How 'bout that stock market?

4th day in the bag. Not gonna trade the last half of the day due to expiry. Statistically they are crap so its best that i avoid them all together. Net 185.00

Took all the trades as they came today, both worked without any problems, well managed, didn't get greedy on my exits, both hit my predetermined exit targets. Happy with the outcome :)


If i don't watch out... i just might start making money.

You guys can thank me for the rally as I sold 5000 of my LEH just before it came. :frown:
I picked up some
just as it took off. Looking good on these two so far other than the LEH loss
You poor bastard...wait...who am I kidding? :biggrin:

Hold on to that'll make a killing. I've got a hoard of it.
I took a ride last night in the Ferrari. On the way back I stopped to fill it up with gas. Friggen gas was 4.58 a gallon.:eek: This is the first time I personally have bought gas in a few months. I guess it must be pretty bad out there.

Looks like a lower open today. Where is this thing going to land? :confused:

I was hoping it was going up a bit so I could sell the 360 to skibanker and pick up a 430.:biggrin: I found one in the same color combo as mine and I am in love.
I took a ride last night in the Ferrari. On the way back I stopped to fill it up with gas. Friggen gas was 4.58 a gallon.:eek: This is the first time I personally have bought gas in a few months. I guess it must be pretty bad out there.

Looks like a lower open today. Where is this thing going to land? :confused:

I was hoping it was going up a bit so I could sell the 360 to skibanker and pick up a 430.:biggrin: I found one in the same color combo as mine and I am in love.

hahah, Ski is a true douchbag. I got long the US$ so the market should be selling off for the $ to go up :) Gas was 4.24 here for the good stuff when I filled up the Sea-Doo last night
hahah, Ski is a true douchbag. I got long the US$ so the market should be selling off for the $ to go up :) Gas was 4.24 here for the good stuff when I filled up the Sea-Doo last night

Was that on the water price or on land? I use to fill mine up on the water down the inter coastal a bit from my house and the marina was usually 50 cents more then on land.

I see the ski dealer up the road has two of the X seadoos on the trailer ready to go. The season here is too short so I probably won't buy any for NY. Seems like a waste of money when the weather is only nice for 3 months out of the year.
I took a ride last night in the Ferrari. On the way back I stopped to fill it up with gas. Friggen gas was 4.58 a gallon.:eek: This is the first time I personally have bought gas in a few months. I guess it must be pretty bad out there.

Dear God, man! Are you okay?

Best that you have Jeeves handle the trifling matters of the little people. No need to further burden yourself...
Dear God, man! Are you okay?

Best that you have Jeeves handle the trifling matters of the little people. No need to further burden yourself...

I knew I was going to risk sounding like a douche if I posted that. But seriously last time I took the car out was a month ago and gas was under 4 bucks.

And it's not Jeeves it's Chaz. :biggrin: He washes the cars fills them with gas and puts them back in the garage. All of them except the F car as he is only 20 years old and not that I don't trust him I just remember being 20 years old. So I didn't have a clue what gas cost I thought it was around 4 bucks. Now I am looking through receipts for the company vehicles and seeing we have been spending a fortune on gas, and we are locked into 1 year contracts. Regardless of future gas prices we will need to raise our client charges to offset current profit reductions.
Oh I see the banks are starting to get upgrades. Must be all the Ibanks have loaded up the shares they need to offset RE losses with trading gains. What a friggen scam.
Was that on the water price or on land? I use to fill mine up on the water down the inter coastal a bit from my house and the marina was usually 50 cents more then on land.

I see the ski dealer up the road has two of the X seadoos on the trailer ready to go. The season here is too short so I probably won't buy any for NY. Seems like a waste of money when the weather is only nice for 3 months out of the year.

That was on land for 93, I run the good stuff so I can go 70+ lol. On water it's 87 and about $4.60 land is right at $4.00 for 87.
Hey rob, fitb is the only stock up today!!!!

Hey look at that!! In another $3.50 or so I break even on it!! :)

I hate these free tickers that are 15 minutes behind, mine still shows it's down .08 (and MI down .58). Wish there was a FREE realtime ticker, especially one I could stick in this Vista Sidebar thingy.
Blood on the streets this AM... MASSIVE selling going on in the pits. I don't even want to think about what some of the option valuations are doing today. Some people must've woke up broke.
Hey look at that!! In another $3.50 or so I break even on it!! :)

I hate these free tickers that are 15 minutes behind, mine still shows it's down .08 (and MI down .58). Wish there was a FREE realtime ticker, especially one I could stick in this Vista Sidebar thingy.

Yahoo now has real time quotes.
Yahoo now has real time quotes.

i've been using those rather than logging into zecco, but i have to sit there and hit refresh and it takes up my whole screen rather than being tucked off to the side. google was talking about offering up realtime for free a while back, but doesn't look like anything has come of it yet.
LOL. If not me, it would have been someone else.

I lost a bet to my wife regarding the price of gas: She said it was around a buck a gallon four years ago; I said it was at least $2 a gallon.

Well, I lost; it was a dollar a gallon as recent as 2004. (My excuse: I was overseas pretty much from 2003-2007. But still, I should have known.)

I then pulled up a 50 year chart for gas prices, and was frickin' amazed to see that non-inflation adjusted retail gas prices stayed pretty much level for many decades. There were jumps and dips - and over time gas prices did increase - but nothing like we've seen over the past couple of years.

Yeah, it's a bubble the question is how big is the bubble and when is it going to burst. I am double short oil right now with the DTO. Currently under water with the position but I was up yesterday.

Friggen amazing that gas was only a buck just a few years ago.

Chaz, is currently winding the Grandfather clock in the parlor. LOL:biggrin:

I want make sure everyone knows it's not like that. I don't live on an estate. I have a modest house. I spend all my money on people. I don't have a lavish lifestyle. Not jetting around the world and stuff like that. Just a regular guy.
i've been using those rather than logging into zecco, but i have to sit there and hit refresh and it takes up my whole screen rather than being tucked off to the side. google was talking about offering up realtime for free a while back, but doesn't look like anything has come of it yet.

Hmmm. it ticks on my screen without refreshing.
I want make sure everyone knows it's not like that. I don't live on an estate. I have a modest house. I spend all my money on people. I don't have a lavish lifestyle. Not jetting around the world and stuff like that. Just a regular guy.

Hey, I like the sound of that! I'm people.

I'll PM you my bank routing number... :smile:
A regular guy with a ferrari, pool house, TV going into a rotating wall, two personal assistants, but there is no doubting you work hard for all that and are still humble (most of the time :)) and living below your means.

All kidding aside Steve, I admire and respect you greatly for what you have built and how far you've come from the environment in which you were raised. You deserve your toys.
Yeah, it's a bubble the question is how big is the bubble and when is it going to burst. I am double short oil right now with the DTO. Currently under water with the position but I was up yesterday.

Friggen amazing that gas was only a buck just a few years ago.

Chaz, is currently winding the Grandfather clock in the parlor. LOL:biggrin:

I want make sure everyone knows it's not like that. I don't live on an estate. I have a modest house. I spend all my money on people. I don't have a lavish lifestyle. Not jetting around the world and stuff like that. Just a regular guy.

BWAHAHAHAHA.....and what is Belvedere doing....wiping your ass? LOL. :biggrin:

I'm a cheap ass. I do ALL the cooking/cleaning/maintenence. It's a pain. I wish I had the money for a housekeeper/personal assistant.
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A regular guy with a ferrari, pool house, TV going into a rotating wall, two personal assistants, but there is no doubting you work hard for all that and are still humble (most of the time :)) and living below your means.

All kidding aside Steve, I admire and respect you greatly for what you have built and how far you've come from the environment in which you were raised. You deserve your toys.

I never did the rotating TV thing. There was way too many issues making it work correctly.

Thanks Rob. It's been a long hard road to get here.
BWAHAHAHAHA.....and what is Belvedere doing....wiping your ass? LOL.

I'm a cheap ass. I do ALL the cooking/cleaning/maintenence. It's a pain. I wish I had the money for a housekeeper/personal assistant.:

I am flying in skibanker for that later today. LOL:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :tongue:

I tell you what if you do hire someone it will amaze you how much more time you have to concentrate on the things that fill your coffers.