Got into an accident Thursday night

I just heard from the body shop, they had the car on the laser measurement rack yesterday, and the car is well within factory tollerances, to quote the body guy working on the car "the frame is perfect".

The collision was at slow speed, but given the aluminum construction of the car, and the presence of a curb (albeit a fragile, asphalt curb), it was a concern - now the car has been given a seal of approval. The process involves hanging several laser targets at various points on the suspension, and measuring these points to the mm, while comparing them with values provided by Honda.

The car will need a replacement front left fender, replacement left rear suspension, and replacement front right suspension. Also, the two rear wheels will need to have their lips replaced, and the front bumper lip is destroyed - I have a replacement en route.

Repair should be straight forward, completed in the next 1-2 weeks.

I received a letter from my adjuster, listing the driver (me) as 100% at fault - I was told I could appeal this decision within 30 days, although I get the impression my adjuster wants this to be an open/shut case. I intend to forward these pictures, along with a description of the accident, in the hope they will receive adequate consideration - to say this hazard is 0% at fault seems rediculous to me, also, perhaps some sort of fault assigned to the sprinker could get a work crew out there to actually FIX the problem?
Another update, I sent an appeal to my insurance company, and am waiting on a response, I spoke with a supervisor there, who insisted they're investigating the situation.

As far as the repair, I went by the body shop 2 weeks ago, a few days after my last post, and was told they were waiting for a shop to rebuild my axle. Apparently, they're required to either rebuild, or replace, all moving parts, so I could not source a used axle to speed the process up, and the shop that is doing the rebuilding had difficulty sourcing parts. When I spoke with the shop 2 weeks ago I was told the car would be done in a matter of days once this part arrived.

Last week I went by the shop again, and the story was more or less the same, at this stage the car is inside of their shop, on the 'speciality rack', taking up space, so I gather its somewhat of a priority. The story was the same as far as the axle. As for the rear wheels, replacement lips have been ordered from BBS, and the "wheel repair guy" will pick them up as soon as the lips come in. I have an additional set of wheels, so this is not as much of a priority for me.

Today I called at 3PM, and was told the axle had arrived just minutes before I called, and the repair can now go forward. I asked the body shop if the car would be done next week, and they said they hope so, but cannot commit to a timetable. They said once the axle was installed, the car can come off of the rack, and the body work can commence (replacement of the front lip, side skirts, front left fender, paint).

Here are pictures of the car in the body shop's lot:




And this one is earlier, but shows the main area of damage; the reason for this sick-looking angle are bent control arms, from the curb:


As for the insurance company (wawanesa), they're organized as follows:
-There is a mobile adjuster who deals with the customer, and the body shop
-There is a person at wawanesa who deals with the mobile adjuster, and cuts checks

So, the mobile adjuster should be 'bird dogging' the body shop, keeping me updated, and forwarding the necessary information to the check-cutter at wawanesa.

This is not what has occurred; I have been calling all three people, the body shop, mobile adjuster, and check cutter, over the last few weeks, keeping everyone updated on the status of my repair. I have helped the body shop source some parts for the repair, and must deal with the check cutter for my reimbursement; the body shop has sent the mobile adjuster estimates, but these never arrived with the insurance company, so I had the body shop resend them, and also picked up a physical copy myself. After a while, I received a call from a supervisor at wawanesa, and we had a productive talk regarding my repair - she said she would call the mobile adjuster directly afterwards and get an update on the status of my car from him, based on the info I had provided. Since then, its been two weeks of me dealing only with the body shop, as they waited for the axle.

The main delay has been waiting for parts for the car, but another substantial delay was caused while my car waited to go on the frame measurement rack; because the mobile adjuster took two days to get back in touch with the body shop, another car went on before mine, and I had to wait for that car to be repaired before I could have my car measured; I believe this was a 2 or 3 week delay.

We're coming up on almost two months since I drove up the Pico ave onramp, and I am somewhat psyched at the prospect of my car being finally repaired in the next week. I have some aftermarket parts ready to go on immediately, and will finally be able to have the car retuned.
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The main delay has been waiting for parts for the car, but another substantial delay was caused while my car waited to go on the frame measurement rack; because the mobile adjuster took two days to get back in touch with the body shop, another car went on before mine, and I had to wait for that car to be repaired before I could have my car measured; I believe this was a 2 or 3 week delay.

A frame rack is a very expensive and job specific device and IMO not something you put a car on and leave there.
Generally you set up the vehicle, measure, dissemble as needed to make your pulls, make the pulls and corrections, record them and get the car off.

Tying up a bench or using it for a work station for something other than what it is actually designed to do is not very efficient.
A frame rack is a very expensive and job specific device and IMO not something you put a car on and leave there.
Generally you set up the vehicle, measure, dissemble as needed to make your pulls, make the pulls and corrections, record them and get the car off.

Tying up a bench or using it for a work station for something other than what it is actually designed to do is not very efficient.

The car that was on the frame rack before mine, that caused the delay, required frame straightening, so it was on there for some time. My car was on the frame rack for perhaps a day, so they could remove some suspension components, in order to hang laser targets, I believe it has been moved to a "workstation" rack now, but it's one that is specialized towards lower cars.

Perhaps poorly phrased in my last post, but the important part is that work is going forward, all of the required parts are on hand, and the car should be back on the road shortly. The body shop doing the repair has been very professional, I am disappointed with the performance of my insurance company, which has led to some delays with my repair, but I can imagine several situations where I could be significantly worse-off.
Hey John,

Sorry that it's taking so long for the car. Hope to see it at the next South Coast Acura Meet. I'll be wearing your old SSR rims. Thanks. again, and hope everything goes well with your car.