How 'bout that stock market?

I must have had the 'learning' key in. BAH.

Yea...that FSLR would be a ~ 230K gain about now. Maybe ya should have held!!! 5 bucks is nothing in a 300 dollar who said that? :biggrin:

Yep, oh well I guess it just was'nt meant to be. Sure would be nice to have an extra 230k though.

I bet you had the learning key in. One time a buddy came over to the florida place and I put the learning key in the other ski. I was doing circles around him and drenching him left and right. He couldn't get any power out of the other ski with the learning key in it. LOL. should have more compassion to us folks who are riding the short bus on the wake!
Nah, I thrashed him. My wife got it on video. With my Yamaha skis he blasted me with a jet of water so hard it took me off the ski. Knocked me in the gonads.

lol that is why I like the jet ski's so much, then when I am done I hit the house boat and watch Tv grill some food then do it some more. I went with the T because of the chop in my lake and as you said the speeds are about the same.
lol that is why I like the jet ski's so much, then when I am done I hit the house boat and watch Tv grill some food then do it some more. I went with the T because of the chop in my lake and as you said the speeds are about the same.

Did you check out the 250x?
I was just reading in another forum a discussion on pwc's and they all were saying that the sea doo's are the ones that breakdown all the time, especially in salt water...
and its true

I read that as well that's why mine has the 2 year warr and if it craps out I have 1 more to ride ;) The 2008 they fixed a lot of stuff and I am 10min from the lake 20min from the dealer. Just like cars, the fastest do have some bugs. 0-50 mph in 2.9 seconds, I can live with a few problems.
I read that as well that's why mine has the 2 year warr and if it craps out I have 1 more to ride ;) The 2008 they fixed a lot of stuff and I am 10min from the lake 20min from the dealer. Just like cars, the fastest do have some bugs. 0-50 mph in 2.9 seconds, I can live with a few problems.

they fixed all known issues in 08 so you should be good. I miss my skis.
Get some more, they dont cost much I got this RXT-X out the door for 14k. Hell that's what a oil change on that 360 costs ;)

Although there are tons of lakes around here they are only warm enough to use 2-3 months out of the year. It's not worth having it sit in the way the other 9 months of the year. In florida they can be used every day.

14k out the door sounds like a pretty good price.
I sold my 06 rxp and rxt for 14.5 for the pair.

On topic, solar is up this morning. Looks like a short squeeze.
Gents... serious discussion time. The little kid on the block needs advice. Forgive the novel... i just want to explain myself and hopefully get some good feedback. :)

I want some input on what I should do regarding trading and my lifestyle.

Just graduated college in May with a triple major in Finance, Investments, and Banking from the University of Nebraska. I've been trading for 2 and 1/2 years, full time since January of 2007. I LOVE IT.

My dream would be just to trade for a living, on a laptop from wherever in the world and have enough money to live my life however I want it. I've had a taste of that dream, i know that money in this business can come easily and quickly, and there is often no limit to how much you can accrue in a short period of time.

The past year I took my 9k I had saved up and turned it into nothing in a little over 5 months trading the e-mini's with my pants on fire. I had no respect for the emotional or psychological aspects of trading, very little actual knowledge of how to manage my positions effectively, and an overall inability to read price action correctly for high odd setups. I blew out my account, sold my precious show/track/thelast4yearsofmylifepayingfor car to eliminate all of my debt and refund my trading accounts. Members on here like Ryanmcd were more than helpful in getting me back on track and back into the game. But now i'm at a bit of a crossroads.

There is no reason to misrepresent how un-baller i am so this is the honest to god truth. I just want to know what you guys were do if you were in my situation.

I live at home with my parents as they are out of town 9 months out of the year and need someone to take care of the dog and the house while they are away. I have almost no monthly expenses outside of food. I have 3k in a checking account, 1.5k in my FX trading accounts, and 1.6k in my e-mini accounts.

The FX accounts are growing slowly as i trade only a 1HR and 4HR timeframe these days and I only play with usually 1 mini lot (1$/pip). But I MAKE CONSISTENT MONEY in those markets. The e-mini's is where I focus most of my attention during the day. I have really made huge strides in the past couple months on refining my managment, entries, and exits.

As far as I can tell I have fixed all of my problems that I had on my trades. I cut my average loss in half and am able to reduce my risk on trades twice as quickly while not forcing myself out of my winning trades, but reducing the size of my losing trades. I did extensive manual backtesting on my method and pinpointed times during the day that were unprofitable for me to trade. I used to trade the entire day, now I trade 1 and 1/2 hours in the morning, and 2 and 1/2 in the afternoon. That change alone has saved me over 300.00/contract in losses these past two weeks alone! Prior to that I would suffer those losses. I call that improvement.

I used to get chopped up a lot on low volume entries. I fixed that by waiting for a secondary indicator confirmed moves which really seems to keep me out of the slop and in on the good moves with high potential for movement. My exits are quality as well, and my management is as efficient as it ever has been. Mentally i'm as solid as I ever have been trading.

This week was the first week i was able to put everything together. I had backtested this and I know that if I just adhere to these rules I make money EVERY week. This week was the first time where I was able to put it all together so to speak and put my money where my mouth was. I traded perfectly this week. I took EVERY trade that came regardless. Net result?


I had 2 TINY losses... and I didn't have ONE trade this week that went in favor far enough that I could take my target profit. That means that most of my trades would be up 100-120 bucks, i'd be aiming for 145.00 it would miss literally by 1 tick (hell yesterday it came up to my order didn't fill and reversed) and i'd get stopped out for a minimal gain for 40 bucks or so. And I didn't get to trade Monday (obviously). Basically, what i'm trying to say is... even with 1 day lost, no trades that truly "won" as they were supposed to, and trading the NQ, the smallest $/tick e-mini there is, I was still able to make money live just as I said I should be able to. I couldn't be more happy with myself right now. I'm truly proud of my performance this week. It really was fault free.

And this is just trading the NQ... I could trade this same method on the ES and ER2 with the same results, in fact they really all seem to hedge one another quite well. Typically they give the same signals on 2 or all 3 at the same time, and if I was able to take them all more often than not 1 will hit the max target profit, one will hit a secondary, and maybe one will scratch out or put in a small loss, but they really would serve to hedge one another nicely. If i had the margin size I would do it, and this is what I hope to be able to do.

I was talking with some of my trading partners today and they said that I should just go out and get a job and come back to play when I have more capital. Don't get me wrong, my job would be less stressful if I had a nice safety net - i don't, but I still think I can make it work. It shouldn't change the fact that I think i can make money every week.

I know I could get a job at TD Ameritrade (I used to work there and they practically had a death grip on me when I tried to leave, even offered me a salaried position to stay.) There are also a number of wealth management firms in town that have open analyst positions and Con Agra has an opening for a commodities trader/analyst that i think I would be more than qualified to take. Basically, i think i could get a job still in the industry here in town without too much fuss. I've got great references and some contacts already in the financial industry. The problem? I hate the idea of being in the rat race, the typical complacency that comes along with it, and the idea that i'm exchanging my time for a $$$ amount. I've had a taste of how easily it can come in the markets and it makes making 80-90 bucks a day hard to swallow when I've done 2-3k in one afternoon.

I have until late august to really figure things out. By then I need to be moving out and being fully financially independent. My idea is to just go for it and take a shot. If i lose the money and I can't make it work then I just go look for a job, become miserable, and try and trade part time. My parents and some of my partners think I need more capital and should just go get a steady paycheck.

I'm up against the wall in my trading accounts, but i'm digging myself out in the right direction. Now that I have a taste of what a perfectly executed week feels like I don't want to change one thing in my trading. And I don't plan to.

What would you guys do? Any and all advice is welcomed. I am truly sorry for the novel, but I just wanted to be thorough with explaining where I was in my career. You all deserve a drink on me for even reading this post. But since you guys are in the biz, you are successful, and you do this for a living, who better to give a young kid like me some help and advice?

I am going to read this later when I can concentrate and I will answer it then.

Just finishing off trading in EH. Had some great trades this morning and then got knocked in the pm. made a little back in the EH. Covering a short right now. and still adding up slips for the day but it doesn't look good. Off the top of my head I think I went backwards 17k. :frown:
Didn't get a chance to read your whole post in great detail but I have a few tips. I'm close to the same age as you and graduated fairly recently with a degree in economics and chinese from UT Austin.

During college, I did several business ventures and eventually 'got out at the top' by liquidating them. No luck involved, I just knew what I was doing.

For the first two years of college I spent a lot of time researching about investing and using those fake money accounts like wallstreetsurvivor. For the last two years I sold off a car and motorcycle I didn't need and put the $ towards investing. I quickly realized that with my 'own' money I would cut my gains and let my losses run-not ideal. After fixing that, I was able to tackle other issues one by one. Fortunetly I am extremely disciplined and am skilled at not making decisions based on emotion.

I ended up down about 8% after the first 6 months, some big wins and some big losers. But taxes and transaction costs were sucking me dry. Over time I was able to become fairly profitable but say with <$10k it's almost futile IMO because the time you invest isn't worth it.

For the most part I try to just 'invest' my 'own' money at this point with several month time horizons which is much less stressful.

I work for a trading firm in Austin and quickly realized how difficult what I was previously trying to do was [$hitty budget broker, low capital, limited time, etc.]. At my current firm I have an entire team of IT guys building programs for me and capital is literally no longer an issue. I need to find new ways just to manage what I already have.

I guess what I'm trying to get across is you can still have a long term goal of trading on your own with your own $-my idea of traveling where ever I need to with only my lap top is nearly identical to yours and I plan on accomplishing it. However, the fastest way might not be grudging it out in the trenches with an account with a couple grand in it. If you could get a decent job elsewhere and say save 20-30k to put in to that account over the next year-do you think you can mimic that in the best of scenarios? That's a x000% return. Not a secret which is more stressful or risky either.

I'd say continue to learn your skills but also focus on adding as much towards your account as possible from other avanues. I make ok money from my 9-3pm job [good old stock market] and make just as much from side businesses-but I live in a 400$/m apartment and save well over 50% of my income(s). JMO.
Gents... serious discussion time. The little kid on the block needs advice. Forgive the novel... i just want to explain myself and hopefully get some good feedback. :).........

If I were you, and I was once, I would either get a job or start a business. I knew from a very young age what my only goal was and that was to not have a job. But just like being trapped on an island you have to swim though terrible conditions to get back to society to set yourself up. The swim back to the island is even scarier. So many people get stuck on the mainland because of the security it provides. The whole time you are on the mainland you will dream of the island, everyone does. Not everyone gets to go back to the island. But the mainland is really not horrible. There are lots of other things on the mainland that you will avoid just to get back to the island but some of those things are worth taking a look at.

When I was young I didn't want a relationship or a family. It would be extra baggage that would keep me from getting to the island quickly. Now I see my daughter and KNOW without a shadow of a doubt I should have had her sooner. If I live to 70 I only have 28 years with her. :frown: I would have gladly swam back to the island much sooner with my wife on my back holding my daughter. This of course is much easier to say being in the position I am in now. Who's to say how things would be if I were on the island with a lot less gold in my chest.

When I was young like you, wish I was that young again, I worked my ass off. I am not kidding when I say I worked 7 days a week 365 days a year no less than 12 hours a day and I did it for 15 years. Real work. Hard work. Fixing and maintaining everything that was broken on rental property. I slowly built my own empire with the money I made using my hands and learned how to use my head. I had nothing given to me. I grew up POOR, pitifully poor in a house with dirt floors and no electricity where wood was are only source of heat. Sometimes when I am walking around I feel like I am in a dream now. Like none of this is real and sometimes it feels like none of the past was real like that was all a dream.

So my advice, get a job. You don't have any bills. Your parents are willing to let you stay at their place for free. You could save money very rapidly. Consider the 9k you lost an education and a cheap one at that.
I guess what I'm trying to get across is you can still have a long term goal of trading on your own with your own $-my idea of traveling where ever I need to with only my lap top is nearly identical to yours and I plan on accomplishing it. However, the fastest way might not be grudging it out in the trenches with an account with a couple grand in it. If you could get a decent job elsewhere and say save 20-30k to put in to that account over the next year-do you think you can mimic that in the best of scenarios? That's a x000% return. Not a secret which is more stressful or risky either.

I'd say continue to learn your skills but also focus on adding as much towards your account as possible from other avanues. I make ok money from my 9-3pm job [good old stock market] and make just as much from side businesses-but I live in a 400$/m apartment and save well over 50% of my income(s). JMO.

Many good points in here also. Two that stick out are, live below your means. I still even do this myself. I think anyone good with money does.
Also keep in mind the more money you trade the higher the stress becomes. The stress at a 1k level is a lot less than the stress at a 1M level. Just like the other day when I went down 56k and came back by scalping to make it back. By the end of the day I was physically sick. I thought I was going to throw up. So I know I can make large sums by scalping but at what cost to my health.

Yesterday was another bad day. I lost about 5k shorting SOLF. Went in deep on a HUGE block and covered it near the close and in EH because I am not having the stress of sitting on it all weekend. I will live to fight another day.

BTW, I still hate solar.:biggrin:
Gents... serious discussion time. The little kid on the block needs advice. Forgive the novel... i just want to explain myself and hopefully get some good feedback. :)

I want some input on what I should do regarding trading and my lifestyle.

Just graduated college in May with a triple major in Finance, Investments, and Banking from the University of Nebraska. I've been trading for 2 and 1/2 years, full time since January of 2007. I LOVE IT.

My dream would be just to trade for a living, on a laptop from wherever in the world and have enough money to live my life however I want it. I've had a taste of that dream, i know that money in this business can come easily and quickly, and there is often no limit to how much you can accrue in a short period of time.

The past year I took my 9k I had saved up and turned it into nothing in a little over 5 months trading the e-mini's with my pants on fire. I had no respect for the emotional or psychological aspects of trading, very little actual knowledge of how to manage my positions effectively, and an overall inability to read price action correctly for high odd setups. I blew out my account, sold my precious show/track/thelast4yearsofmylifepayingfor car to eliminate all of my debt and refund my trading accounts. Members on here like Ryanmcd were more than helpful in getting me back on track and back into the game. But now i'm at a bit of a crossroads.

There is no reason to misrepresent how un-baller i am so this is the honest to god truth. I just want to know what you guys were do if you were in my situation.

I live at home with my parents as they are out of town 9 months out of the year and need someone to take care of the dog and the house while they are away. I have almost no monthly expenses outside of food. I have 3k in a checking account, 1.5k in my FX trading accounts, and 1.6k in my e-mini accounts.

The FX accounts are growing slowly as i trade only a 1HR and 4HR timeframe these days and I only play with usually 1 mini lot (1$/pip). But I MAKE CONSISTENT MONEY in those markets. The e-mini's is where I focus most of my attention during the day. I have really made huge strides in the past couple months on refining my managment, entries, and exits.

As far as I can tell I have fixed all of my problems that I had on my trades. I cut my average loss in half and am able to reduce my risk on trades twice as quickly while not forcing myself out of my winning trades, but reducing the size of my losing trades. I did extensive manual backtesting on my method and pinpointed times during the day that were unprofitable for me to trade. I used to trade the entire day, now I trade 1 and 1/2 hours in the morning, and 2 and 1/2 in the afternoon. That change alone has saved me over 300.00/contract in losses these past two weeks alone! Prior to that I would suffer those losses. I call that improvement.

I used to get chopped up a lot on low volume entries. I fixed that by waiting for a secondary indicator confirmed moves which really seems to keep me out of the slop and in on the good moves with high potential for movement. My exits are quality as well, and my management is as efficient as it ever has been. Mentally i'm as solid as I ever have been trading.

This week was the first week i was able to put everything together. I had backtested this and I know that if I just adhere to these rules I make money EVERY week. This week was the first time where I was able to put it all together so to speak and put my money where my mouth was. I traded perfectly this week. I took EVERY trade that came regardless. Net result?


I had 2 TINY losses... and I didn't have ONE trade this week that went in favor far enough that I could take my target profit. That means that most of my trades would be up 100-120 bucks, i'd be aiming for 145.00 it would miss literally by 1 tick (hell yesterday it came up to my order didn't fill and reversed) and i'd get stopped out for a minimal gain for 40 bucks or so. And I didn't get to trade Monday (obviously). Basically, what i'm trying to say is... even with 1 day lost, no trades that truly "won" as they were supposed to, and trading the NQ, the smallest $/tick e-mini there is, I was still able to make money live just as I said I should be able to. I couldn't be more happy with myself right now. I'm truly proud of my performance this week. It really was fault free.

And this is just trading the NQ... I could trade this same method on the ES and ER2 with the same results, in fact they really all seem to hedge one another quite well. Typically they give the same signals on 2 or all 3 at the same time, and if I was able to take them all more often than not 1 will hit the max target profit, one will hit a secondary, and maybe one will scratch out or put in a small loss, but they really would serve to hedge one another nicely. If i had the margin size I would do it, and this is what I hope to be able to do.

I was talking with some of my trading partners today and they said that I should just go out and get a job and come back to play when I have more capital. Don't get me wrong, my job would be less stressful if I had a nice safety net - i don't, but I still think I can make it work. It shouldn't change the fact that I think i can make money every week.

I know I could get a job at TD Ameritrade (I used to work there and they practically had a death grip on me when I tried to leave, even offered me a salaried position to stay.) There are also a number of wealth management firms in town that have open analyst positions and Con Agra has an opening for a commodities trader/analyst that i think I would be more than qualified to take. Basically, i think i could get a job still in the industry here in town without too much fuss. I've got great references and some contacts already in the financial industry. The problem? I hate the idea of being in the rat race, the typical complacency that comes along with it, and the idea that i'm exchanging my time for a $$$ amount. I've had a taste of how easily it can come in the markets and it makes making 80-90 bucks a day hard to swallow when I've done 2-3k in one afternoon.

I have until late august to really figure things out. By then I need to be moving out and being fully financially independent. My idea is to just go for it and take a shot. If i lose the money and I can't make it work then I just go look for a job, become miserable, and try and trade part time. My parents and some of my partners think I need more capital and should just go get a steady paycheck.

I'm up against the wall in my trading accounts, but i'm digging myself out in the right direction. Now that I have a taste of what a perfectly executed week feels like I don't want to change one thing in my trading. And I don't plan to.

What would you guys do? Any and all advice is welcomed. I am truly sorry for the novel, but I just wanted to be thorough with explaining where I was in my career. You all deserve a drink on me for even reading this post. But since you guys are in the biz, you are successful, and you do this for a living, who better to give a young kid like me some help and advice?


I am glad that 1hr and 4hr stuff is working. It works but if you want to make money this takes more money, 10k @ 5% per trade is 500 a trade so about 2-2500 a month not bad but not enough for most to live on. I would say it depends on how you are. For me I hated the 3min stuff but people like Steve live for it, I traded it to make the money to run the 4hr or daily charts now. 2-5% on 1 million is a lot more then 10k, but I know the 4hr works for me better. Think about this what do you LIKE to trade better? If you have 5mill in the bank would you do the quick in and out's or would you do the longer stuff? I lost 40k starting this, I sold my NSX and everything I had and lived in a shit 600sq ft apt to get this down, it was my life and I am lucky to be able to make money at it but it took me a lot of time to get control of my emotions. Give me a call if you still have my number and we can run some numbers, if you have 0 costs right now keep it that way. Too many people live at the max and spend there whole life in debt with shit to show but having to work 70+ hours a week. Save the money learn what you want to do.
And maybe someone you meet along the way will help you build a bigger and faster boat to get back on the island with.
Anybody else do a little buying today? I didn't get to look at my own stuff until 2:45 but picked up a little ATVI and TTEK before the close. I needed to add to those positions and it's rare they are down 1%+. CME is trying to make me nervous but I'm not afraid.
Anybody else do a little buying today? I didn't get to look at my own stuff until 2:45 but picked up a little ATVI and TTEK before the close. I needed to add to those positions and it's rare they are down 1%+. CME is trying to make me nervous but I'm not afraid.

Shorted FSLR, TAN, SOLF this morning at the open.

I HATE solar. It's going down!!

Got rid of my CME just before it fell apart thank goodness. I was looking to buy it back at 4 hundo but got side tracked with the damn phone.
Get the job. It's discipline and its money. You'll also probably learn some stuff you didn't know.

I get up at 6 something every morning and make a 30 mile commute in horrendous downtown traffic to a job that pays a salary equal to the profits I traded in January.

Even though I hate getting up, and I hate traffic, there is always another source of money flowing into my checking account to pay for things I want but really don't need.

My job also keeps my parents off my back and gives me some sense of security. Even if the trading operations were to go belly up, I know I'd still be able to afford my house/cars/toys.

In addition, you won't have people with a warped sense of entitlement questioning where your money comes from. ;)

Good luck man.
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Get the job. It's discipline and its money. You'll also probably learn some stuff you didn't know.

I get up at 6 something every morning and make a 30 minute commute in horrendous downtown traffic to a job that pays a salary equal to the profits I traded in January.

Even though I hate getting up, and I hate traffic, there is always another source of money flowing into my checking account to pay for things I want but really don't need.

My job also keeps my parents off my back and gives me some sense of security. Even if the trading operations were to go belly up, I know I'd still be able to afford my house/cars/toys.

In addition, you won't have people with a warped sense of entitlement questioning where your money comes from. ;)

Good luck man.

Good point, I got a work at home job because I would over trade a lot, now I have something to do, a social life during the day and extra money and people to talk too. I traded full time for a few years and it's really really boaring.
For the second week now, nothing. These positions have done nothing. Except for oil, which is down 5%. I'm getting bored. :mad:

I hope the volatility hasn't subsided. But I fear it has for the most part.
For the second week now, nothing. These positions have done nothing. Except for oil, which is down 5%. I'm getting bored. :mad:

I hope the volatility hasn't subsided. But I fear it has for the most part.

Same shit here, I had 1 trade that I held on to from last week, up about 6% this month so not to mad. Most of the time I get in 3+ trades a week, I got in 4 last month.