Gumball 3000 in San Francisco

I think I'll do just the first day part......driving through the crowd. That's the most entertaining part. I'll skip the rest to avoid the tickets.......
I didn't link to any other sites... just thought I'd let you know. Is there a control panel where you can see where all of the hits are coming from?
Yeah I'll check the stats, but if it's not linked it's probably mostly internal... It's not a problem if it is linked from elsewhere, I was just surprised because that is 10x more hits than I would expect to see even on a popular thread in such a short time. Wow.
Holy cow. 6440 page views so far, and with about 7.58MB of pics, that comes to 48.8GB of data transfer! :eek: You're a good man for hosting it, Lud!

BTW, to save bandwidth on repeat viewings, I recommend everyone save the complete pages to their hard drive (as I did) rather than visiting the first two pages again.
Good advice! I also did this to keep the pictures! :D

Lud, are the pictures disappearing (expoiring) when posted through the forum in NSXPrime, like in this case?
I think it would make sense or you would end up with a LOT of giga of hosted images... like no access for 6 months = deletion.

Thanx for the pics, your hard work is very much appreciated.

As for Gumball, did anyone buy or seen the 2002 DVD? I couldn't get hold of a copy but I've seen it at my friend's place. It's definitely something you want in addition to your DVD collection.

I wonder if the dumb Playboy Bunnies have returned for this 2003 event...
this was from last year... were there no TVR's this year?...


oh wait I jsut saw one...but was it a Tuscan Speed six??? can't tell from the pic...
Re: great pix !

nsx1164 said:
Thank you for organizing and posting the pix... sounds like a real spectacle.

I thought that at least 1 NSX participated (early Sebring Silver coupe?) participated.

Someone on this message board with a silver nsx competed in the players run (gumball rip-off, but nevertheless an insane race!). I don't think there were any nsx in this year's gumball. Any word on what cities are going to host it next year?
Hey I got the 2002 Gumball Run video very cool car and fast ones too. ;)

I would love to do this but I'm not wealthy so I guess I can only do what I can do. "NOTHING"

Hey I got a question. Does anyone know the song that they play in the directors cut of Mischief 3000 when the guy is telling his racing story on a beach chair? I want to download the song but have no clue of who made it. All I know is that is sounds like an 80's song.
gumball was awesome those are good pics too. ill try and get some of mine up.

the koenisegg fucked up. the oil filter came off and the oil cap was lost. he had to get an oil cap or else the oil would keep comming out the top. we tried to put raggs in it but that didnt help.he found out that a new beetle cap fit it so he went to the dealer to buy one. they didnt have any in stock. and would take one off one of the cars in the showroom. so he bought one and took the cap off. then trew them the keys back.

hes the man
Not bad for an oil cap

Just saw a couple of Porsches, Ferrari and an F40 running the streets here in Miami, turned into the Port maybe to ship them back home.
yeah alot of people stayed an extra week i only stayed an extra day.

the koenigsegg driver got sent to the imigration office in miami because he left his passport in the lambo
gumball rally 2003

Thanks for the pics. Those were some awesome cars. I would of loved to have been there.

there was a article in the California section of the LA times. You could read about it on

where can I get the gumball rally 2002 DVD?

My friend linked me to this because I got a video of it on Kazaa and I fell in love with it. Ill keep my Kazaa on for a few days, cause I dont think that many people have it, but search for Mischief 3000 and download parts 1 and 2. It has some great vidoes tracking the cars all across the countries. It mainly watches the cars that are driving faster and having more fun, in the beginning it also tells you about Gumball and what the point of it is. The whole thing is filmed from a Yellow m3 that is NASTY

Anyways, dl it, the video is alot of fun to watch, takes a while, but definetly worth it.
Hey I'm really glad you took the time put these pics on the net. Plus I just got DSL so it didn't take forever to load so this was a very cool thread.