Got into an accident Thursday night

27 November 2005
SoCal ✈ Vegas
I had some work done on my 1994 nsx on Wednesday/Thursday, and took the car out Thursday night for about an hour, before a tuning appointment Friday morning.

It was a clear night, and I was going home from San Clemente, when I got into an accident on the onramp; Basically, the onramp consists of a sweeping right turn from Pico Ave. onto the I-5 freeway; at the end of this right hand turn, by the signal light, there was just a wall of water, caused by a broken high-pressure sprinkler, that hit the car like a fire hose. As soon as the water hit the car the rear end broke loose, towards the left, I steered towards the left, started to recover, but then the car snapped to the right; I started to steer towards the right, but ended up off the road, up a curb, and on the hill towards the right of the car. There wasn't a full rotation, only a half-rotation, onto the curb; speed was around 40mph. If there was an additional lane, or some run off, on the right, likely everything would have been in order, but its a 2-lane relatively narrow onramp, bounded by curbs and vegetation.

Here is an illustration of the accident:



Not much distance was traveled, after the accident I called 911 right away, then watched for 3 minutes as two other cars nearly lost it on the same patch of water, a Honda Accord, and a Mitsubishi Eclipse. After 3 minutes the sprinklers turned off, and a passer-by helped me push the car off of the hill, and onto the road surface. I started the car up, pointed it in the correct direction, and 15 minutes later the CHP showed up, after the sprinklers had turned off. I got the impression the officers didn't realize the large amount of water being sprayed onto the road surface, as they said it was the same as a small pool of water, and equated it to a 'sudden down pour', saying I should have been able to adjust my speed to avoid an accident. They insisted I must have been going too fast for the onramp, and said the existence of the hazard was irrelevant to my accident; the car basically broke loose as soon as it hit the water, I was going straight ahead at this point, after having made the turn onto the onramp.

Here are some additional pictures:


Here is the sprinkler in question, its hard to get a feel for the amount of water, but this picture is from approx 15 feet away:


Here is the aftermath... the lip is destroyed, the front left fender is bent/destroyed from the wheel slamming upwards into it, the front fender liners are trash, and the right rear wheel seems like it may be askew - not really sure what the extent of the damage is until I can have it inspected tomorrow:






The most important thing, I came away uninjured, the new safety systems seem to have done well in this accident, I was calling '911' within seconds of the car stopping, and physically am 100%; I am optimistic of the car's condition, it runs fine, wasn't leaking any fluids, and remarkably the wheels have no visible bends. :frown:
Also, the tow truck driver mentioned he had pulled 2 other cars in the last MONTH from this same location, this sprinker has been broken for this amount of time, and he claims he contacted a cal trans team several weeks ago about this EXACT sprinkler, and they have done nothing. I asked the CHP officers if they would have the sprinkler fixed, and they said they would 'mention it to somebody' - I intend to return tomorrow, at the same time as the sprinklers are enabled, and take some proper pictures with a dSLR.

The tow truck driver said he contacted Cal Trans after getting hit with the same wall of water, and almost getting into an accident in his tow truck.
im so sorry john,
you put a lot of time, work sweat and tears into this car.

its shocking, because i just saw your red car this morning at ramons in good shape.
when i read this i thought it was your black nsx, but scrolled down to see the red one :frown:

lip can be replaced and wheel can be repaired.
glad youre ok.

i guess pictures these days arent cutting it as proof.
does your iphone do video?
im so sorry john,
you put a lot of time, work sweat and tears into this car.

its shocking, because i just saw your red car this morning at ramons in good shape.
when i read this i thought it was your black nsx, but scrolled down to see the red one :frown:

lip can be replaced and wheel can be repaired.
glad youre ok.

i guess pictures these days arent cutting it as proof.
does your iphone do video?

I was over there most of the afternoon, I arrived shortly after you dropped your car off, and left around 6:30PM - this accident occurred at 10:35PM; I am worried about what damage has been done to the suspension; I was very worried when I saw a huge oil slick down the length of the flat bed, but the tow truck driver insisted this was from his previous charge, and I saw nothing dripping from my car. I will not know the true extent of the damage until tomorrow, I know the front left fender is creased, and the bumper is sitting askew - not sure if this is a result of physical damage, or mounting locations.

The iphone takes decent pictures, but there are no lights on this onramp, and the iphone does not have a flash; it does not take video, I wish I had a camcorder in the car, the accident lasted a few seconds at most. :frown:
Sorry to hear about this. I was also there and saw how nice your car had transformed. I am glad you are safe. It could have been a lot worst. Lets hope there wasn't any major suspension damage. I would follow up on a complaint with the city regarding this sprinkler. If the tow truck can vouch for you i recommend taking it to the city with proof and evidence that the sprinkler has been neglected and hopefully they can compensate you for the damage done to your car. Hope it works out man! Good luck!
40mph! Glad you are ok. car looks totally fixable and in good shape. Sucks about the cop and his poor assumption on what happened. looking at the car he summed it up in his head. hope you didn't get a ticket.
Sorry to hear. Sounds like you went into recovery mode and just did the best you could at that point. The damage doesn't look too bad thou.

All things considered it sounds like they are skirting liability. The DOT is responsible for taking care of the road hazard, and it sounds like they were negligent. Obviously they were well aware of the issue, especially given the other prior incidents. They choose not to address it. From what you are saying they didn't even block off the hazard area at your scene.

With these types of situations you have to be extra vigilant so you don't get dinged. Have the tow driver help get you in contact with the other parties. Start to collect evidence, build a case, and hire a lawyer to stick the complaint in nice letter head to the state. Include a formal estimate for your damages and flat out ask that they pay for it.

You might be surprised, they may well just roll on it and pay for the damages up front and/or your insurer might press on if you want to go that way.
40mph! Glad you are ok. car looks totally fixable and in good shape. Sucks about the cop and his poor assumption on what happened. looking at the car he summed it up in his head. hope you didn't get a ticket.

He gave me two choices; have him write a report, which would list me as being at fault, and would result in a ticket, or have him not write a report, have the car towed, and not get a ticket. He said if I do file a claim with insurance, and they want a report, I have up to 30 days to go to the police station and have a report created, which would list me at fault, and would result in a ticket.

This sprinkler is a massive hazard, I can't believe it has been allowed to cause trouble for this huge length of time, on an onramp with no lighting, and virtually no warning until you're getting hit with water. I think this is comparable to when a pot hole damages a wheel, and the city is made to pay for the repair cost of the wheel - just as the pothole is a hazard, this broken sprinkler, shooting a huge jet of water onto oncoming cars, is a huge safety hazard. I can't understand why nobody seems to consider fixing it a priority, perhaps because its only a hazard for a few minutes each day :confused:
WOW! That sucks................
I live 1/2 mile from that on ramp (used daily since I was 16 / 1976)
But typically do to not go north at 10:30pm.
Have not noticed the water but will keep my eyes open. Have you talked to the City? Or your ins. co for advice? Could you take better photos showing the hazard? Might help explain the situation better.
Able to get any names / dates of other cars owners the tow truck driver towed from that "hazard"?
I'm sorry to hear about that. I've really enjoyed watching all of the work you've put into your car over the years. I know it hurts now to look at the damage (luckily it is pretty minor), but she'll be as good as new shortly!

What kind of ticket would you get if you request a report?
WOW! That sucks................
I live 1/2 mile from that on ramp (used daily since I was 16 / 1976)
But typically do to not go north at 10:30pm.
Have not noticed the water but will keep my eyes open. Have you talked to the City? Or your ins. co for advice? Could you take better photos showing the hazard? Might help explain the situation better.
Able to get any names / dates of other cars owners the tow truck driver towed from that "hazard"?

I am going back at the same time today (Friday) to take pictures with a proper camera; this occurred at 10:35PM Thursday, so I have not had much time to do anything aside from kick myself for getting into an accident.

The CHP officer suggested I determine the extent of the damage, decide whether or not I should contact my insurance company, and then, depending on what the insurance company suggests, decide whether or not to request a police report.

I'm sorry to hear about that. I've really enjoyed watching all of the work you've put into your car over the years. I know it hurts now to look at the damage (luckily it is pretty minor), but she'll be as good as new shortly!

What kind of ticket would you get if you request a report?

The CHP officer kept saying "if we write a report we will need to submit it to the DMV, and you will receive a point on your license, which will cause your insurance rates to go up", they did not say what this point would be for, only that I would receive one if I wanted them to write a report.

The CHP officer did not seem to feel the massive amount of water spraying onto the unlit on-ramp was in any way responsible for the accident.
Sorry about your car.:eek: Hopefully it won't have a lot of damage. Looks like the lip took the brunt of it. Sounds like you have a good case, good luck!
Hope it all works out. At least your in beautiful SOCAL:smile:
Glad to hear you are not injured and the car can be fixed.

Have considered contacting a local tv station reporting the problem and how much it is a safety hazard ?
Glad to hear you are not injured and the car can be fixed.

Have considered contacting a local tv station reporting the problem and how much it is a safety hazard ?

exactly,if you have local tv and newspapers they should have a crime stoppers section and might want to hear about this:wink:
John if you want me to cruise down with you as a "witness" or whatever let me know. I can probably find the time tonight.

Sorry to see the pics.. like Erick said I was hoping it was the black one. :frown:
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It looks like I need replacement left rear upper/lower control arms, if anybody knows of a rear suspension being parted out let me know.

Also, I need a driver-side front fender (there is a red one on ebay), a rear 18x9.0 BBS LM, a new front lip, and some creativity with the front bumper... an expensive off-road excursion :redface:
Dude, sorry to hear about the accident man. Looks like the damage isn't terminal. Hope you get the ride back up and running ASAP. :smile:
like Erick said I was hoping it was the back one. :frown:

I was hoping to see a bad joke with a picture of an upside down toy nsx :tongue:

It's worth repeating, this accident could have been much worse, if another car had been following behind me, if I had been blinded by the water and hit another car, etc. etc. etc. - the car appears to be a straight forward fix, and the new safety devices (seats, roll bar, harnesses) worked great, I was held in place, and have no ill effects, no soreness, etc. - perhaps this emphasizes the fact that this was not the result of high speed, but rather low speed, lots of water, and no TCS... also, close to the wear bars S03's.
John -

Very sorry to read about his unfortunate incident but I'm glad you're ok. Cars can be fixed, people are a much more difficult proposition.

I live in Dana Point and not too far from that onramp. We're in San Clemente nearly every weekend and while I've not seen the sprinkler in question, I can readily see how that combination could be problematic.

I hope your car gets fixed quickly and this soon becomes a distant memory. Moreover, I'm just glad you're ok.
40mph! Glad you are ok. car looks totally fixable and in good shape. Sucks about the cop and his poor assumption on what happened. looking at the car he summed it up in his head. hope you didn't get a ticket.

This could have been worst, the other cars behind could have lost control and slammed into your car. The pictures show slight damage, but should be fixable without too much $$.

The CHP's are always assuming and stereotyping. With a highly modified car like ours and the rear wing, they automatically assume "Speeding". That's B.S. You should be compensated by the county/city for the damages.

Everyone walked away okay. That's more important.
Sorry to hear what happened. Can't say I am surprised by the response, but sounds like one of their scare tactic of shifting responsibility and minimize paper work on their part. If you decide to proceed with filing the damage charge against the city, get the officer's names/badge ID in your documents to show their negligence in handling the situation as well.

I thought we're paying our taxes to have these guys help us, and not try to scare us or bully us around.

The CHP officer kept saying "if we write a report we will need to submit it to the DMV, and you will receive a point on your license, which will cause your insurance rates to go up", they did not say what this point would be for, only that I would receive one if I wanted them to write a report.

The CHP officer did not seem to feel the massive amount of water spraying onto the unlit on-ramp was in any way responsible for the accident.
Sorry to hear about your accident. At least you are OK. It sucks when people (in this case: CHP officer) make assumptions without any investigation.:confused: :frown: :mad: Let us know which path you are choosing to march down. I think the city (or is it CalTrans) is responsible for the high pressure sprinkler; especially whe you are not the only one that had an accident there. Good luck on putting all the pieces back together.
get the statement from the tow-truck driver, get the pictures and sue the m-effers for damages and endangerement. you should throw in the chp for a good measure.