I just passed my hunderdth post! ok, now that that's out of the way.
I'm not someone that goes to the track a lot (yet) because I can't afford the costs involved. Street and freeway driving are of chief importance to me. Most of my fun is had in 1st and 2nd gear. I've never been able to redline in third around here. Too much traffic. There are some windy roads here in LA like Sepulveda and Laurel Canyon with light traffic on weekends. Even then I have to watch the speed because cops are everywhere. As of a couple days ago, they were ordered to give out 25% more tickets during the next year.
What is my point? 2nd gear acceleration is important to me so I'm becoming set on doing this gear/r&p deal. However, I don't have 6K to blow on all this work. Therefore, I can't do a 6 speed conversion or a Jap. 5speed and 4.55 R&P plus flywheel. My car already has an RM clutch.
I am forced to fit within a $2-3K max budget. That makes the Jap5speed and 4.235 a possibility, maybe add the flywheel if I have a bit extra cash. I see the gears are 800 and the 4.235 is 900 from RM. I'm hoping with work I can fit that in a $2500 budget. Larry will hook me up.
OR, I can go with a straight 4.55R&P and stock gears. Remember, street driving 80 and below is where it's at for me until I can afford the track. When I can afford that, I'll be able to afford some more gearing changes too.
I've seen the numbers. Any personal opinions or suggestions on which may be a better combo. Or is there a third variable I am missing I can consider in that budget? I would love the 4.55 R&P and the gears, but that would put me past 3K and closer to 4K.
I am hoping to get a good deal on the gears and R&P plus work and stay in the low 2Ks.
I'm still doing headers which is key, because I already have exhaust and intake, so that is were the rest of some money is going. I'm also fiddling with some cost effective weight reduvction ideas like
-100lbs. for AC.
For my specific uses, any suggestions on which of my two options, or a third, would be a good idea within my aformentoined budget. That $450/month college payment hurts.
Now that I have all this information, and know my budget, I need to make a decision which gearing combo to go with.