GS would be OK. Pretty slow day overall, got a couple nice trades off X and EWZ but overall a lot of trends broke before I could ride them for very long. The energy sector in general was very choppy today with the nat gas etc. news. My best trade of the day was 20 mins before the close, got 100+ basis points off EWZ in maybe 2 minutes, it just went straight down.
So after some back to basics stuff, i've been developing my own method of trading and i'm back in Forex for good I think. I'm sick of the Emini crap, and I just don't vibe with the movement over there. I guess i'm curious if you all would mind me posting up my trades in here?

There has been some discussion that the currency stuff maybe isn't appropriate for this thread. I'm just trying to get my feet back under me and want to be held accountable for my trading. I'd be happy to post them realtime or I can just update it at the end of the day (I keep a blog that tracks my daily progress and my blotters are posted from my broker at the end of every week to verify the trades taken).

Just curious as to what the consensus is. If this thread is just stock market related i'd be happy to just keep blogging the results.


Post it up, I will try to help as well.
This whole Buffet thing reminds me of a story I read a while back about the depression. I remember something about JP Morgan I think it was went down on the floor and spent a large amount of money. The market took off for a while and then came down hard. Eerily similar.
The market took off for a while and then came down hard. Eerily similar.

for a variety of reasons, i think we're an awfully long way from the end of where all this is going. my feeling is the average person has a great deal to be fearful of and should minimize debt, restrict expenditures to necessities and hold on to their cash whenever possible.

i'm usually not much of a doom and gloom guy, but now is a good time for most folks to be cautious.
no risk, no reward. no kick in the nuts either.

I average about 8 trades a week. Some days i'll have 2-3, others 1, others none. Today was a none day. For me its about holding my cards tight until I see my setup and then pouncing on it as efficiently as possible. If it ain't there, it ain't there! C'est la vie!

How'd you do today steve?
No volume today so no action except GS as usual and some energy stuff. I made some money shorting GMR and BMA(?), I don't even know what the name of the firms. Retail was moving today but it was choppy.
I average about 8 trades a week. Some days i'll have 2-3, others 1, others none. Today was a none day. For me its about holding my cards tight until I see my setup and then pouncing on it as efficiently as possible. If it ain't there, it ain't there! C'est la vie!

How'd you do today steve?

down 9k
The market seems crazy.. what happens if the bailout fails? Are we really seing GD?

The bailout will fail whether or not it passes. The people who control the money are setting up to purge the market no matter what happen with the package. Forced selling will come and at the bottom, who knows maybe this is it the wealthy will come in and buy everything on the cheap.
Gotta get those pesky P/E ratios back down below the historical mean so we can have another bull market one way or another.

I have a higher win rate shorting anyways (by 3%).
Looks like they've agreed on this "bailout". Are we going to see a spike through the end of the week?
Tempted to try and make a few of WFC or BAC again..

Banks are fading..
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The bailout will fail whether or not it passes. The people who control the money are setting up to purge the market no matter what happen with the package. Forced selling will come and at the bottom, who knows maybe this is it the wealthy will come in and buy everything on the cheap.

I woulder if you have a few million you can get in on this bail out deal? I would like to grab some of them if I could.
No trades today.

Check out the 5min with BB 18/2 and 21EMA, use the 30min 1hr for trend and play the pullbacks. If the BB go flat CT the shit outa it with the divergence of your choice :) 2%+ again today easy shit and that's with the 10am new spike I almost got hammered on.

p.s. Don't wake up at 9:50am and trade w/o checking the news events :biggrin: