How 'bout that stock market?

help my life savings are gone!!! I had a majority in AIG, lehman, and worst of all wamu!!!!! Is there any recourse i can do to recover the money??

My house is upside down.. I bought it during the peak of the real estate boom in 2006... I took the equity out of the house to buy a mercedes and my nsx.... i'm behind on payments on both......... Should i pretend my mercedes gets stolen from my house and collect on the insurance?? That will be about 100k or so... then a few months later i'll stage my nsx gets stolen... another 65k or so...

Please I need your help!! :frown:
You should be cognizant of where and what you're posting, are you really asking for advice on defrauding your insurance company on a public forum? If so, be prepared for your new "residence", provided by either the state of federal government!
I'm not joking... i am being serious... its not suppose to be funny.... i have nothing left!!!! This has put a strain on my marriage and my wife is threatening to leave me now!! I got my nsx loaded on the trailer.. gonna be moving out east... :frown:

I guess you have to hit rock bottom before you can start going back up..

Heres the better deal. Accept to yourself you made dumb financial decisions but don't add to them by doing something illegal. If you can't make the payments sell the cars, accept the losses, and start living within your means. If it means filing bankrupcy, file bankrupcy. If the wife doesn't want to stay with you when all of the material things in life leave, then shes not worth staying with anyway.

Do you really want to risk going to prison? Is money that important to you?

Don't do anything stupid, own up to your mistakes and try and minimize your losses as much as you can LEGALLY.
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All over GS like a big ass wing on rice. In at 136.97. Sold my SKF I bought at 106.50 sold it in the 127's. 21.04 a share 5550 shares WOO HOOO ~115,000 gain. BAD ASS!!!!
HOLY LORD STEVE!!! Leave some for the rest of us!!!! Great job man! :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

That is after selling options on it that I had to buy back. It would have been more but I wanted to protect my downside. If I had more money in my level 5 account I would do a put spread on GS right now but I am waiting for loot to transfer into that account. :frown:
That is after selling options on it that I had to buy back. It would have been more but I wanted to protect my downside. If I had more money in my level 5 account I would do a put spread on GS right now but I am waiting for loot to transfer into that account. :frown:

Tell them to put a RUSH on it, I can have money moved in 3 hours but I do bitch a lot :biggrin:
Tell them to put a RUSH on it, I can have money moved in 3 hours but I do bitch a lot :biggrin:

It's an options only account and even a wire takes one day. The account is locked right now as I am at max risk. If we have another day like today I will blow that account right out. There is only 10k in the account so no big deal but I sure would like to do a put spread on GS. The intake is not that great but I don't think it is going to fall much further.
BTW I doubled up my AIG when it was 4.25. I already lost 30 grand whats a few more thousand right? right!

Come on RIMM get back above 100. DO IT NOW!!!!!!
BTW I doubled up my AIG when it was 4.25. I already lost 30 grand whats a few more thousand right? right!

Come on RIMM get back above 100. DO IT NOW!!!!!!

I know this is too gump for most of ya but it's just that easy. There are many hereabouts who either do not know how to recognize a trend, or refuse to recognize a trend but most folks would rather have other folks think they are smart than to make $$$. Trading with the trend doesn't challenge them sufficiently, so they do something else. Of course they lose.
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I know this is too gump for most of ya but it's just that easy. There are many hereabouts who either do not know how to recognize a trend, or refuse to recognize a trend but most folks would rather have other folks think they are smart than to make $$$. Trading with the trend doesn't challenge them sufficiently, so they do something else. Of course they lose.

Short on rimm or short on AIG? :)

I am not shorting into this market on a fed meet week with the market in the condition it's in.

I understand your point about trading with the trend and I can read a chart. I am not looking to trade the trend. I am looking for a reversal. I can make money trading the trend but I can make lots of money on the reversal. I didn't buy SKF when the market was going down I bought it when the market was up. I wouldn't say my SKF trade was losing.

I will keep pouring money into this bitch until the reversal comes just like I did shorting the dot bomb market and it cost me a lot to find the top but it paid off way more when the POS finally broke.

Hey I suppose I could still be sitting on my 30k shares of LEH, right?
Short on rimm or short on AIG? :)

I am not shorting into this market on a fed meet week with the market in the condition it's in.

I understand your point about trading with the trend and I can read a chart. I am not looking to trade the trend. I am looking for a reversal. I can make money trading the trend but I can make lots of money on the reversal. I didn't buy SKF when the market was going down I bought it when the market was up. I wouldn't say my SKF trade was losing.

I will keep pouring money into this bitch until the reversal comes just like I did shorting the dot bomb market and it cost me a lot to find the top but it paid off way more when the POS finally broke.

Hey I suppose I could still be sitting on my 30k shares of LEH, right?

What are you thinking about the rate announcement tomorrow? Another negative day?
Short on rimm or short on AIG? :)

I am not shorting into this market on a fed meet week with the market in the condition it's in.

I understand your point about trading with the trend and I can read a chart. I am not looking to trade the trend. I am looking for a reversal. I can make money trading the trend but I can make lots of money on the reversal. I didn't buy SKF when the market was going down I bought it when the market was up. I wouldn't say my SKF trade was losing.

I will keep pouring money into this bitch until the reversal comes just like I did shorting the dot bomb market and it cost me a lot to find the top but it paid off way more when the POS finally broke.

Hey I suppose I could still be sitting on my 30k shares of LEH, right?

I made my 2% today like I do 99% of the time, took me 1 hour. Also I will say good job on cutting your losses on LEH but just think if you got short on all of these how much more you would have? I know playing the trend is not as exciting but if you want excitment hit Vegas with 100k. I know I lost a lot paying counter trend and when you are right you feel like a fucking PRO, but the losing sure does suck. If you play the trend you are only wrong at the top and bottom, counter trend you are wrong EVERYWHERE but the top and bottom.
I made my 2% today like I do 99% of the time, took me 1 hour. Also I will say good job on cutting your losses on LEH but just think if you got short on all of these how much more you would have? I know playing the trend is not as exciting but if you want excitment hit Vegas with 100k. I know I lost a lot paying counter trend and when you are right you feel like a fucking PRO, but the losing sure does suck. If you play the trend you are only wrong at the top and bottom, counter trend you are wrong EVERYWHERE but the top and bottom.

The market will turn around. I am not a PRO. IMO someone would have to be nuts to short on a 500 point down day.

I am sure you know the Buffet quote and that applies on days like today. When we move back up 500 points I will sell. If we go down another 500 points tomorrow then I made a bad call and I will lose.
The market will turn around. I am not a PRO. IMO someone would have to be nuts to short on a 500 point down day.

I am sure you know the Buffet quote and that applies on days like today. When we move back up 500 points I will sell. If we go down another 500 points tomorrow then I made a bad call and I will lose.

I think you would be nuts to not go short lol, It depends on how long term. I am in trade for 15-30min that's it so to me if we start to sell off I go with it, if we go up I get long. I buy the pullbacks in a up day. I sell them on a down day.

Tomorrow if we get a pop up say 100-150 it will be BEARISH as hell and I will sell into that as well because that's a pullback into a downtrend market. Fed day may screw it up but we will see.
Wild day. I would have been up substantially if I didn't get tempted by IPI on a big trade [got a terrible fill, then hit my stop and got another terrible fill]. You already know I road SKF all the way in to the 130's. GS at 130 is incredible. Still don't know if I'd buy it though if I had the extra cash to do so. Made some good trades on AKS, NUE, X, and ATW, NOV. AIG ruined some lives today. I didn't touch it.

A lot of interesting sector movements today. GS, AAPL, many others are good buys right now for medium term.
Well guys... i sold LEH at .18 :( i guess 18 cents is better than nothing.... I'm gonna be moving to the midwest... i got my nsx loaded on a trailer.... will be making a few stops through texas, oklahoma, then hopefully ending up in the midwest where my inlaws live...... i'll keep you updated with my travels.... i'm emotionally, and finacially destroyed.........
I made my 2% today like I do 99% of the time, took me 1 hour. Also I will say good job on cutting your losses on LEH but just think if you got short on all of these how much more you would have?

I really wouldn't have that much more. This is a wicked opportunity. If I lose on a few and smash the ball out of the park on others I will have write offs on the losers and I can use the winners as collateral to borrow against. Thus never selling them and not having to pay cap gains. I was unable to use my dot bomb shorts as collateral as no bank would allow me to borrow against a short position. So if I have 10k shares of C and it goes back to 50 in 5 years I can borrow against that asset and never pay the cap gains. borrowed money can't be taxed.
The same can be said for AIG. So far I do have some losses but one or two of these stocks will catch to the upside and 5 years from now there will be a big pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
Hoping for the same on GS and BAC. They can't all fail and if they do were are all screwed no matter what, even if our loot is stuffed in the mattress.
I see the big picture and if the worst happens it won't matter how safe anyone played it.
Guys i have few shares of GS.

Currently price of GS is keep geeting lower. I alreday took big loss due to GS.

Should i sell GS or hold GS for long term?