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GP-New Molded Carpet Kits On Sale Now! NSX-R type & 1500 series

Re: 1054 Caramel Carpet installed today with pictures

Andrew Warren said:

That was my car... And two months later, I'm still waiting for you to provide what you promised back in July: a correctly-sized passenger-side carpet piece, two floormats, and some extra carpet to cover the kick panels.

I can live with the heater vents flapping around under the dash and the unstiffened side pieces -- for the price, I don't expect OEM attention to detail -- but the gaping hole in the passenger-side carpet pisses me off so much that if you hadn't destroyed all my original carpet, yours would have been out of my car and in a dumpster weeks ago.

So... Are you planning to send those pieces sometime?


Hi Tom,

As you know I was one of apparently numerous people that recieved the incorrect pax side carpet and have been waiting for you to ship the correct piece. You have told me on more than one occasion that it has shipped and told me as recently as Sunday that you would have a tracking number to me first thing Monday morning when I had told you the previous Wed. that I was ready to just ship it all out if I didn't receive the correct pieces by Friday, as I was tired of jacking with this. I never received the tracking number monday and nothing today as of 6:00pm central time Tuesday. Either it has shipped or hasn't shipped and either you have a tracking number or you dont.

One things I would like to know from other members that received the wrong pieces, have y'all received the correct piece or is just me and Andrew the only two still waiting on the correct pieces and extra material for the panels?
Wanted to post a follow up that I received my tracking number today from Tom. Replacement pieces shipping out today.

Cantrell Concepts said:
Here are some pics of the ivory carpet. The color is just a shade darker than stock. I think it matches great and the quality is much improved from stock. This carpet is much more plush than the stock carpet. The small triangle in the 3rd pic is the stock carpet to give an idea of the color difference, very slight. I would definately consider this as nice upgrade for the interior. Thanks Tom for providing a much needed product.

Regards, Will

Hi, I was just looking at the 3rd picture of your new carpet. I was wondering if the plastic guides(one from each side of the carpet)from the original carpets were taken out and used on the new carpets? If not, I recommend using them again on the new carpets. They will make the carpets more "edgy" /more flushed on the sides.
Thank you Tom for addressing my issues.
Pics of the completed project below: installed carpets and kick panels, matching mats and red vents.



Looks great! You should be happy now :)

By the way, you have the version 1 Zetoolman's sub right? I see that there is slightly more leg room in my car. Not much more though.
NSXROC said:

Looks great! You should be happy now :)

By the way, you have the version 1 Zetoolman's sub right? I see that there is slightly more leg room in my car. Not much more though.

Thank you Donny and my1stnsx,

Yes, I'm quite pleased with the products and do have the v.1 of the sub.
If you have v.2, Tom's passenger half-mat probably fits better.
Re: 1054 Caramel Carpet installed today with pictures

Andrew Warren said:

.... two months later, I'm still waiting for you to provide what you promised back in July: a correctly-sized passenger-side carpet piece, two floormats, and some extra carpet to cover the kick panels.


Another week has passed, and I'm still waiting to hear from you.

KKT... setup looks great... which carpet series are you running?
JDMnsxR said:
KKT... setup looks great... which carpet series are you running?

Thank you JDMnsxR,

The carpet is the standard 1500 Series in #1016 Red.
The mats are also #1016 Red with Red Surging and Logo.
Re: 1054 Caramel Carpet installed today with pictures

Andrew Warren said:
two months later, I'm still waiting....
Andrew Warren said:
Another week has passed....


It's been another week. How about shooting me a PM or an email, or calling me, or SHIPPING MY GODDAMN CARPET, YOU UNTRUSTWORTHY BASTARD.

Thanks so much.

Re: 1054 Caramel Carpet installed today with pictures

Andrew Warren said:

It's been another week. How about shooting me a PM or an email, or calling me, or SHIPPING MY GODDAMN CARPET, YOU UNTRUSTWORTHY BASTARD.

Thanks so much.



Let’s set the record straight for all of the NSX Prime members you pompous, arrogant, ungrateful, stuck up, rude, deceiving, ass!

First you fail to mention to everyone that your carpet was SUPPLIED and INSTALLED for FREE. This installed as a final testing for the carpet to make sure the PAYING customers received the highest quality, best fitting aftermarket carpet available. You my friend were a volunteering guinnipig brought to me by your friend Mark Johnson from Dali Racing. To which he (Mark) has become MIA in this fiasco.

If you think for one minute that your public cries for some kind of restitution are going to impact my sales or create some sort of sympathy from these members you are sadly mistaken for several reasons.

First and for most you only joined this community of real NSX enthusiast to cry about how you got something for free and how I haven’t stopped helping hard working paying customers get there orders before you get your free set of floor mats. Opps, I am sorry you failed to mention to everyone that you volunteered for and got your carpet for free.

Second, you did not join this community to contribute or give to the NSX community; you only joined to use this forum for your own selfish benefit. If you think that these members don’t realize that fact you are very ignorant. You are dealing with a very intelligent and intellectual group of NSX owners. So much so that business has actually increased due to your posts. This due to your refreshing of the topic of this GB to the top of the list and second because people are calling just to find out from me what your problem really is. Once I tell them that you are bitching about getting your free set of mats, they laugh and place their order for carpet and floor mats.

One of the reasons I delayed posting this for so long was, I was trying to give Mark the benefit of the doubt since he was your friend, while John at Revenge Motorsports and I spent that whole day installing your carpet, you all went to Starbuck’s and reminisced about old times with each other, and let him rain you in before making an ass of yourself in front of this NSX community. We all see the outcome of that delay. No word from Mark. What a surprise!

In conclusion I will say this. Andrew, go “F” yourself. In addition Mark Johnson and Dali Racing will not be selling this carpet line anymore. Instead I have been asked to supply the professionals at Science of Speed and of course Bill at Leatherseats.com with the carpet for retail sales to the NSX Community. All in the name of quality customer support.

I want to thank the NSX Community for their continued support in my business and want to extend my gratitude for their continued patronage during this unfortunate public display of arrogance.
Last edited:
Re: 1054 Caramel Carpet installed today with pictures

MovIt-USA said:
you fail to mention to everyone that your carpet was SUPPLIED and INSTALLED for FREE. This installed as a final testing for the carpet to make sure the PAYING customers received the highest quality, best fitting aftermarket carpet available. You my friend were a volunteering guinnipig brought to me by your friend Mark Johnson from Dali Racing.


It's nice to finally hear from you. I hope I won't have to write "untrustworthy bastard" every time I want you to reply to a post...

You've left out a few important details:

1. You destroyed my old carpet during the install. If I could take your carpet out of my car now and put my old carpet back in, I'd do that in a heartbeat... Hell, I'd even send your "free" carpet pieces back to you. I can't do that, though, because you tore up my old carpet and set fire to portions of it, then threw the remaining pieces away.

2. You broke all the mounting posts off my heater vents and kept (or threw away) the plastic stiffening pieces from my old carpet... So even if I were to buy a whole new set of carpet from you now, it couldn't be cleanly installed.

3. This is the important one: After you installed your kit in my car and you saw all the problems with it, you said you'd send me a passenger-side piece to replace the one that you didn't know was cut for a non-stock NSX, the two floormats that you'd forgotten to bring along that day, and some extra carpet to cover the spots that your kit didn't already include. I'm not asking for anything more than what you said you'd send.

Tom, you're a businessman; you wouldn't give your product away for free without getting something in return, right? Your offer was a free carpet set in return for me driving down to San Diego from San Jose so you could do the final test-fit of your kit. I did my part, which enabled you to discover the problems with your kit before shipping it to customers. I simply want you to keep your end of the bargain.

Mine was the first stock NSX install you'd done, so I expected issues like the heater vents and the side-stiffening -- and I was ok with driving around for a few weeks with a big gaping hole in my car's carpet, since of course you had plenty of anxious customers who'd been waiting a long time for their carpet sets.

What I'm not ok with is waiting two and a half months with no contact from you at all, followed by:

MovIt-USA said:
Andrew, go “F” yourself.
That just seems unprofessional to me.

Anyway, all I want is a 1054 passenger-side piece that's cut for the stock NSX, some scraps of 1054 carpet for the kickpanels, and two 1054 floormats with same-color serging. That's no more and no less -- except for the installation cost I'll have to pay -- than what you originally offered in return for the use of my car.

Not to get in the middle of something between you two, but, I'd like some Ivory floor mats. Not the carpet. Not yet anyhow. I steam-cleaned mine and it's looking pretty good. But I would like to change out the black floor mats I've got with some nice Ivory ones. Just let me know how much. Thanks.
10Blade said:
Not to get in the middle of something between you two, but, I'd like some Ivory floor mats. Not the carpet. Not yet anyhow. I steam-cleaned mine and it's looking pretty good. But I would like to change out the black floor mats I've got with some nice Ivory ones. Just let me know how much. Thanks.

Just give me a call tomorrow (Monday). :)

I sent you an email after I talked to you on the phone giving my address and contact info like you instructed.
Did you get a chance to send out the replacement passenger side type r red carpet for me?

Matthew Lee
Thanks Tom!

Your service is just as good as your product.
I will post pics of my interior once it is completed.
Hi Tom and everyone!

I got today my nsx-R style #5010 black carpets and floormats.
I really recomenned this priduct also to other :smile:
It's looks awesome!
(I post some pictures later)

Service was also good all the time :)

I just can't wait to get opportunity to go my summerhouse/carage to istall it to my nsx :wink:

Friendly yours:
Just received the passenger side replacement (I believe...haven't opened the box yet).
Thanks Tom