Ferrari 348ts and Acura Nsx

Originally posted by ALLAN:

Netviper, The Diablo on Nos, will not have a problem with a stock Pagani. The Pagani is awesome, it is the only car i would choose over the Murcielago.

The Pagani wiped out the Murci on the track by 6 seconds. I would say your diablo would have a hell of a time beating that even with NOS.
If you watch that video, youll see that the biggest amount of time lost in the Murcielago was off the line, as they did not drop the clutch. Ill run a stock Murcielago in my car all day long without my nos. With the nos, ill destroy a Murcielago. The Pagani also runs 125 in the quarter, at which point, ill be waving bye bye to it, rather easily. Do some power to weight numbers.
Originally posted by ALLAN:
If you watch that video, youll see that the biggest amount of time lost in the Murcielago was off the line,

Allan, I agree that the straight mile race would be much closer if they launched the lambo properly. I watched the video you referred to as a "proper" launch and it would definetly make a difference. I still think the Pagani would win on the murci.

BUT, i am not talking about a straight line, I am talking about the road course where the lambo got destroyed. Six seconds is huge!

One question allan.. why does the murci weigh so much? R&T has it at over 4000 lbs!
I agree that on a road course the Pagani would surely win. I dont really care that much for roadcourses though, since im not a race driver, the biggest race ill ever get into will be on the street in a short straightline.

4000pds for the murci is high, they must include all fluids and driver.
Originally posted by ALLAN:

4000pds for the murci is high, they must include all fluids and driver.

Hi Allan, and every body.

Congrats for your 348 which seems to be in a mint condition.

About the Lambo's weight they are for sure heavy ( this is what I felt driving it... ) and I also read on the 6,0 liter door a 1900 kg on a sticker...
( around 4200 lbs ) is that right?

Do you think that Diablo resale price is going to drop considering the new Murciélago, the coming of baby Lambo @ 500 hp and the new Viper?

Personnally I much more prefer the Diablo look ( but maybe I should look at the new one live and see what's in real... ). Consequently is there a significant amount of Lambo fans sharing the same opinion about the Diablo look vs the Murciélago look?

I don't know if you receive my last e-mail
( a few weeks ago... ) but about your friend's Diablo for sale do you have some pic? you can e mail me about it...
Hey Effer, i dont remember an email from you,but my friend sold his Diablo. The stickers in the door are not accurate.

The Lambos are definately heavy, but have the power to overcome the disadvantage.

I dont think the new Vipers arrival will have any impact on Diablo prices.

Im pretty sure that Diablo prices will continue to fall alittle with the intro of the new model.

See the Murcielago in person, it is awesome.
I have seen the murci in person.. it looks great.. but the Diablo 6.0 also looks totally amazing... tough call.. Though the top gear review says the murci is easily the best lambo ever made and better than any current ferrari..
Good luck with the 348 Allan. I've always thought that was a great design. I personally prefer the 355, but I don't think you can go wrong either way.

I do find it amazing, reading through this thread, how many people can make absolute statements about what someone else HAS to do with THEIR money =P
Hey, i figured out who you were after i saw your plate. Your car looks great, and sounds good with the exhaust also. Too bad it was so crowded or we could of staged a little run.
Damn, sorry I missed the Ferrari? I was distracted by a yellow 96 Diablo at the car show by me in Arrowhead. I snapped a pic of it here. Awesome machine...
Originally posted by ALLAN:
Hey, i figured out who you were after i saw your plate. Your car looks great, and sounds good with the exhaust also. Too bad it was so crowded or we could of staged a little run.

Ya, I was looking for an opening, but it wasn't gonna happen, it was nice when you blew by me real quick though.