How 'bout that stock market?

I can't really do entry/exit specifics because I trade at work all day and it's technically illegal to do so, but I let you guys know what long term stocks I'm buying and generally at what price levels/time frame.

This past week, I bought more NOV at 53 and added to the AAPL position I started with a limit order at 149 in the mid 130's. Missed the 120's give away because I couldn't access my long term account but what can you do.

Otherwise, still position trading in YUM, ATVI, RIG, and I dab in chinese stocks when I see a good value. I let you guys know about SKF, DZZ and EEV which made serious gains lately. If you didn't take it off the table you got blasted with DZZ but those were swing trades and I got out. EEV and SKF follow the same guidelines, you always sell after an extremly fast move when it goes up over 15% in two days, it always retraces.

Real time would be a little goofy for me as far as trading goes. I hold some stuff for a few hours but 70-80% of my trades are less then 2 minutes.
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HOLY F_CK that's horrible. My platform was acting way to wack to trade as much as I usually do. I caught the CIT move but it was just a rumor of making the list. I don't think it actually made the list.

You have to give me some credit for posting this "non-winner". Now that's an understatement.
I think we're going to need some pics otherwise who knows how big your fish really was if you don't post it here for all to see :tongue:


Well you know it's all about reading the maps and charts of the structure under the water and knowing different water temperatures. There is also many different baits to use and lures. You have to spend oodles of time determining which ones work in the different conditions. And then there is the boats it's really important to know the correct boat and how to properly use the correct boat in different waters, especially if filling your belly depends on how many little fish you catch.


You can cast the pole and hope to catch the big one. For daily meals I just get my fish at the store.

I know the big one is waiting for my lure I just have to cast it in the water as many times as possible and many times reel it in empty but that doesn't take the fun out of fishing. But someday... that big bastard is going to be on my hook.
I caught one pike today about 18 inches long and a bunch of smaller fish. I do have pictures and if you want to see them I will post them tomorrow.
Sure I guess not, but until you put your trades up here in real time like I do who knows what end is up.

Monday post up your entry as it happens then post your exit as it happens. Do it in real time and we will see.

I have really put myself out in the open on this thread and I am pretty f-cking pissed about getting slapped twice now in the face for trying to help. I have been extremely specific in this thread and post in real time so I can not back pedal. NOT ONE OTHER PERSON (who posts regularly) ON THIS THREAD HAS DONE THE SAME.

This has been a horrible year in the market for a lot of people.

I did post in realtime and put up charts too in the past. If I was trading the 4hr again I would but with the 5min stuff I don't want to blow a 15min trade and lose money trying to impress NSX Prime. I will post charts after the day is over and I can post my trades where I enter if that works? Charts just take a few min that I don't have.

Oh yeah, right, right all those CURRENCY trades.:rolleyes:

Where are the equity trades? :confused:

how long would it take to post going long abc equity now? I am not saying you need to prove anything to anyone. I am saying you decided to criticize me and you don't even post in real time the trades you do and you don't trade equities. It's like a car salesman criticizing a taxi driver.

The reason why no one ever replied is because this is a stock market thread not a currency trading thread. When you trade currency but comment on equity trades you never put on, it tends to irritate people.

edit. BTW, The reason I didn't get a chance to call you is I checked the box that deleted my entire pm inbox and lost your number. I am sorry I never called. PM me your phone number again if you feel like it. I don't want to piss you off Ryan. I just don't think it's right to comment on equity trades if you only trade currency. It's why I never commented on your currency trades because I don't trade currency.
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Oh yeah, right, right all those CURRENCY trades.:rolleyes:

Where are the equity trades? :confused:

how long would it take to post going long abc equity now? I am not saying you need to prove anything to anyone. I am saying you decided to criticize me and you don't even post in real time the trades you do and you don't trade equities. It's like a car salesman criticizing a taxi driver.

The reason why no one ever replied is because this is a stock market thread not a currency trading thread. When you trade currency but comment on equity trades you never put on, it tends to irritate people.

edit. BTW, The reason I didn't get a chance to call you is I checked the box that deleted my entire pm inbox and lost your number. I am sorry I never called. PM me your phone number again if you feel like it. I don't want to piss you off Ryan. I just don't think it's right to comment on equity trades if you only trade currency. It's why I never commented on your currency trades because I don't trade currency.

lol, see I don't trade equity's anymore I do just $$$. Now can I read a chart on equity's sure it's all the same shit and I keep a eye on the dow because that affects me as well. I really hate the damn internet because I always come off as a dickhead but I am not like that in real life. :)
"US chooses to nationalise the debt."

Fascinating that it is happening in the US of A
lol, see I don't trade equity's anymore I do just $$$. Now can I read a chart on equity's sure it's all the same shit and I keep a eye on the dow because that affects me as well. I really hate the damn internet because I always come off as a dickhead but I am not like that in real life. :)

Hey great talking with you on the phone this morning. I would love to come down there and rock those jet skis with ya. :biggrin:
Friggen sweet. FCX go go go. It already ran over top of the 75 puts I sold now I need it to rocket past the 80's :)

Everyone is scared and running for the doors. No one to buy to cover :(.

Where are the shorts to buy and cover. The sky is falling and no one to hold it up.

EDIT getting close to doing some put option spreads. MAybe on RIMM.
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how about that oil. LOL. MAn I am glad I had the fuel tank filled at the one building I own where I pay heat. 3.429 a gallon.

Shoulda, coulda, woulda went long oil.

Clear those damn roads.

Everybody will be on a scooter by spring.
Got paid on GS.
how about that oil. LOL. MAn I am glad I had the fuel tank filled at the one building I own where I pay heat. 3.429 a gallon.

Shoulda, coulda, woulda went long oil.

Clear those damn roads.

Everybody will be on a scooter by spring.

Yep just like when we talked, I did not think it would go up 11$ in a day but the shorts have to buy it back so they are getting hammered.
wow... whats really weird is that from the off topic forum the last poster is Ryanmcd3, and come in here and your name is actually Ryanmcd2. I'm so confused...


VBulliten is screwing up!
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wow... whats really weird is that from the off topic forum the last poster is Ryanmcd3, and come in here and your name is actually Ryanmcd2. I'm so confused...


VBulliten is screwing up!

he got banned for making carbon fiber keyboards and offering them to members who like to ping them off the desk corner after a trade goes bad. Everything would have been kosher but he was going to ship via Lithuania.:biggrin:
There is a rumor going around that GS got blown out of the water in the oil pits. Anyone else hear this or know the truth?

Wouldn't be surprised, they made a lot of $$ when oil was going up so they were obviously bullish. Nobody is good at calling tops.

I did some trades off ABX and FCX. Also traded NUE and MT later in the day. I got hit a couple times trading BHP, I had the direction right but kept getting stopped out. HSY was the big one. Who would have thought hershey would go several points for no reason today? (supposedly some article mentioned it but not sure how significant that could be).

All that energy buying in my long term has gone from red to green. Admittedly I sold a little today, 20$ in one day? Give me a break.
Just trying to determine what to do with my GS. I don't really want to hold it if we see another 10 points come off. It's my fault for getting up late on Friday. I could have dumped it at a 7 PPS gain but now I am under water by 16 buck PPS.:rolleyes::frown:
Just trying to determine what to do with my GS. I don't really want to hold it if we see another 10 points come off. It's my fault for getting up late on Friday. I could have dumped it at a 7 PPS gain but now I am under water by 16 buck PPS.:rolleyes::frown:

Just get rid of it well before the short sale rule is lifted. I think you'll be OK til then as long as you buy when it's a little low and sell when it's a little high. Tons of traders are messing with that stock that never have so it's more volatile then usual. I'd be a swing buyer under 115-110.