How 'bout that stock market?

What the **** happened to MI this morning? I'm a textbook example of 'if I don't sell it, I haven't realized the losses yet'. It opened 20% down from yesterday's close and there's no news to indicate why. I don't know whether to sell or hold because I don't know why this is happening :(.
I think I got it, because of the spinoff of MV which started this morning, share holders of MI get one share of MV for every 3 shares of MI.

MI is down about 25%, but if you look at 3 shares of MI and add in one share of MV, the value of those is about the same as it was yesterday.

Hopefully I qualify for getting those having only had the stock for one day. Any ideas on how/when things like that usually get issued and if I need to hold on to the MI I have now?

the stock neophyte
I think I got it, because of the spinoff of MV which started this morning, share holders of MI get one share of MV for every 3 shares of MI.

MI is down about 25%, but if you look at 3 shares of MI and add in one share of MV, the value of those is about the same as it was yesterday.

Hopefully I qualify for getting those having only had the stock for one day. Any ideas on how/when things like that usually get issued and if I need to hold on to the MI I have now?

the stock neophyte

On the phone now with a broker. I think this will also affect the options too. Might be a good thing.
So if I am reading this right mi was 40-45 for one share. Now the same share is worth 2 shares at 30 and one share of mv at 25 so that is 85 a share? Now my option where at a strike of 50 so now I am 35 a share in the money X2500 shares. =$87,500. I am not sure if that is the way it works though. We shall see how this pans out!
I believe it works this way

The old shares of MI are now no good, they were replaced with the new shares today. Yesterday 3 shares of MI at close were worth 40.34 each = 121.02

Today's shares of MI are currently at 31.05, so 3 shares = 93.15
but for every 3 shares of MI you held at close yesterday, you also get one share of MV which is currently at 24.90.

So yesterday at close, every three shares was worth 121.02, today that's worth 118.05

ie MI is a 1:1, not a 2:1

When the spinoff transaction closes next Thursday, shareholders will receive one share of new M&I stock for every existing share of M&I stock owned. In addition, for every three shares of M&I stock owned, a shareholder will receive one share of Metavante stock.

For example, if a person owns three shares of M&I stock when the transaction closes, he or she will receive three shares of new M&I stock and one share of Metavante stock.
Microsoft went up from the low 30s last week to 37 today. Anyone notice?

Yes, many noticed :smile:

In this current market place, if you can show BTE growth the money will flow in hard and fast. If you can't, you end up like SLB or AMZN.
This is sort of misleading

Marshall & Ilsely, Glu Mobile: Biggest Price Decliners (MI, GLUU)
November 2, 2007 12:54 p.m.

Marshall & Ilsley Corp. topped the list of Biggest Percentage Price Decliners on the New York Stock Exchange at midday on Friday. See the full list.
Anyone read over the Morgan Stanley report out tonight. OUCH. I bet LEH will shave off some more tomorrow. I am thinking of buying calls 2 months out at the ~55-60 strike. Any opinions?
I'd be buying puts regarding MER or LEH if I had to use options. You'd think this stuff will all get sorted out within a couple months, but defaults are going to accelerate for at least another 12 months so I can't support any call action. If I was using calls I'd buy them even further out than 2 months. I'm currently short CFC, PMI, and MER. I think CSCO will rebound well once the market turns. Just a few points to consider. If you believe things will turn out fairly quickly than 60$ strike on LEH could be very profitable [assuming the stock takes a big hit tomorrow].
I'd be buying puts regarding MER or LEH if I had to use options. You'd think this stuff will all get sorted out within a couple months, but defaults are going to accelerate for at least another 12 months so I can't support any call action. If I was using calls I'd buy them even further out than 2 months. I'm currently short CFC, PMI, and MER. I think CSCO will rebound well once the market turns. Just a few points to consider. If you believe things will turn out fairly quickly than 60$ strike on LEH could be very profitable [assuming the stock takes a big hit tomorrow].

Sub-prime is less than 3% of LEH.s loan business. The whole Morgan report was about their exposure to sub-prime. LEH has hardly any exposure compared to Morgan Stanley. But the market will take down all the banks today even the good ones. I see the next few weeks as a buying opportunity.
You are long CSCO? I like brocade, whats your opinion on them. I am playing the leaps out to 1/09---- ten strike price.
Sub-prime is less than 3% of LEH.s loan business. The whole Morgan report was about their exposure to sub-prime. LEH has hardly any exposure compared to Morgan Stanley. But the market will take down all the banks today even the good ones. I see the next few weeks as a buying opportunity.
You are long CSCO? I like brocade, whats your opinion on them. I am playing the leaps out to 1/09---- ten strike price.

Exactly, the financial sector except for a few outliers is going to get hammered as a group. I don't fight the crowd until I see a catalyst. I am long CSCO and will buy more if the price drops below 30. My most recent basis was 30.0X, it's low during the summer debacle. RTP was a speculative play I bought about 3 weeks ago, it's up 80 dollars a share today so these markets aren't bothering me too much. Like you I have cash and will be buying as things get uglier not selling. Some of the tech powerhouses have taken large hits recently, AAPL and RIMM are discounted and are at good prices for starting a small position. The Nasdaq is getting bashed over the head today.

BRCD earnings are on the 29th of this month. I'd have to read more for a really educated opinion, but the stock would probably trading north of 10 dollars if not for the current sell-off. I don't see any reason why it won't go back up when the market stabilizes. Might be a great opportunity to set up some options against the earnings report later this month if you are confident.
Day late on the BIDU puts. I had a pretty good feeling that BIDU woulf drop back. DAMIT!

Was someone here long? I sure hope not.:frown:
What does anyone here think of ETFC as a potential takeover after today's huge drop?
Well, had a nice run up today. Otherwise, I thought ETFC and AMTD commenced talks on a possible merger earlier this year? I'd hate that since I've been with Ameritrade through Datek, and TD E-Trade? Every merging has resulted in further changes to their trading platform applets, and I'm not a fan.
The market recently has been great for shorting. My favorite short after being burned long many times by the same company is AMD. +AMDMS (Jan 12.5) options up big over the last few days. April 8 puts will look attractive after the market bounces back... I'm gonna buy some calls to play it safe and make quick $$$ on the bounce.

I like long on VMW. Way off of it's high and big upside. Call prices are high but can easily pay off.
I've been shorting the market heavily for a long time now. Today was unusually lucrative. I have a long list of housing/financial/etc. stocks I jump in and out of, but a few real losers like PMI and CFC I've just continued to leverage and leverage against. I don't really see a consistent way to make money going long in these markets now that oil, solar, [energy as a whole], international plays, and bullion have all more or less collapsed. I still have a gold position but I took profits and don't plan on adding more to my position with gold over 820 unless I am more confident than I am now that the fed will cut again in 2 weeks.
The Stock Market simply illustrated.

Once upon a time in an Indian village, a man appeared and said to the villagers that he would buy monkeys for 10$. The villagers seeing that there were plenty of monkeys around, went out to the forest and started catching them. The man bought hundreds at 10$ each and as the supply dwindled, the villagers stopped their effort. He then announced that he would now buy at 20$. This rekin-dled the efforts of the villagers and they started catching mon-keys again. Soon the supply diminished even further and people started going back to their farms. The offer rate increased to 25$ and the supply of monkeys be-came so little that there were few monkeys left in the forest. The man now announced that he would buy monkeys at 50$! However, since he had to go to the city on some business, his assistant would now buy them on his behalf. In the man's absence, the assistant told the villagers. Look at all these monkeys in the big cage that the man has collected. I will sell them to you at 40$ and when the man returns from the city, you can sell them to him for 50$. " The villagers pooled all their savings and bought the monkeys. By that time the man and his assistant had disappeared, but mon-keys are everywhere!!!! Welcome to the Stock Market!!!!
looking for some insight on something I am thinking about doing. I have been looking at XOM and thinking about margining 60k out to whatever I can max it at... buying XOM.... and writing covered calls on it for a few months each month. Opinions, concerns, hoo-rahs....
Sooooo... anyone still feeling bullish?

I think we may be in a recession starting next quarter - fueled by the subprime and downward forecast in the high tech sector. Semi's may not meet the rosy 08 forecast many has predicted back in 07, which will cause nasdaq to take a plunge. To play safe, I would try gold or other precious metal such as platinum.